My poor poor husband...

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Cat, May 10, 2004.

  1. Cat

    Cat Guest

    As the title says, my brand new fireblade is now missing an indicator and
    mirror on the right hand side.

    I am happy to say the hubby only suffered damage to his radial head on his
    elbow. No driving or riding for the next 6 weeks.

    Just when I had told him he could go out and buy his own bike!!

    What happened?

    The story according to hubby, right hand turn out of the street near our
    house, front wheel slipped on a piece of plastic and down he went. Not much
    he could have done about it.

    Of course the first question out of my mouth was : is the bike ok (reason
    for this being if he's calling me at least he's not half dead!) second
    question was : how are you?

    I was told he was fine and he was going to head home, luckily the nieghbour
    that attended the scene was an ICU nurse (much thanks to her) and she
    insisted on getting an ambalance to check him out.

    When i got the call at work saying honey i'm on the way to dandy hospital
    having a shot of morphine thats when i headed off to meet him. He wouldn't
    let me leave work until he knew where he was going.

    At the hospital after giving all details for him, i found him. Asking how
    the bike was and where it was I discovered it was parked on the street with
    the key in it!!! So off i pottered home to move the bike back to the garage
    and take the key out of it. When i found the bike our friendly nurse had put
    his gloves and helmet near her front door with a nice little note telling me
    that the key was in the glove of the least it wasn't parked on
    the street with the key in it.

    Needless to say i have unlimited use of the bike for the next 6 weeks, I
    don't have to share!!

    The bad news is that I have scratched fairgins (repaint required) new mirror
    required and new indicator required. Oh yeah and a sore in pain hubby in

    cbr954 03
    Cat, May 10, 2004
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  2. Cat

    Johnnie5 Guest


    ah going to work ??? , compo ;)

    someone round here might still have some yellow 954 bits
    Johnnie5, May 10, 2004
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  3. Cat

    R1100Smee Guest

    he hit his funny bone?
    glad to hear he is ok and bike is repairable.
    Tell him I can now come and complete that anal probe I owe him:)
    R1100Smee, May 10, 2004
  4. Cat

    atec Guest

    atec, May 10, 2004
  5. Cat

    JustAL Guest

    Not the blade



    JustAL, May 10, 2004
  6. Bah. With Honda's keen pricing of late, plenty more where that one came
    Intact Kneeslider, May 10, 2004
  7. Cat

    glitch1 Guest

    Since Dale's ok......sorry to hear about the blade!
    The guy at Montrose Panels some some sweet paintjobs (and
    If needed, gimme a hoy.
    glitch1, May 10, 2004
  8. Cat

    Marty H Guest

    I know someone, for say, a small fee, will drop Dale of the back of a moving
    trailer and wite him off so you you can claim a new husband on insurance
    no budgie for him...12 months!!!!!
    sure!!!! hard, cold tyres :p
    did the bike answer back?

    all freggin heart you are
    will you have to turn the pages for him then??

    seriously, glad he is OK, claim the bike on insurance, that what is there

    Marty H, May 10, 2004
  9. Cat

    corks Guest


    corks, May 10, 2004
  10. Cat

    conehead Guest

    Glad he's ok.

    Tell him that's what happens when men ride girls bikes.

    "Because they *thought* they where smart and could go fowards easily, after
    not to bad a show first year out,they perhaps have changed to much and now
    putting it all back again ?"
    Hatz, in gibberish mode, again.
    conehead, May 10, 2004
  11. Cat

    TB Guest

    Glad to hear the bugger's ok. Now Goofry wont feel so bad for its few
    TB, May 10, 2004
  12. Cat

    knobdoodle Guest

    I hope he and his big radial head recover speedily!
    knobdoodle, May 10, 2004
  13. Cat

    Dale Porter Guest

    Nah. Not too hard. Was only going a max speed of 20 km/h and in a straight line. Was on the brakes
    approaching a T intersection. Just before the junction the coucil have those very pretty (and farken
    smooth and slippery) brick pavers in the road. Front wheel went onto a piece of plastic and slid out
    bloody quickly.

    Elbow hit the ground first, and I have sheared the radial head. Doctor says it should heal just fine
    on it's own, but it'll be bloody painful wih any movement. Boy he didn't need to tell me that. The
    3-4 hits of morphine did sweet fa to dull the pain. No driving or riding for 6 weeks. :-(

    TAC is gonna cover the medicals and I'm glad we have ambo membership. Might have to get together
    with the ICU nurse that lives at that intersection and try and get the coucil to get rid of those
    bloody pavers. We've been saying for ages they're a hazard.

    And we're not going to bother with claiming on the insurance at this stage. Damage to the bike is
    Dale Porter, May 10, 2004
  14. Cat

    Moike Guest

    So... you going to pillion him to Wintersun?
    Insured? Get it fixed.

    Not insured? fix the mirror, and leave the fairing in case he has
    another ride on it.....


    (Commiserations Dale. Try to be brave.)
    Moike, May 10, 2004
  15. Cat

    Dale Porter Guest

    We were discussing WS. We'll either have Cat ride and me pillion, or if we ride with a group of
    others on the Friday ask if someone else minds me pillioning with them as Cat would be very nervy
    about carrying me with my weight compared to hers.
    Dale Porter, May 10, 2004
  16. Cat

    R1100Smee Guest

    Don't tell me about elbows
    try dislocating the radial head altogether and have it pop back in:)
    6 weeks recovery as well.
    But I did it playing soccer:)
    Glad to hear you are ok Dale I feel your pain.
    R1100Smee, May 10, 2004
  17. Cat

    Nev.. Guest

    TAC will pay the ambulance bill.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., May 10, 2004
  18. Cat

    Stuart Thyer Guest luck would have it, you have a bike to yourself and an only slightly
    injured but conveniently incapacitated hubby. Grab the keys, it's time for a
    nice big ride. Mind you, it's a bugger for Dale trying to open tin cans one

    Dale. Heal thyself, all the best

    Stuart T
    Stuart Thyer, May 10, 2004
  19. Cat

    glitch1 Guest

    Yeah, them old crossply-heads could take for more of a bump than them
    newfangled ones...

    glitch1, May 10, 2004
  20. Cat

    Knobdoodle Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    Dale Porter wrote;
    when I did my radial head (Hey; it's a bike group.... SOMEONE's gonna have
    already had done it!) the Doctor said "If you were a sportsman we'd pin it
    and get you back quickly but I think for you we'll just let it heal
    naturally........" and now I've got a right elbow that won't straighten and
    clicks and cracks (sometimes very painfully) when I use it. (I also ride
    wonkily with one elbow stuck out in the breeze.)
    I'd recommend that you make sure he's not just recommending that to make HIS
    life easier; not yours!
    Good luck,
    Knobdoodle, May 11, 2004
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