My next Trip

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Ed Hart, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. Ed Hart

    Ed Hart Guest

    Ed Hart, Jan 28, 2008
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  2. Ed Hart

    louie Guest

    If the time of ''My next trip" is during the event - I'm OUT!

    louie, Jan 28, 2008
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  3. Ed Hart

    Ed Hart Guest

    Kitchen Pass Problems??????????????????????????
    Ed Hart, Jan 28, 2008
  4. Ed Hart

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'd be interested if it's summer and NOT during the event. It's likely
    if you go during the event you too would see why...
    Brian Walker, Jan 28, 2008
  5. Ed Hart

    bj_kana Guest

    ==That is Tim Morrow country.....hmmmmmm...sounds velly
    Well sorta, Morrow country.
    I just thought he stays a little higher up, like Virginie. But for an
    Actual Rider, that aint nothing but a ''Pie' Run'' for TimM., to come
    down and buy everybodys lunch..............Mr.JayT.
    bj_kana, Jan 28, 2008
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