My life story

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by linger, Sep 18, 2003.

  1. linger

    linger Guest

    For all the nosey buggers.
    There are some nice (BIG) pictures of my day at Rockingham at the end.
    It's my daughters site, but she does **** all with it.
    linger, Sep 18, 2003
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  2. linger

    dwb Guest

    I'm getting quite annoyed now... how is that you fat f*ckers can get your
    knee down so bloody easily yet I, who while not thin, is certainly not
    rotund, can only manage to lean the bike to silly angles and get nowhere


    *mutter mutter*
    dwb, Sep 19, 2003
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  3. linger

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    You don't stick your knee out. If you did your knee would touch down.

    Alan.T.Gower, Sep 19, 2003
  4. linger

    dwb Guest

    Yes, but it feels like I am - that's the thing - it could be the leathers
    but they aren't that tight - I just can't seem to pull my leg 'out' IYSWIM.
    I really could do with seeing some video of it TBH and then work from that.

    Very frustrating as, as you point out in the picture, the bike's leant far
    enough over by a long margin.
    dwb, Sep 19, 2003
  5. linger

    dwb Guest

    Thanks, that's as useful.. as a not particularly useful thing :)

    What was your solution then?
    dwb, Sep 19, 2003
  6. linger

    Steve Guest

    Round and round and round and round and round, hey presto! It helps if you
    can find a roundabout that isn't too busy, so you don't concern yourself
    with other road users entering the roundabout.
    Steve, Sep 19, 2003
  7. linger

    Alan.T.Gower Guest


    You need to pop over again.
    Alan.T.Gower, Sep 19, 2003
  8. linger

    dwb Guest

    That won't work - tried it.

    I'll just go round and round leaning the bike more and more until I a) get
    bored b) fall off.
    dwb, Sep 19, 2003
  9. linger

    dwb Guest

    Possibly - however I am still concerned that leaning the bike that much is
    going to end in tears one of these days :)
    dwb, Sep 19, 2003
  10. linger

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    With that type of thinking you will never get your kneedown.
    Alan.T.Gower, Sep 19, 2003
  11. linger

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    All you need to do is get your bum off the seat and stick out your knee.
    Confidence plays an important part.
    Alan.T.Gower, Sep 19, 2003
  12. linger

    dwb Guest

    Of course it's a ding when you only read one side of it :)
    dwb, Sep 19, 2003
  13. dwb wrote
    Then you my son are doing the right thing. Any wannabe can get his knee
    down but us *real* poseurs stay upright and put the bike over. If we
    didn't do that then our adoring public on the outside of the bend would
    not see us as we went round as our brilliant countenance would be hidden
    behind the bike.

    Knee downs. Kids! Don't do it.
    steve auvache, Sep 19, 2003
  14. linger

    dwb Guest

    Comfort is the main thing stopping me :)
    Not confidence.
    dwb, Sep 19, 2003
  15. linger

    dwb Guest

    Now I feel even worse.
    dwb, Sep 19, 2003
  16. Bear wrote
    Just giving the boy some advice.

    It is only easy for you to be critical because your suspension starts
    from *so* much lower down than everybody else's.
    steve auvache, Sep 19, 2003
  17. linger

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear fascinated us all by saying...
    He's not got his hearing aid in, you'll have to shout louder at the old

    ZZR1100D, GPZ500S, CB250RS
    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49, MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3, DFV#14.
    Url for ukrm newbies :
    Lozzo, Sep 19, 2003
  18. Bear wrote
    I am going to **** off as it goes but not cos you want it but because I
    have to go and sign on.

    It is a loverly day so I may be gone some time as I intend to have a
    little chug round the main dealers and see who is selling what in the
    way of bikes.

    Bubbling to the brim my ole pot is at the moment. I do hope it holds a
    good head this time though, I wouldn't mind experiencing a pleasant
    change for once in me life.
    steve auvache, Sep 19, 2003
  19. <suspicious>

    Is that anything to do with Lozzo's knob?



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Sep 19, 2003
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