My Last Day At Uni

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Thomas, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. Thomas

    Thomas Guest

    I told you about the motorcycle crash on my last day in the army (in
    Berlin.) I said, someday I'd tell you my other crash story. This is
    It was, duh, my last day at Uni. I rode my Honda 400 the 15 miles to
    school for my last exam. Stupidly, in those days, I didn't take
    cycling seriously and was wearing an open-face helmet, a ski sweater,
    jeans and sandals. Look, it was decades ago and I was totally clueless
    on 2 wheels. On my way home, I was on I8 in Mission Valley. I was
    doing ~5mph over the speed limit in the fast lane and passing a car
    just ahead of me to the right. A pickup truck came up behind me and
    started tail-gating. I figured, gimme a few seconds and I'll be out of
    your way, buddy.
    The next thing I know, he's pulling up beside me. The bushes in the
    center divider are thwapping his window and he's half in my lane. Then
    BAM! I go sideways, instant tankslapper, and I get launched. Flying
    through the air, time stopped and I remembered an article I'd read
    that said a common injury is broken wrist caused by people trying to
    break their fall when flying through the air. Amazing, how silly stats
    can be helpful. I landed, did a tuck and roll, and wound up between
    the middle 2 lanes of a busy freeway, at 2pm on a Friday. Traffic
    screeched to a halt. I scrambled to the side of the road, with people
    jumping of of their cars to help. A paramedic ambulance was going the
    other way, saw it and was on the scene in minutes. The CHP came, and
    before they took me to a hospital, they pointed at a man and asked if
    I knew him. "I've never seen him before." I spent the night in the
    hospital with major cuts and bruises, but nothing worse.
    It turned out, a retired cop was in the next lane and behind us. He
    saw the driver pull up, look over at me, then jerk the wheel towards
    me. He followed the guy and stopped him a mile down the road.
    The driver, Donovan Alan Leistico, was out on bail for murdering his
    wife. They were getting divorced, she wanted half the estate, and he
    said over your dead body. He bought a truck, didn't file the new
    registration, replaced the steel bumpers with wood ,had the windows
    tinted all round, and then called her at work one day. He said, I'll
    meet you at the house. On her way home, he ran her off the road, but
    she didn't crash. She got out of the car to confront him and he rammed
    her between the two vehicles. She fell down, he backed over her, and
    then he got stuck. He spun wheels trying to get free. Cars showed up.
    He told them to go find help. Then a cop showed up. The cop held the
    woman as she died. He asked Leistico what happened, didn't buy the
    story, and arrested him.
    He got out on bail and two months later he hit me. After that, he was
    out on bail again before I was out of the hospital. He was driving
    around for another 2 years, before the case came to trial. Eventually,
    he got 3 to 5 for assault with a deadly weapon on me, and life for the
    murder. I sued him and got $20k. I "retired" and bought a one-way
    ticket to the South Pacific. In Tahiti, I got a post card of naked
    babes on a beach, and wrote, "glad you're not here" on it, but then I
    figured, why give the bastard a pretty picture. As far as I know, he's
    still sitting in prison somewhere.
    Thomas, Apr 8, 2011
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  2. Thomas

    Nige Guest

    Nige, Apr 8, 2011
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  3. Thomas

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Worth a read.
    Colin Irvine, Apr 8, 2011
  4. Thomas

    Vass Guest

    ?>"Thomas" wrote in message
    Wow. incredible
    Vass, Apr 8, 2011
  5. Thomas

    Simon Wilson Guest

    +1. That's one you couldn't make up.
    Simon Wilson, Apr 8, 2011
  6. Thomas

    TOG@Toil Guest


    TOG@Toil, Apr 8, 2011
  7. Thomas

    darsy Guest

    unless you're a screenwriter for CSI or something.
    darsy, Apr 8, 2011
  8. Thomas

    Simon Wilson Guest

    Or an unbalanced, ADD suffering, usenet poster with a persecution complex.
    Simon Wilson, Apr 8, 2011
  9. Thomas

    darsy Guest

    are you talking to me?
    darsy, Apr 8, 2011
  10. Thomas

    Jim Guest

    Cool story bro!
    Jim, Apr 8, 2011
  11. Thomas

    Simon Wilson Guest

    To, maybe. About, no.
    Simon Wilson, Apr 8, 2011
  12. Thomas

    Beav Guest

    Let's hope he's still rotting. Pity it wasn't Huntsville though.
    Beav, Apr 8, 2011
  13. Thomas

    Thomas Guest

    We're not all after you. Really. Just some of us.

    That's the point of the story, I think. There are certified whackos
    out on the road. In training, we're taught to ride as though they're
    out to get us. Well, some of them really are. When I went to pick up
    my gear that had been collected at the scene, a CHP moto officer asked
    if I would ride again. When I said yes, he encouraged me to actually
    learn how. Before that, I don't think I ever realized there was a
    skill involved.
    Thomas, Apr 8, 2011
  14. Thomas

    darsy Guest

    **** off to alt.ontology.solipsism where your sort are dismissed as
    figments of non-existant-others' imaginations.
    darsy, Apr 8, 2011
  15. Thomas

    ogden Guest


    No fucker told me.
    ogden, Apr 8, 2011
  16. Fuckers.... keeping us in the dark all this time....
    Brownz (via Gurgle Gruppez), Apr 8, 2011
  17. Thomas

    Nige Guest

    'bro' you fucking ponce.
    Nige, Apr 8, 2011
  18. Thomas

    Nige Guest

    Is that the prison where if it gets full, they put up some more tents?
    Nige, Apr 8, 2011
  19. Thomas

    Jim Guest

    Hark at you, like it's a crime to try and introduce new vocabulary to ukrm
    Jim, Apr 8, 2011
  20. Thomas

    ogden Guest

    There's new vocabulary and there's sounding like a fucking backpacker.
    ogden, Apr 8, 2011
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