People who drive in the middle lane of the motorway when they're not over taking. People who wear Bluetooth headsets when they are not in their cars. Country music. Traffic calming bumps: Makes me want to buy a 4x4. Women who think that just cos you've got your wang in their mouth it constitutes 'great' head. Any game that would allow some fat twunt to shout "good shot sir!" The way Americans refer to anyone playing any type of game as an athlete Jeremy Kyle - I'm mean why on earth would you showcase your stupidity on daytime TV jobless maggots! Theme pubs. Menus with pictures of the food. People who don't discipline their noisy toddlers. People who type in txt spk use 'lol' as punctuation and put !!!!!!!!!!!! at the end of every sentence. [soz Hayley!!!! x] Anyone, dumb enough, to believe that the world was created by an invisible wizard in the sky. People who say "It's fate, whatever will be will be, everything happens for a reason" No it doesn't you simpleton. Weak coffee or milky tea. Call centres, all of them, every single one. Great Yarmouth. It's a cesspool, my snob gland almost ruptured. Harry Ramsden fish and chips - MacDonald's for northerners. Real Ale, er.. why? People who sit in the pub complaining they're skint. Heavy Metal types in long leather coats who think the Matrix is real. Conspiracy theorists who think the CIA shot Kennedy and the moon landings were fake. News stories about flooding in the UK. I live on a hill, I don't care. This is a work in progress.