My Gl 1200

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Dusty, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. Dusty

    Dusty Guest

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  2. Dusty

    louie Guest

    Very nice DustyD, sharp.....I like ...

    louie, Mar 9, 2008
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  3. Dusty

    Anonymous Guest

    Looks comfy..... I've never really looked closely at a
    GW, other than a GL18. But this GL12 looks a lot
    more "gadget-centric", in the general instrumentation

    In fact, I've seen compact cars with instrumentation.

    It appears very well cared for. Year? / Miles?
    Anonymous, Mar 9, 2008
  4. Dusty

    Anonymous Guest

    "In fact, I've seen compact cars with instrumentation"

    Should have been....

    In fact, I've seen compact cars with less instrumentation
    Anonymous, Mar 9, 2008
  5. Dusty

    Ed Hart Guest

    Nice bike Dusty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ed Hart, Mar 9, 2008
  6. Dusty

    Dusty Guest

    1984 39k on odometer.


    Dusty, Mar 9, 2008
  7. Dusty

    Anonymous Guest


    Anonymous, Mar 9, 2008
  8. Dusty

    bj_kana Guest

    ==Nice, still in good shape. Dusty it reminds me of my 76 GW. I paid
    $1300 for it, about 87. Rode it like the Devil, and sold it, and made
    $300. Oh yeah 'redshad, I didnt spend one dime on 'nothing extra.
    In those days, folks didn' do ''stuff'' much like that. We bought 'em,
    rode em'! The hail' with it, and always made a nickel or
    two.........cheewahwah...................eliliso 'le mucho'
    bj_kana, Mar 9, 2008
  9. Dusty

    redshad Guest

    That because in them days you couldnt run down to your local Honda
    shop and see a wall of chrome. In them days you had to have every
    extra penny for beans and cornbread and in those days you didnt have
    shoes in the summer and in those days you had to walk 8 miles to work
    and both ways were uphill and in those days............

    redshad, Mar 10, 2008
  10. Dusty

    bj_kana Guest

    ==============yeah walked several miles, and had''Toe Sacks'' tied
    around my foots, to keep' em warm. In them old dayz, even though Gas
    was 29.9, we still struggled to fill'em'up. always had us' a
    ''syphrene'' litttle ole' hose packed.(handy little
    deal)....heheheh MrJayT=
    bj_kana, Mar 11, 2008
  11. Dusty

    bj_kana Guest

    ===yeah buddy, these younguns, like RedShad, the skipper, ''just dont bad it was in them good old days...............yeeha.
    bj_kana, Mar 11, 2008
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