My Calendar has stopped!

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by louie, Feb 3, 2006.

  1. louie

    louie Guest

    My Calendar sez Feb., but bugs, spiders, and St. Augustine act April.
    I think its over, winter that is.

    louie, Feb 3, 2006
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  2. louie

    RL Guest

    We had a winter?

    I walked into the bank yesterday and the bank manager looked at me and said,
    "Tank tops on the 1st day of February! Who would have thought."
    I replied that it was "warm" outside. I wouldn't mind if it was like this
    all year.

    I hear it's going to be on the chilly side, when we leave out at 8AM on
    Saturday, for the TET Reunion. We'll have to wear "layers", to deal with
    the near 70 degrees by afternoon, then put 'em all back on, for the ride
    home that evening. Hey, it's fun. :)
    RL, Feb 3, 2006
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  3. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    RL said)We'll have to wear "layers", to deal with the near 70 degrees by
    afternoon, then put 'em all back on, for the ride home that evening.
    Hey, it's fun. :)
    ~~~~~~~~~~that's the way. One can always take stuff off, and bag it, but
    it's bad, when we don't start out with enough warm gear, and wished we'd
    put on more. Done that, been there, not good.
    Have a nice ride saturday, rEgards, Bjay~~~
    BJayKana, Feb 3, 2006
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