My baby works!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by BGN, Apr 18, 2005.

  1. In, BGN amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    Radiator paint sounds good.
    Whinging Courier, Apr 19, 2005
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  2. In, BGN amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    I'm making notes. I never considered freezer bags and I have a GPS
    thingy that has a cradle wired in (that's what that bag is above my
    headlight) and I need to keep the rain out. I also need something that
    doesn't do a Woody Woodpecker at high speed IYKWIM.
    Washing machine outlet pipe's what you want sir. Cut it down the length
    of what you need, slip it over the cables/blocks and use cable ties to
    Whinging Courier, Apr 19, 2005
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  3. BGN

    SP Guest

    Reminds me of my earlier years on the bikes. *whack* that'll do.
    *hit wiv a hammer* that's back there then. And I'm afraid I'll just
    have to use these mole grips as a footpeg for now.

    Eeh, happy days.

    SBS#11 (with oak-leaf cluster)
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally
    SP, Apr 19, 2005
  4. BGN

    SP Guest

    This bit might have been your downfall (so to speak) if it was muddy.
    You don't touch a front brake where it's muddy because it means you go
    arse over tit.

    As it so happens, you did :eek:)

    SBS#11 (with oak-leaf cluster)
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally
    SP, Apr 19, 2005
  5. BGN

    Eddie Guest

    Isn't superglue water-soluble (eventually)? Or does it only come unstuck
    with the aid of a detergent as well?[0]

    Wouldn't Araldite or a hot glue gun work better?

    [0] I know it's possible to unstick it eventually, because this is how I
    removed a bicycle lamp from my fingers after gluing it (and my fingers)
    together, after a crash.
    Eddie, Apr 19, 2005
  6. BGN

    Eddie Guest

    I always find Araldite to be a bit of a clart on, though. I much prefer
    the hot glue gun, or in some circumstances bathroom sealant, preferably
    the trade stuff.
    Remember, kids: being there first isn't always a good thing.
    Eddie, Apr 19, 2005
  7. BGN

    platypus Guest

    Get some of his blood and test it for cryptosporidiums.
    platypus, Apr 19, 2005
  8. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, platypus
    There ain't none. The midichlorians ate 'em all.


    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets
    and Ducati Race Engineer.

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Apr 19, 2005
  9. BGN

    BGN Guest

    I did think that may happen, but my brain wasn't in the mood for
    working out space and shapes yesterday.
    Until I've got them sorted I may end up surviving on just the one..
    but both move in the wind, so I'm forever shoving them back and
    resetting them.

    Another solution is to go along at a speed where no one will wish to
    overtake me at.
    BGN, Apr 20, 2005
  10. BGN

    BGN Guest

    BGN, Apr 20, 2005
  11. BGN

    BGN Guest

    I saw some for £15 in Halfrauds yesterday and was tempted, but decided
    against it as they were tiny. I'm going to go shopping for a Haynes
    manual today to see if I can take anything off so I can work out where
    I need to be.
    I'll give it a go.
    I think a visit to a scrap yard will come in handy.
    BGN, Apr 20, 2005
  12. BGN

    BGN Guest

    The Riding School always told me this too. :)
    BGN, Apr 20, 2005
  13. In, BGN amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    I wouldn't bother with Halfords for stuff like that. They mostly sell
    Oxford stuff and overpriced tat[1], you also get less choice in there.

    Up to you though, mate.
    I think Araldite is the way to go. I knew there was more of a manly glue
    out there but I just couldn't think of it when I posted about the
    chunked off bits of clock ;o)
    Indeed. There's a few in SE London but not having been to any I can't
    rightly say where they are; I just remember seeing them listed in the
    Riders Digest.[2]

    [1] The same overpriced tat you can get in most accessory shops for a
    bit less.

    [2] I'll try and get a copy later and post any numbers I get.
    Whinging Courier, Apr 20, 2005
  14. BGN

    sweller Guest

    I can't see how this has happened unless the lock nut part has had its
    thread stripped. It may just need nipping up.

    Anyway you can get universal replacement mirrors for about £15 a pair.
    sweller, Apr 20, 2005
  15. BGN

    BGN Guest

    The mirror arm goes into a metal body at the bottom. As the bike
    leaned on the lower part of the arm (with such a force that everything
    on that side of the bar shifted around 5-7mm until I re-adjusted it
    yesterday) the arm has broken through the top of the body. I don't
    know the names of any of the parts so I hope the above makes sense.
    BGN, Apr 20, 2005
  16. BGN

    BGN Guest

    They've got back to me with a quote of...

    £ 22.91 Lever front brake
    £166.51 Speedometer
    £151.79 Tachometer
    £ 87.76 Meter Fuel
    £ 43.92 Cover Meter Lower
    £ 54.18 Cover Meter Upper
    £ 57.29 Cover Meter Housing
    £ 20.33 Cover Speed Tacho
    £ 25.47 Bracket Meter
    £ 30.47 Cover Upper Pilot Box
    £ 70.31 Lens Comp Headlamp
    £ 18.10 Rim Headlamp
    £ 44.81 Body Headlamp
    £ 61.44 Handlebar
    £141.00 Labour (3hrs)
    £ 41.13 Sundries

    £1037.42 TOTAL

    Those fucking clocks can STAY broken for a while! I could buy a new
    bike for that price. I'll not be accepting the quote as yet as a lot
    of that stuff isn't needed.

    Oh, bought a new helmet, though, which is nice. I tried the Nitro
    helmets on, but my head isn't Nitro shaped after all, so I've got an
    OGK Aeroblade II which I can wear sunglasses with, so I won't have to
    buy another visor for it. Wahay:
    BGN, Apr 20, 2005
  17. BGN

    'Hog Guest

    Hom, very ;o)

    'Hog, Apr 20, 2005
  18. BGN

    BGN Guest

    It'll do until I can find a Magic Roundabout one.

    I would do many things to have one of those.
    BGN, Apr 20, 2005
  19. BGN

    wessie Guest

    BGN emerged from their own little world to say
    That OGK helmet is horrid. Hope you got it cheap.

    MR helmets featured here:

    I like the T&J one. I wouldn't want to wear it though.

    From your comment above, is it the "Time for bed" one you're after?
    wessie, Apr 20, 2005
  20. BGN

    BGN Guest

    It was cheap, but I like it. It's noisier than my late HJC one. As
    I'm on a bit of a tight budget at the mo, I thought I'd buy a pretty
    helmet and get a nice one later on.
    I saw one on someone once, but I think it was custom made. It's
    similar to the Time for Bed one, but is lighter and has different
    pictures on it. There's a Ltd. Ed Road Runner on that looks amusing
    BGN, Apr 20, 2005
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