My 1967 Suzuki Trail 80 And Its Chain Adjustment

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Bill Miller., Aug 23, 2008.

  1. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    Okay, certain troublemakers have whined on and on about what kind of
    link I used on my 1967 Suzuki K15 dual-purpose bike that I bought in
    1968 and remembering exactly what I did 40 years ago has not been
    easy. However, I came across a few sites that should explain it once
    and for all and then the subject goes beddy-bye. Of course, TOG won't
    like that because then he'll have to find something else to piss and
    moan about.

    Okay, the bike had a dual sprocket and to affix the chain around the
    larger sprocket I used what is called a split link with a spring
    clip. here are a few links that demonstrate what I'm talking about.

    Also, here's some photos and specs for that machine that was noway
    like today's 79cc offerings. Many times I carried a passenger on the
    back and that baby took hills in the woods very nicely. The good old

    End of K15 Hill Billy (Trail 80) story.

    Bill Miller., Aug 23, 2008
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  2. Very common on bicycles and on low-power motorcycles with
    non-o-ring chains. The big advantage is the chain is cheap,
    can be replaced with common kitchen implements, is cheap, and
    oh by the way did I mention it's cheap?

    My time is worth too much to me to be constantly pissing oil over
    and replacing worn out non-o-ring chains on my CB750. To
    say nothing about replacing sprockets hogged out by stretched

    An expensive x-ring chain plus the usual assortment of chain
    breaking and making tools, and the occassional spritz from
    the can of chain lube to keep the side of the chain from
    rusting (totally unnecessary for actual lubrication, of course)
    pretty much eliminates about all the reasons I've every heard
    for people wanting shaft-drives.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Aug 23, 2008
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  3. Yes, but you still need two master links (which is another word for
    spring link) in the chain run, if you fit an extra length of chain, to
    lengthen it, to do what Bill is suggesting.

    Of course, if you have enough fore and aft movement in the wheel on the
    adjusters, and if you're only talking about one, maybe two, teeth
    difference, then you can do it with the existing chain, no extra length
    of chain needed.

    But dear Bill (it's interesting how this topic has gnawed at him to the
    extent that he had to Google) actually stated that he put in an extra
    length of chain. Which requires two master[2] links.

    It's such simple topology that I'm amazed he hasn't figured it out yet.

    [1] Soft link or clip, it's still a master link.[2]
    [2] And having two in a single chain run is not a good idea.
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 23, 2008
  4. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    On Aug 23, 10:48 am, (The Older
    Gentleman) wrote:

    <And right on cue, TOG BUTT chimes in with his usual smart-ass,
    denigrating commentary snipped in the public interest>

    BTW, fuckface, nothing was "gnawing" at me. I was just trying to
    settle what happened 40 years ago and clear the air on the issue. Of
    course, that wasn't good enough for a mountain of hog shit like
    yourself. No matter what, you have to continually prove to the world
    what an obnoxious useless piece of human waste you truly are! If
    you'd like perhaps I can find Dr. Kevorkian's number for you to call
    and arrange an appointment to put you out of your misery and also, at
    the same time, do a kind deed for the Earth.

    Bill Miller., Aug 23, 2008
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