Musical recommendations

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Paul Corfield, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. Paul Corfield

    deadmail Guest

    I thought it was funny in an obnoxious "let's laugh at the working class
    amd stupid" way. Naturally I found it amusing but wasn't particularly
    proud of finding it funny.
    deadmail, Sep 10, 2005
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  2. Paul Corfield

    sweller Guest

    Fiona used to work in hotels - particularly the Imperial in Torquay - and
    has tales to tell about party conference time and how she has a downer on
    Jimmy Saville: she was young and chambermaiding at the time when the old
    goat tried to get his hand down her knickers, he didn't even ask (not
    that asking would have made a difference). Anyway the rest of his stay
    the staff were "appropriate".
    sweller, Sep 10, 2005
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  3. Paul Corfield

    Lozzo Guest

    sweller says...
    There are plenty of stories like, unfortunately they all seem to be
    verifiable. Someone should have offed that charmless **** years ago.
    Lozzo, Sep 10, 2005
  4. Paul Corfield

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    I heard quite a few stories from an ex-miner who'd worked with him when
    he was a Bevin-boy. Nast, nasty piece of work by all accounts.
    Lozzo, Sep 10, 2005
  5. Paul Corfield

    porl Guest

    A mate's girlfriend is a chef. The horror stories she's told me make sure
    I'll never complain until the meal is over. An example is that a guy ordered
    a steak cooked to the chef's preference, and then sent it back as
    undercooked. The chef took rubbed the steak on the sole of his shoe, and
    then around the corners of the kitchen floor, bunged it in the deep fat
    frier and resubmitted it for delectation. The customer was apparently
    porl, Sep 11, 2005
  6. And for a man who doesn't like food or drink or profess to be interested
    look at the number of references to it or meals in that post. I know
    you'll say "it was the company" but even so.
    Sounds like you've had a great time with someone who obviously enjoys
    being with you..
    Paul Corfield, Sep 11, 2005
  7. Paul Corfield

    platypus Guest

    Huh? You're supposed to be out looking for work, not living the life of
    Reilly and sponging off the state.
    platypus, Sep 11, 2005
  8. Paul Corfield

    platypus Guest

    How's it going, anyway? Any sign of light at the end of the tunnel?

    I'm in serious fingers-crossed mode atm - with any luck, my commute will
    soon be a shadow of its former self.
    platypus, Sep 11, 2005
  9. Champ wrote
    Sad man, you should turn down the first offer you get as a matter of
    steve auvache, Sep 12, 2005
  10. Champ wrote
    This, I have found in the past to my cost, can be a problem. Trust in
    The Force. You are a ukrmer, you are a bigger **** than they can even
    steve auvache, Sep 12, 2005
  11. Paul Corfield

    platypus Guest

    Excellent. To quote the recently late LJK Setright, "If everthing is for
    the best, then any change is an improvement".
    Depends on the quality of the roads in between...
    platypus, Sep 12, 2005
  12. Paul Corfield

    Ace Guest

    Long since.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2
    Ace, Sep 13, 2005
  13. Paul Corfield

    ogden Guest

    I haven't seen him for at least a couple of months.

    One of the best live acts around, but I'd avoid seeing him too
    often - the inter-song banter doesn't change too quickly, and
    when you find yourself three sentences ahead for the whole show,
    it wears a bit thin.
    ogden, Sep 16, 2005
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