Musical question

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Paul Corfield, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. On the BBC they are showing a short trailer for the Proms where various
    buildings illuminate in time to the music.

    Does anyone know what the music is when it cuts to the man wearing
    earphones by a pool and then shows the "Gherkin" being illuminated? I
    like the sound of the music but am clueless about classical stuff.

    I have checked the Proms website and message board to no avail.
    Paul Corfield, Aug 22, 2005
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  2. Paul Corfield

    simonk Guest

    If it's the proms trailer I'm thinking of, I *think* it's something specially
    composed for the trailer - a lot of the bits sound very much like famous
    pieces but aren't, IYSWIM.

    I'll check my music collection though - someone from the BBC is either my
    evil twin, or is breaking into my flat and nicking CDs for their incidental
    music - they've borrowed my entire Aphex Twin collection already, last night
    it was Philip Glass' "Heroes" symphony
    simonk, Aug 22, 2005
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  3. Paul Corfield

    darsy Guest

    you get that too? BBC2 lifestyle programmes are the worst for that sort
    of thing.
    darsy, Aug 23, 2005
  4. Thanks - here's hoping you find something for your efforts.
    Paul Corfield, Aug 23, 2005
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