Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Marty H, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. Marty H

    Marty H Guest

    sorry mate, I didnt see the red light

    Marty H, Jul 2, 2007
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  2. An accident is something that happens when it shouldn't,
    this item should be called an incident, it is not an accident
    The car was clearly in the wrong because of going against the red light.
    If you watch closely, you will see that the bike rider has a green light
    therefore the car driver is in the wrong
    George W. Frost, Jul 2, 2007
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  3. Marty H

    justAL Guest

    Ahhh, crap. Missed out again.


    justAL, Jul 2, 2007
  4. Marty H

    Bill_h Guest

    I was tempted to respond with 'whoooosh', but paulh said it so much
    more eloquently. :)

    Bill_h, Jul 2, 2007
  5. Marty H

    Marty H Guest

    thats OK...just stay off the scooters this week.

    try a Rocket 3, that will make a mess of those compacts

    Marty H, Jul 2, 2007
  6. And you will be the first to whinge long and loud when someone does that to
    That is if there is anything left of you
    You can say that I am being pedantic, but I don't give a **** about what you
    say about me,
    I have had things said about me by experts they haven't succeeded and you
    are just a learner at it.
    It is still an incident, not an accident
    explaining further, an accident is something that happens where there is
    no-one at fault
    and if you KNEW that a pedantic would reply to it, then would KNOW not to
    phrase it the way you did.
    George W. Frost, Jul 2, 2007
  7. Of course you are right George, the deadwit in the car drove through a red
    light. A traffic offence, in this case causing real bodily harm to the bike
    rider. Thats not an accident, its somebody screwing up.
    Rheilly Phoull, Jul 2, 2007
  8. Marty H

    justAL Guest

    It's just not the same!


    justAL, Jul 2, 2007
  9. Marty H

    Yeebok Guest

    Errr ... yes very articulate and coherent argument there. Convinced me
    right off the bat. Someone's gonna have to contradict themselves pretty
    good to beat that.
    Did they have a diploma of insulting on the wall .. or you just makign
    that shit up too ?

    Were they experts in that field ?
    Yeebok, Jul 3, 2007
  10. Marty H

    SmeeMW Guest

    I think you just whooshed yourself.
    I would say it was more an idiot trap and you fell in by incident.
    SmeeMW, Jul 3, 2007
  11. Marty H

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    How's the fishing?

    Theo Bekkers, Jul 3, 2007
  12. Marty H

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Nah, If you're insulted by an expert, everybody _except_ you knows you were

    I guess that make Paulh an expert, and everybody, except George,

    Theo Bekkers, Jul 3, 2007
  13. Marty H

    JL Guest

    Well they could be politicians - I think that constitutes being an
    expert in the field of insults and making things up ?

    JL, Jul 3, 2007
  14. Marty H

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Ta muchly, but leaving the attibutions will suffice.
    Now that was funny.

    Theo Bekkers, Jul 3, 2007
  15. Marty H

    Nev.. Guest

    No, an accident is something which is not intentional. Just because
    something happens when you don't expect it doesn't automatically make it

    Accidental and intentional are mutually exclusive. "Unintentional" and
    "breaking the law" and "driving through a red light" are not mutually
    exclusive. Arguing that they are will only lead to you looking silly
    and having Gerry agreeing with you. They are not mutually exclusive
    events either.

    Regardless, the word "accident" is in common use to describe any sort of
    vehicular collision regardless of the cause. Do you also argue with
    people who say you had "an accident" when you actually piss your pants
    on purpose?
    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Jul 3, 2007
  16. Marty H

    smack Guest

    I think we should all take a lesson from journalists here.

    It was a

    HORROR SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!

    now **** off the lot of youse

    beer mate?
    smack, Jul 3, 2007
  17. Marty H

    Toosmoky Guest

    Like chasing a speeder to see how fast he's going?...
    Toosmoky, Jul 3, 2007
  18. It is really odd that you and some others, seem to have the opinion that
    what you say is right,
    even though the RTA state that an incident where two vehicles meet,
    call it a crash, not an accident as you claim.
    I replied with what is the right definition of a crash, called it an
    incident and you fly off the handle with foul language
    and smart-arsed comments which is the only way you seem to be able to speak.
    Okay, if that is the only way that you can talk to anyone, then that is your

    Part 18 Miscellaneous road rules

    Division 1 Miscellaneous rules for drivers

    Rule 287

    298 Australian Road Rules

    Part 18 Miscellaneous road rules

    Division 1 Miscellaneous rules for drivers

    287 Duties of a driver involved in a crash

    (1) A driver involved in a crash must comply with this rule.

    Offence provision.

    Note 1 Crash is defined in the dictionary.

    Note 2 The law of this jurisdiction also requires a driver involved in a

    crash to stop and give assistance to anyone who is injured.

    (2) The driver (or the driver's representative) must give the

    driver's required particulars, within the required time and, if

    practicable, at the scene of the crash, to:

    (a) any other driver (or that driver's representative) involved

    in the crash;

    I think that you really need to see your doctor and get a different
    prescription for behaviour control drugs,

    the ones you are supposed to be taking are having no effect
    George W. Frost, Jul 3, 2007
  19. Marty H

    Yeebok Guest

    You're definitely onto something there ! ;)

    Yeebok, Jul 3, 2007
  20. Marty H

    Peter Guest

    Peter, Jul 3, 2007
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