
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by The Older Gentleman, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. The Older Gentleman

    petrolcan Guest

    It doesn't take that much 'resolve' to go and give someone a hammering.
    petrolcan, Jun 10, 2005
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  2. The Older Gentleman

    Lozzo Guest

    petrolcan says...
    I thought it was a hangover cure.
    Lozzo, Jun 10, 2005
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  3. The Older Gentleman

    sweller Guest

    I don't disagree in a number of cases cited but it's the mindless, and
    cowardly, revenge and retribution kick from the lazy in thought and deed
    I find so tiresome.
    sweller, Jun 10, 2005
  4. The Older Gentleman

    'Hog Guest

    Agreed about that

    'Hog, Jun 10, 2005
  5. The Older Gentleman

    Muck Guest

    Cool. Their own stupidity saw them nicked in the end. Excellent..
    Muck, Jun 10, 2005
  6. The Older Gentleman

    Muck Guest

    It's all a bit of a mine field. The thing is, that this is a problem
    that we have all made through giving value to the stuff these bling
    hunters want.
    Well, I'm not a violent type, it's not in my nature... but I have known
    people that were. I believe that sometimes, doing extremely bad things
    to other people is ok, but you have to be sure it is the right thing to
    do, and be able to handle the results of either outcome.
    Muck, Jun 10, 2005
  7. The Older Gentleman

    'Hog Guest

    Actually it does. It's easy to get involved when its pushed into your
    face, but after the fact, sitting down, thinking, planning, considering
    the angles? most people just don't

    'Hog, Jun 10, 2005
  8. The Older Gentleman

    Salad Dodger Guest

    On Fri, 10 Jun 2005 21:22:25 +0100,
    So do I.

    The cogs are turning.

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..75805../..18781.../..3196./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17 IbB#4
    '^' RBR Landmarks: 24 Pts: 400 Miles: 1589
    Salad Dodger, Jun 10, 2005
  9. The Older Gentleman

    JB Guest

    FFS! When?

    JB, Jun 10, 2005
  10. The Older Gentleman

    JB Guest

    Sounds more like a knocking shop. Oh, as you were...
    One of the masters had a very highly tuned Lambrett. A 250 or something
    bored to 315cc he told me. Used to race scooters. Mental thing it was.
    JB, Jun 10, 2005
  11. The Older Gentleman

    petrolcan Guest

    As a parent I see where you are coming from, but, are you going to
    protect your boy all his life?
    petrolcan, Jun 10, 2005
  12. The Older Gentleman

    Muck Guest

    I'll second that.

    I wished that I could have smiled at the people that fractured my skull
    as they got locked up... but alas it wasn't to be. Sometimes life just
    sucks, and you have to move on.
    Muck, Jun 10, 2005
  13. The Older Gentleman

    sweller Guest

    I'm not entirely sure how to frame this: Quite simply I don't think I'd
    feel any different if it was family. I'd be just as angry if it was a
    friend or neighbour as I would if it was 'blood'.

    I'd still advocate a non violent and non retributional response.

    Before anyone says "but you've not been there" let me say I have and the
    reaction was the one I expected.
    sweller, Jun 10, 2005
  14. The Older Gentleman

    porl Guest

    There isn't an answer. You're describing the situation as black and white.
    Each of those kids had there own reason and cause of lack of self control to
    be involved in the situation just as each of them may or may not feel utter
    regret, go on to make other people's lives better in some way as a result or
    mercilessly abuse other for their own ends or somewhere in between. Exacting
    revenge may or may not have a similarly diverse effect on them, increasing
    their alienation, perpetuating the dog-eat-dog mentality or humiliating them
    into seeking redememption, or somewhere in between.

    You can have no possible idea what effect any retribution would have on
    them. The only reason to carry it through would be to make you feel better,
    somehow less powerless, less weak. And that obviously points in another
    direction than violence.

    So my answer TOG is help your son deal with the shitty feeling of impotence
    he'll possibly be left with[1] . Help him understand that even if some
    righteous retribution was visited upon the weasles it wouldn't necessarily
    change anything for the better. Let him see how useful or crappy the police
    can be. Give him an idea how exactly revenge could backfire quite badly on
    him. In short, make it part of the learning experience and help it make him
    a stronger person.

    [1] Martial Arts is excellent for this. It help people learn how to defend
    themselves realistically while at the same time demonstrates the futility of
    violence and the fraility and limitations of the human body.
    porl, Jun 11, 2005
  15. The Older Gentleman

    Ginge Guest

    String them up, that'll teach them..
    Ginge, Jun 11, 2005
  16. The Older Gentleman

    frag Guest

    I was under the impression Jamie is a lot younger than 16.

    A civilised response would have been "how old do you think Jamie is?"
    but I know expecting you to be civilised is about as realistic as me
    winning the lottery.
    frag, Jun 11, 2005
  17. The Older Gentleman

    frag Guest

    Is this the same son who "could understand the principles and ethics",
    therefore not very impressionable according to someone?
    frag, Jun 11, 2005
  18. The Older Gentleman

    frag Guest

    heh :)
    That is a good response.

    Phil also has it nailed firmly to the mast with
    "Don't introduce more problems, solve the ones that exist already"
    (re. poor judicial system)
    frag, Jun 11, 2005
  19. The Older Gentleman

    sweller Guest

    Tell you what, you do less moronic and I'll do more civil.
    sweller, Jun 11, 2005
  20. ...and "mefahism"?

    #A boy for you, a girl for me.

    Ivan Reid, Electronic & Computer Engineering, ___ CMS Collaboration,
    Brunel University. Room 40-1-B12, CERN
    GSX600F, RG250WD. "You Porsche. Me pass!" DoD #484 JKLO# 003, 005
    WP7# 3000 LC Unit #2368 (tinlc) UKMC#00009 BOTAFOT#16 UKRMMA#7 (Hon)
    KotPT -- "for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty".
    Dr Ivan D. Reid, Jun 11, 2005
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