MRAA (ie MRAV) bashing

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Minx, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. Minx

    G-S Guest

    I always wondered what that scar was...

    G-S, Nov 14, 2005
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  2. Minx

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Not at all. My question was how many Muslims do you know and you came back
    with his name.

    Theo Bekkers, Nov 14, 2005
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  3. Minx

    G-S Guest

    We three kings of AusMoto are;
    Bearing knowledge we traverse afar,
    Field and fountain,
    Moor and mountain,
    Following yonder bars... [1]


    [1] Well beer had to come in somewhere!
    G-S, Nov 14, 2005
  4. Minx

    JL Guest

    I got it Tim.

    Newspeak is in the Liberal lexicon, Doug is good at it.
    JL, Nov 14, 2005
  5. Minx

    IK Guest

    By the time you've mined the uranium ore, processed it into nuclear
    fuel, built the nuclear powerplant, hollowed out the mountain to hold
    the radioactive waste and so on, all using gurt big diesel-powered
    earth-moving machinery, you have to wonder,

    a) how much net energy you've actually produced by the whole process, and
    b) how much more greenhouse gas would you have produced if you'd
    generated that same amount of power by conventional means.

    The geothermal reserves the Outback sits on are a lot greater than the
    uranium reserves, and we've got a lot more empty coastline and windblown
    hillsides to seed with wind turbines and wave-energy powerplants than
    any other country.

    Instead of contemplating a solution involving us importing idle foreign
    expertise yet again, we should be looking at greener (quite literally)
    pastures, technologies on which nobody has a stranglehold yet and which
    we could develop, then make other countries pay us for it.

    But, nah, much easier to point to France and say "Look, they made
    nuclear power work."

    That said, Australia's geological stability, emptiness and abundance of
    great big huge faken holes left over from mining in that same emptiness
    does make it ideal to store the world's nuclear waste... big sign out
    the front; "$25,000/tonne/year. No cheques."
    IK, Nov 14, 2005
  6. Minx

    IK Guest

    I must be overdue for an appointment with the optometrist; I've read
    over that three times, and I can't find a single mention of the new
    laws, just some guy with an Anglo name saying that the arrests of last
    week are a good thing for the Muslim community in Australia.
    IK, Nov 14, 2005
  7. Minx

    Knobdoodle Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    Tim Moran wrote in message ...
    I believe this story about as much as I believe all the other lies the US
    Govt has put forward as justification for the invasion of Iraq.
    Knobdoodle, Nov 14, 2005
  8. Minx

    Knobdoodle Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    Wow; so you hate them so much you don't even think they're people now?
    Knobdoodle, Nov 14, 2005
  9. Minx

    Toosmoky Guest

    None that I know of. I'm not big on asking people's religion.
    Toosmoky, Nov 14, 2005
  10. In on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 18:16:26 +1100
    He didn't even say that.

    He said "to the extent it stops you buggers from being so paranoid they
    are a good thing"

    How far that extent extends is left as an exercise for the reader...

    Zebee Johnstone, Nov 14, 2005
  11. Minx

    Knobdoodle Guest

    You should eat broccoli as it helps produce healthy intelligent sperm and
    thus smart offspring.
    (Admittedly there hasn't been a whole lot of research to support this
    theory but it IS known that George Bush Snr wouldn't eat broccoli......)
    Knobdoodle, Nov 14, 2005
  12. Minx

    John Guest

    Go away you nasty little man!


    Coopers mate?
    John, Nov 14, 2005
  13. Minx

    Knobdoodle Guest

    That's probably pretty handy when you need to demonise them an' all...
    Knobdoodle, Nov 14, 2005
  14. Minx

    JL Guest

    stop being rational Clem, that's not allowed in the new world order,
    there's a 5 year gaol sentence for that.

    JL, Nov 14, 2005
  15. Minx

    Toosmoky Guest

    Another unfounded allegation. Scraping the bottom out of the barrel and
    digging down deep.
    Toosmoky, Nov 14, 2005
  16. Minx

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I'm going to have to go into therapy now....
    Knobdoodle, Nov 14, 2005
  17. Minx

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I like they way you snipped out the reference to Muslims (you know; those
    "Islamists" you keep on-and-on about) before you try this "I'm so hurt you
    could accuse me so ..." line.

    Yes I am scraping the bottom of the barrel but I think there's still
    sufficient logic left in you to make the effort worthwhile.
    Knobdoodle, Nov 14, 2005
  18. .....and I thought you didn't care!

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Nov 14, 2005
  19. People say that about Wilcannia, and they live in Sydney!!

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Nov 14, 2005
  20. Minx

    G-S Guest

    The open cut mining of uranium and the open cut mining of coal are not
    that disimilar in energy requirements, but uranium mining is mined as
    part of copper mining in parts of Australia which makes the estraction
    of uranium (piggy backed onto the copper), much more energy efficent
    than coal mining.

    As for building the power plants... the figures I've seen suggest about
    1/3rd of that produced by building a new coal fired plant of similar
    output with the advantage (greenhouse gas wise) increasing each year as
    the coal fired plant continues to output green house gases.
    I don't have a problem with wind turbines... or wave-energy plants and
    to be honest I'd like to see a mix of solutions that are non greenhouse
    gas producing.

    However I've noticed that the green lobby have been campaiging against
    wind towers strongly in Victoria at every location they've been placed
    (or suggested to be placed).

    Now that's a head in the sand attitude if I ever saw one (see boxer...
    I'm not left... like I said, I'm middle ;)
    It makes sense to do both IMO... it provides a 'not all of your eggs in
    one basket' batch of solutions.
    Wasn't it Sweden or Switzerland doing nuclear well that someone in
    Ausmoto quoted as an example earlier in the thread ;-)
    Make it 2.5 mill $ per/tonne/year and I might consider it :) [1]


    [1] Low level only of course ;)
    G-S, Nov 14, 2005
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