MRAA (ie MRAV) bashing

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Minx, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. Minx

    Boxer Guest

    Australia joined because the USA asked us to, our Government complied
    because it is a good idea for the strongest kid in the schoolyard to owe you
    a favour when the schoolyard bullies live just to the north of you and you
    cannot afford all the new gadgets that would defend yourself if they decided
    to have a go at you. (personally I would have stayed out of it, but I would
    have also stayed out of Timor, I am rather sick of our taxes being used by
    Governments of all colours propping up corrupt regimes that fail to feed
    their own population) I suspect the Trade Negotiations may also have had
    something to do with it but perhaps that is too cynical.

    The USA went in because Saddam was thumbing his nose at the world doing lots
    of nasty things to his people and no longer wanted to play nice with the USA
    (the strongest kid in the schoolyard) or the UN. Saddam was sitting on about
    1/3 of the worlds reserves of oil and as the USA was the worlds greatest
    consumer of the stuff they could not allow these reserves to be in the
    control of an unstable element that could hold them to ransom. (In my view
    GWB's drop in popularity has a lot to do with increasing Gas prices).

    WMD's were reported by intelligence services(CIA et al), perhaps they had
    them perhaps not, (perhaps they were sent to another country like most of
    his Air Force in Gulf War MK1) Saddam had used them to kill lots of people
    in the past, and being Chemical & Biological agents conventional superpowers
    were not impressed because he was not playing with nice clean Nuclear
    Weapons like all the other kids.(and not buying them off them, Saddam should
    have gone to India, Pakistan or North Korea to shop for some real tasty

    The trouble with relying upon internal intelligence sources is that they
    often give the sort of misinformation that provokes the type of action that
    the internal spy wants (removal of the current dictator so a new improved
    version can take over), this type of misinformation from Ex-Nazi's in the
    employ of the CIA is credited with starting and prolonging the Cold War.
    Give a Spy a bucket load of cash and suddenly you will find he has lots of
    juicy information to sell you (even if he has to make it up).

    Now before many left wing loonies go barking at the moon, this is my opinion
    and not some party line, contra to popular belief I do not have a red phone
    that hooks me up to JWH or the White House, although a few weeks ago a state
    security guard in George Street had a long hard look at me.

    Was the decision to invade (attack, have a go at, enforce sanctions, UN
    resolutions etc) valid, I suppose that depends upon you point of view, the
    Australian people returned John Howard with an increased majority and even
    handed over the Senate after this (by the way don't blame me for this they
    still only give me one vote), I don't know if that was a vote of approval
    for his actions or the Australian people don't give a stuff in times of near
    full employment, economic stability and a colour TV in every room. Perhaps
    we should blame an inept opposition for that one, or perhaps the collapse of
    the Democrats, take your choice.

    Boxer, Nov 11, 2005
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  2. Minx

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    I thought the schoolyard bully asked us.

    Theo Bekkers, Nov 11, 2005
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  3. Minx

    Boxer Guest

    Depends which gang you belong to, its a point of view thing.

    Boxer, Nov 11, 2005
  4. Minx

    IK Guest

    In the schools I went to, the strong kids were pretty cavalier about
    their favour bank overdraughts... and why shouldn't they have been? What
    were their creditors going to do; make them get even?

    When we asked the US for support during the Malay emergency and the West
    Papua Crisis, we were told to go jump. A couple of years later, our
    troops were in Vietnam.
    IK, Nov 11, 2005
  5. Minx

    Gary Woodman Guest

    I will own up to having considered Venezuela as a destination. Not perfect
    (geez, what is?) but they try harder.

    Gary Woodman, Nov 11, 2005
  6. Minx

    Bill_h Guest

    Never realised Wooton had that much influence...

    Bill :)
    Bill_h, Nov 11, 2005
  7. Minx

    Gary Woodman Guest

    I don't have a suit, maybe that's it...

    Gary Woodman, Nov 11, 2005
  8. Minx

    John Guest

    maybe Bill.. could it be that the judges read AMCN? and they have seen
    the pic of Knobdoodles arse?

    Coopers mate?

    John, Nov 11, 2005
  9. Minx

    Bill_h Guest

    How about 'no worker will be worse off'?

    Bill_h, Nov 11, 2005
  10. Minx

    Boxer Guest

    No that was no child once thrown overboard will live in poverty.

    Boxer, Nov 11, 2005
  11. Minx

    Bill_h Guest

    So *that's* what's wrong with the justice system, they've seen the
    santa pic..
    Ta, I'll have a pale and a floater thanks :)
    Bill_h, Nov 11, 2005
  12. Minx

    Bill_h Guest

    The ones in detention camps?

    Bill_h, Nov 11, 2005
  13. Minx

    Smee R1100s Guest

    G-S wrote:
    when's it your turn? I gotta fill it into my diary
    Smee R1100s, Nov 11, 2005
  14. Minx

    Toosmoky Guest

    It comes down to this; *The number one reason we invaded Iraq is because
    Iraq wouldn't permit UN weapons inspections.*
    You can put your fingers in your ears and shout LALALALALALALA as long
    as you like but it is not a revision of history to recall that the UNSC
    voted *unanimously for resolution 1441* and held Iraq to be in breach of
    their obligations. a.k.a



    Instructs Weapons Inspections to Resume within 45 Days,
    Recalls Repeated Warning of ‘Serious Consequences’ for Continued Violations"

    *The number one reason we invaded Iraq is because Iraq wouldn't permit
    UN weapons inspections.*

    You can quote me on that.

    Email me your address again Clem, I've got something to send you. (It's
    not a bomb and it's got nothing to do with politics...)
    Toosmoky, Nov 11, 2005
  15. Minx

    Toosmoky Guest

    Not at all. Having a ball, sitting here on the porch pluggin' them damn
    moonbats. It ain't right, seeing the world upside down and urinatin' all
    over 'emselves like that.

    *The number one reason we invaded Iraq is because Iraq wouldn't permit
    UN weapons inspections*.
    That was Iraq's obligation.

    Hans Blix said something to the effect that the production of mustard
    gas is not like the production of marmalade. You are supposed to know
    what you did with it.

    It's not that they *couldn't* prove they didn't have something, it was
    that they made little attempt to comply and often were actively
    obstructing weapons inspections that would have shown them to be free of
    It wasn't a lack of evidence they acted upon. It was a breach of a
    ceasefire agreement, basically.
    Toosmoky, Nov 11, 2005
  16. Minx

    CrazyCam Guest

    More like TOLD, I think......
    or have I stumbled into the wrong thread?

    CrazyCam, Nov 12, 2005
  17. Minx

    Toosmoky Guest

    As a matter of fact, they were.

    That Iraq really *didn't* have any isn't the point. Iraq had to account
    for them. They didn't.

    It's not that they couldn't, it's that they wouldn't.
    No they didn't. You forgot the bit about "under international supervision".
    That's what Iraq had to tell the UN. They didn't.

    In regard to Saddam's nuclear ambitions, Iraqi Nuclear Scientist, Mahdi
    Obeidi, who had parts of a centrifuge buried in his garden, wrote a
    piece entitled "Saddam, the Bomb and Me" in which he said;

    "Was Iraq a potential threat to the United States and the world? Threat
    is always a matter of perception, but our nuclear program could have
    been reinstituted at the snap of Saddam Hussein's fingers."

    There's that tricky, hard to see, fine print on the bottom of the eye
    chart bit, "under international supervision".
    That's what Iraq had to tell the UN. They didn't.

    The onus was on Iraq to prove that to UN weapons inspectors. They failed.
    That's what Iraq had to tell the UN. They didn't.

    Iraq failed to do so.
    That's what Iraq had to tell the UN. They didn't.

    Verification was not achievable given the lack of cooperation from the
    Iraqi regime.
    That's what Iraq had to tell the UN. They didn't. This sinking in yet?...

    Iraq failed to do so.

    Abu Nidal was responsible for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over
    Lockerbie. Abu Nidal was known to be living in Iraq at least from 1999
    up until his death in 2002. In 2001 Jordan's state security court
    sentenced him to death by hanging, along with four of his followers, for
    his role in the January 1994 assassination of a Jordanian diplomat in
    Beirut Iraqi authorities refused to extradite him to Jordan. Nor did
    Iraq make any attempt to punish him for the numerous Americans, British
    and French citizens, and other nationals injured or killed in ANO (Abu
    Nidal Organization) attacks over the years.

    Abu Nidal was given a house, office and monthly salary by the Iraqi regime.

    Abdul Rahman Yasin was indicted for the bombing of the World Trade
    Centre in New York in 1993 but had escaped and fled the US. He fled to
    Iraq via Jordan and was also given a house, office and monthly salary by
    the Iraqi regime.

    Another example of Iraq providing safe haven to a known terrorist leader
    is the case of Abu al-Abbas (Mahmoud Abbas), secretary-general of the
    Palestine Liberation Front (PLF). Abbas was responsible for the October
    1985 hijacking of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro, and the killing
    of elderly disabled passenger Leon Klinghoffer, an American citizen. In
    1998, within the framework of the Oslo agreements, Israel permitted
    Abbas to return to the Gaza Strip. Fearing an extradition request by the
    United States, he chose the confines of Baghdad instead.

    In October 2000, Abbas announced on Iraqi television that the PLF would
    resume confrontations with Israel; this, following the "call made by
    President Saddam Hussein to open the door for volunteering [which] is an
    order to fight for us." Iraq recruited and trained PLF activists in
    Iraqi camps and equipped them with weapons, which they then used to
    carry out terrorist attacks in Haifa (April 2001) and the West Bank
    (July 2001). In July 2001, Mohammed Kandil, a Palestinian from the West
    Bank, was arrested upon the discovery that he was recruited by Iraqi
    intelligence in order to build a terrorist infrastructure in the West Bank.

    Iraq's proxy organization, the Arab Liberation Front (ALF), had the
    specific mission of encouraging suicide operations against Israel from
    the West Bank and Gaza. One of ALF's leaders, al-Hajj Rateb al-Amleh,
    was responsible for providing material support to the families of
    Palestinian suicide terrorists. This support included public events at
    which the presentation of $25,000 Iraqi checks payable to the families
    of "martyrs" was used to glorify Saddam Hussein and encourage solidarity
    between the Iraqi regime and the Palestinian people against their common
    "Zionist" and "imperialist" enemies.

    They failed to do so.

    They failed to do so.
    It wasn't just about WMDs.
    Toosmoky, Nov 12, 2005
  18. Minx

    Bill_h Guest

    You mean the number one excuse? Funny about the oil in Iraq. If the
    yanks (and little john) were serious about WMDs they would have
    invaded North Korea, and if they were serious about evil dictators
    they would have overthrown the Myanmar regime by now.
    Bill_h, Nov 12, 2005
  19. You could always got to tafe and get some certs in healthcare. Your first
    aid and that rudimentary stuff and try it for a year".

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Nov 12, 2005
  20. On 10/11/05 10:56 PM, in reference to

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Nov 12, 2005
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