[QUOTE="Knobdoodle"] X-No-archive: yes ~ Yep; thought so! There was no way you could answer that one honestly (and retain any shred of credibility). Does all that clever revise-history-then-post-links-as-proof stuff normally work on the people up there does it?[/QUOTE] Australia joined because the USA asked us to, our Government complied because it is a good idea for the strongest kid in the schoolyard to owe you a favour when the schoolyard bullies live just to the north of you and you cannot afford all the new gadgets that would defend yourself if they decided to have a go at you. (personally I would have stayed out of it, but I would have also stayed out of Timor, I am rather sick of our taxes being used by Governments of all colours propping up corrupt regimes that fail to feed their own population) I suspect the Trade Negotiations may also have had something to do with it but perhaps that is too cynical. The USA went in because Saddam was thumbing his nose at the world doing lots of nasty things to his people and no longer wanted to play nice with the USA (the strongest kid in the schoolyard) or the UN. Saddam was sitting on about 1/3 of the worlds reserves of oil and as the USA was the worlds greatest consumer of the stuff they could not allow these reserves to be in the control of an unstable element that could hold them to ransom. (In my view GWB's drop in popularity has a lot to do with increasing Gas prices). WMD's were reported by intelligence services(CIA et al), perhaps they had them perhaps not, (perhaps they were sent to another country like most of his Air Force in Gulf War MK1) Saddam had used them to kill lots of people in the past, and being Chemical & Biological agents conventional superpowers were not impressed because he was not playing with nice clean Nuclear Weapons like all the other kids.(and not buying them off them, Saddam should have gone to India, Pakistan or North Korea to shop for some real tasty Bombs). The trouble with relying upon internal intelligence sources is that they often give the sort of misinformation that provokes the type of action that the internal spy wants (removal of the current dictator so a new improved version can take over), this type of misinformation from Ex-Nazi's in the employ of the CIA is credited with starting and prolonging the Cold War. Give a Spy a bucket load of cash and suddenly you will find he has lots of juicy information to sell you (even if he has to make it up). Now before many left wing loonies go barking at the moon, this is my opinion and not some party line, contra to popular belief I do not have a red phone that hooks me up to JWH or the White House, although a few weeks ago a state security guard in George Street had a long hard look at me. Was the decision to invade (attack, have a go at, enforce sanctions, UN resolutions etc) valid, I suppose that depends upon you point of view, the Australian people returned John Howard with an increased majority and even handed over the Senate after this (by the way don't blame me for this they still only give me one vote), I don't know if that was a vote of approval for his actions or the Australian people don't give a stuff in times of near full employment, economic stability and a colour TV in every room. Perhaps we should blame an inept opposition for that one, or perhaps the collapse of the Democrats, take your choice. Boxer