MRAA (ie MRAV) bashing

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Minx, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. Minx

    Knobdoodle Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    Boxer wrote in message ...
    Damnit; I didn't realise those bastards had weapons of lass-destruction!
    Knobdoodle, Nov 10, 2005
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  2. Minx

    JL Guest

    You do know that someone has already done a pilot on these changes for
    us, don't you ? It's NZ. No, unemployment won't worsen, highly unlikely
    so your party membership is safe (as I'm sure yuo knew it would be), and
    I don't recall anyone suggesting it would worsen.

    Here's what it will do, it's very simple, it entrenches poverty because
    it removes loadings and hence will drop the incomes of certain people
    (particularly students and single mothers)

    It reduces quality of life for a number of people by reducing
    disincentives to employers to trade and operate 24x7.

    It reduces the average wage of the bottom 15% (+/- 2%) of the population
    by income.

    It may reduce GDP by a small amount because low income earners tend to
    spend all their income.

    It's not the end of the world but it's not a particularly good idea

    JL, Nov 10, 2005
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  3. Minx

    Toosmoky Guest

    You tend to oversimplify Nev. We are involved in a worldwide war on
    terror that will not end anytime soon.

    Do you call for the police to be disbanded because crime is still
    happening? Of course not.

    There is no one battle that we can fight to stop terrorism.

    I'm not, contrary to your assertion, scared of a terrorist attack. I
    recognise that it's likely to happen here. There's a big difference.

    My job is to be prepared in case the shit *does* hit the fan. My job is
    to help save lives in the event of an attack.

    Yet, I've more than once been accused of not having any regard for human
    life. I'll tell you a secret. I don't do my job for the money.
    Yes. They were and still are. You're starting to get it. Try reading a
    few Iraqi blogs.
    So who are the Iraqi Army defending themselves against? They're not an
    invading force. What about the Iraqi police? Are they an invading force?

    How is suicide bombing a hospital "defending themselves from the
    invading forces"?

    How is deliberately detonating a car bomb among a crowd of children
    "defending themselves from the invading forces"?

    How is Zarqawi's latest bombing in Jordan which killed a senior
    Palestinian minister "defending themselves from the invading forces"?

    Zarqawi recently called for all shiites in Iraq to be killed. He must be
    "defending themselves from the invading forces", eh?

    Nev, You need to differentiate the average Iraqi from the animals that
    only want to kill anyone, whether they be coalition forces, Iraqi army,
    Iraqi police or even any Iraqi, "regardless of their gender, age, or
    Toosmoky, Nov 10, 2005
  4. Minx

    Knobdoodle Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    What's Bin Laden got to do with us attacking Iraq? Our "reason" was the
    imminent threat from the WMDs wasn't it?
    God I hope you feel as silly as you look then!
    Our nation's security has never been even slightly threatened (except in the
    rhetoric of the scare-mongering pollies) while our job and financial
    security is in clear-and-present-danger!
    Knobdoodle, Nov 10, 2005
  5. Minx

    Knobdoodle Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    Tim Moran wrote in message ...
    This is serious Moran!
    Knobdoodle, Nov 10, 2005
  6. Minx

    JL Guest

    Lucky you...

    (crime rates must be low in Canberra)
    JL, Nov 10, 2005
  7. Minx

    JL Guest


    Yes, that's it, and that's what happened in NZ - what you can do is look
    at average wage, and in particular average wage of the bottom 10 or 15%
    of wage earners - it'll be heading downwards shortly

    JL, Nov 10, 2005
  8. Minx

    JL Guest

    Yeah I'm full time and I was hoping that would be the case - being ex
    govt. owned I figured they would

    JL, Nov 11, 2005
  9. Minx

    Moike Guest

    You got a reliable objective metric that Boxer would accept?

    Has he got one that you would accept?

    Moike, Nov 11, 2005
  10. Minx

    Boxer Guest

    You have to listen to Clem on this one, after all he is the master of the
    butt ring pucker (blame the gravel on the terrorists Clem).

    Boxer, Nov 11, 2005
  11. Minx

    Boxer Guest

    Had a look in the pantry, all out of "reliable objective metrics" got an old
    bottle of pickled onions I could let you have.

    Boxer, Nov 11, 2005
  12. Minx

    Moike Guest

    "If in 18 months time unemployment has risen substantially and living
    standards have dropped as a result of these IR changes I will be at the
    front of the picket line and burning my party membership card. "

    is a nicely avoidable committment.

    Moike, Nov 11, 2005
  13. Minx

    Toosmoky Guest

    You tied the invasion of Iraq to the liklihood of us being at a higher
    risk of terrorism within Australia.

    If we are *more* at risk, given our involvement in Iraq and given we
    were a target even before September 11 2001, can you quantify just how
    much *more* at risk we are than we were before we went into Afghanistan
    or Iraq?

    10%? 100%? 911x1000?...

    Let me know when you can agree on a figure.
    No it wasn't. We didn't go to war for just one reason.
    I feel vindicated as a matter of fact, Clem.
    Toosmoky, Nov 11, 2005
  14. Minx

    Smee R1100s Guest

    I'm just asking the question.
    Smee R1100s, Nov 11, 2005
  15. Minx

    Moike Guest

    That's pretty low grade sophistry, even by your standards, Doug. If it
    can't be quantified it must not be true.
    Yeah, right.
    There was the oil.
    There was "Ahhm gunna git thet man what got away frum mah paw"
    There was GWB's desperate need to be seen to be doing something about
    terrorism. (Witness his frequent juxtaposition of statements about 9-11
    and Iraq that had a majority of septics thinking Iraq was behind the

    Of particular interest is the fact that the septics had teams scurrying
    around Iraq desperately trying to find evidence of WMDs (how many false
    alarms did we get?) but hadn't bothered to put in place any plans for
    how the country might be managed once they had taken over. That really
    doesn't make me comfortable with the assertion that getting rid of the
    tyrant was anywhere near the top of their list. Remember Colin Powell's
    nervous presentation to the UN? It was all about evidence of WMDs, not
    about the oppression of the Iraqi people.

    And if tyrant eradication and the liberation of oppressed people is the
    real underlying agenda, why are so many still dying in N. Korea,
    Somalia, Uganda.....
    Your reasoning sounds like the sort of logic you get from a fanatical
    football follower, or a petrol-head on one side or the other of the
    Ford/Holden divide. You have stated your position, taken a stance, and
    nothing will ever make you see the need to question it.

    I suppose it's comforting to have an unshakable faith, even if it
    requires self-delusion.

    Moike, Nov 11, 2005
  16. Minx

    G-S Guest

    Lies I tell you! All lies!!

    It's really vegetables....

    G-S, Nov 11, 2005
  17. Minx

    Boxer Guest

    Clearly it is impossible to please you, perhaps you should go and get a
    "reliable objective metric" to satisfy your needs.

    Boxer, Nov 11, 2005
  18. Minx

    G-S Guest

    It isn't a 'war', a war has defined governments on both sides. When
    people talk about 'the war on terror' or 'the war on drugs' it isn't a
    literal war.

    To then later claim that actions that are used sometimes in a real war
    are justified because some people use the word is disengenuous.
    Red herring.
    Of course there no one 'battle' because there is no 'war'.
    It's not likely, it's remotely possible... hardly the same thing. And
    even if it did happen then it makes more sense to prioritize responses
    to problems according to the number of people killed and/or injured by
    that problem.

    By that (logical) premise terrorism would be fairly low on the agenda
    but according to the government it is in fact the number 1 problem.
    Of course, but as a policeman it is also your job to attempt to keep
    drunk and drugged drivers off the road.

    You are much more likely to save lives by doing that than by 'being
    prepared for a terrorist attack'.

    It seems sensible to have our limited emergency services personal
    concentrating on the areas where they can create the best effect.
    I would not accuse you of that... I believe (as far as it is possible to
    judge from newsgroup posts), that you are well intentioned but mistaken
    (and mislead).
    That is relevent to the situation in Iraq, it is very much less relevant
    to the situation in Australia.

    Yes they did. But they are over there... not here.
    That country is a mess, it's been a mess for years. The western
    countries going in was never going to stop it being a mess.
    It isn't... it never was. But it isn't happening here, and is unlikely
    to happen here.
    See above.
    Again see above.
    And again...
    Nev may or may not... I however do differentiate between them, and I
    have no problem with them being shot down like the animals they are.

    I do have a problem with innocent people being shot down however... a
    very strong problem. The guy on the subway in the UK was an innocent

    I also have a strong problem with taking away people liberties in the
    vain hope that somehow that will make it less likely that an (already
    unlikely) terrorist attack here will be stopped.

    G-S, Nov 11, 2005
  19. Minx

    G-S Guest

    The government rated our terrorist threat before then as 'low' it is now
    rated as 'medium'.

    Is that quantified enough?

    G-S, Nov 11, 2005
  20. Minx

    JL Guest

    He's a firey not a copper - he can spell (even if he can't think rationally)

    JL, Nov 11, 2005
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