MPs' Expenses (redux)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ogden, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. ogden

    ogden Guest

    ogden, Jun 18, 2009
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  2. ogden

    CT Guest

    "They just don't get it, do they?"

    I liked this bit in the main report:

    "The expenses claims and supporting receipts feature large blacked-out
    areas where it is not always clear what has been obscured."

    Well, duh!
    CT, Jun 18, 2009
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  3. ogden

    ogden Guest

    Given that most of the MPs who've fallen on swords did so as a result of
    property-related shenanigans, none of which would have been revealed by
    the data they've released, it's something of a pisstake.

    I remember a load of stuff released by (iirc) the US Gov't which was in
    PDF format with areas blacked out. Except it was still there and could
    be revealed by clicking and dragging to highlight the text. Fail!
    ogden, Jun 18, 2009
  4. ogden

    CT Guest

    Champ will be along shortly to say it's all a storm in a tea cup :eek:)

    Another highlight from the Grauniad blog is:

    "In 2005 George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, claimed £47 for two
    copies of a DVD of his own speech on 'Value for Taxpayers Money'."
    CT, Jun 18, 2009
  5. ogden

    Krusty Guest

    The FIA did that with the McLaren spygate documents.
    Krusty, Jun 18, 2009
  6. ogden

    Champ Guest

    Nah, I've given up that dead horse.

    I'm not sure whether it's reasonable or not to obscure MPs' personal
    addresses from publication.
    Champ, Jun 18, 2009
  7. ogden

    ogden Guest

    I can understand the superficial rationale for doing so, but anyone who
    really wanted an MP's address could almost certainly find it by other
    means and, as mentioned, concealing addresses hides a whole load of
    murky dealings which the Telegraph successfully exposed.
    ogden, Jun 18, 2009
  8. Possibly the same one I'm thinking of was a word doc which retained all
    the corrections underneath, detailing what *really* happened at some
    incidents in Iraq.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 20, 2009
  9. ogden

    geoff Guest

    There was one where history got left on, so all deletions and changes
    could be seen
    geoff, Jun 20, 2009
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