Moving and storage of motorcycles

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by bob prohaska, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. bob prohaska

    bob prohaska Guest

    Does anybody know of a moving and storage company in the East
    Bay (Oakland or thereabouts) which will move and store motorcycles
    along with household good? It would be a huge convenience to have
    everything handled in one truckload. I gather most storage houses
    do not accept vehicles, allegedly because of the fuel

    With luck the storage interval will be short enough (month or less)
    that no special prep will be needed.

    Thanks for reading!

    bob prohaska
    bob prohaska, Feb 8, 2005
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  2. bob prohaska

    muddycat Guest

    I think Allied will.
    muddycat, Feb 8, 2005
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  3. bob prohaska

    Carl Zwanzig Guest

    I don't know if it's changed, but I've shipped a bike along with the
    household goods w/o any prep at all. I think they charged me $60 for
    the privilage, in addition to the weight. A friend shipped his car in
    the moving van... I've had the impression that it's rather common.

    BTW, the magic words are "storage in transit", meaning that you give them
    the goods for transport and they hold them until delivery.
    check out

    Carl Zwanzig, Feb 8, 2005
  4. bob prohaska

    bob prohaska Guest

    Curiously, the storage folks don't seem too picky, they'll let me
    leave reserve fuel in the bikes. The mover insists they be dry.

    Which leaves a question: How to drain a fuel-injected bike? I seem
    to recall that it's bad practice to run the fuel pumps dry. Anybody
    know if that's true?
    Looked at the site, couldn't find the term. Where is it?

    thanks for your help!

    bob prohaska
    bob prohaska, Feb 9, 2005
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