Mounting a bike sideways in a 3 ton pan truck

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Mad-Biker, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. Mad-Biker

    Mad-Biker Guest

    Ive rented a 3 ton truck from Avis to move my furniture and have to fit 2
    bikes in the back, A 1989 cd250u The spud, and a 1998 Yamaha Majesty 250

    The side of the truck has 3 rails, one about 30cm above the floor, the
    middle and 30cm from the top.

    The way we want to mount it, is sideways, so facing to the side so
    everything fits in with the furniture..

    The spud is easy to do this, with straps around the triple clamps, another
    strap compressing the rear suspension etc.

    The scooter unfortunately is pretty hidden with fairing and stuff,
    So im thinking, tie a ratshit clap with the middle around the bars so its
    tight, from the top rail and to the bottom rail. A strap on each handle bar.
    They will be out in a V fashion for side stability.

    Then tie another ratshit around the front wheel, so its on the bottom and
    the middle.

    And another one on the back wheel to the other side of the truck in a V.

    Would that be enough to hold it in the back of a truck for 1000km?

    I will Have futon mattress either side just in case.

    Im tempted to make up a slide board with mdf and a few bits of wood nailed
    to it as wheel chocks as well, that way we can just put the mdf on the
    hydraulic lifter, raise it up, then slide the board accorss with the bike

    what do you think?

    Mad-Biker, Jun 5, 2006
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  2. Mad-Biker

    BT Humble Guest

    Sounds like you've got it pretty well sorted out. I usually tie off
    to the handlebars anyway, as near to the triple clamps as possible.

    One thing I WOULD suggest is that you load the bikes last (ie. at the
    back of the truck). The last thing you want is to have them squashed
    by runaway furniture if you need to do an emergency stop.

    BT Humble, Jun 5, 2006
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  3. Mad-Biker

    justAL Guest

    Just strap the scooter down with the straps over the running boards.

    justAL, Jun 5, 2006
  4. Mad-Biker

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I don't know nothing about putting bikes in cars but you've got me
    cheerfully humming "tie a ratshit clap around the old oak tree..."
    Knobdoodle, Jun 5, 2006
  5. Mad-Biker

    atec77 Guest

    Put some rope loops in the corner of some spud bags and then do your
    thing with the bags holding it all in... I did that with a Faired Buel
    with success.
    atec77, Jun 5, 2006
  6. Mad-Biker

    Mad-Biker Guest

    yeah verry last, with a futon mattress eather side for a bit of added

    strapping it that way ill give it enough sideways er strappness so it wont

    Mad-Biker, Jun 6, 2006
  7. Mad-Biker

    Mad-Biker Guest

    its not like a regular scooter, it has the tank down the middle, and a big
    glove box in the floor...
    Mad-Biker, Jun 6, 2006
  8. Mad-Biker

    Mad-Biker Guest

    strap a rat down until it shits

    Mad-Biker, Jun 6, 2006
  9. Mad-Biker

    justAL Guest

    Trust me. I crate these things for transport everyday.

    Use two straps over the front "hump" and locate them to an area to the front
    or the bike and that will pull down the forks. You can either strap over
    the seat to compress the rear or use to out rigger straps from the rear

    justAL, Jun 6, 2006
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