Motorcycles (hs)

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Cam Penner wrote:
    <>Cam is asking bjay???
    Are you the one screwing up all the subjects? If so, please stop. If
    not, sorry for accusing you.

    THEN Odinn responds
    Yes, he's the one screwing up all the subjects and doing all the
    crossposting. Hell, the fucking idiot even admitted to it.
    RCOS #7
    bjay here--------
    Hey Ya'll, This Odinn feller has the advantage on me. Yes he does.
    You see, he can take a jab at me, looking thru his rose colored glasses,
    that I call hiding behind his fancy KILLFILE. You see, he has me in

    But above he calls me a fucking idiott.
    He want come right out and face me.
    He resorts to ''foul language'.
    I think he's an older fellow, you know, not in his 30's. But he acts
    like a young person, by using such a limited vocabulary.

    Odinn even acts immature in his way of thinking when he seemed surprised
    I was honest. Above he says, ‘‘he even admitted it’’.

    To me, that is plum comical. (grinning)

    The only way he'll see this is thru his ''rose colored glasses'', now
    ain't that pitiful for an older man.
    BJayKana, Apr 29, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    has > me in there.

    Listen here you stupid ****. I kill filed you because it's impossible
    to read your crap. Then you go and do stupid shit like this.

    You do seem to have a problem reading all kinds of "crap" .. as well as a
    few "math" issues, also.. One of the first "reading problems" I'd mention is
    road maps.. Mena, Arkansas is clearly defined on most maps.. The Trail of
    Tears run originates in your area and ends in Mena.. Your claim of
    participating in that class run, is questionable..

    Another example of your "math comprehension" is the questionable claims of
    riding a motorcycle 25,000 miles per year on a consistent schedule.. hmmmm..
    Very doubtful, considering the area where you live and the possibility of
    inclement weather makes that claim far less than credible..

    Then .. there is the ultimate weapon "KILLFILE" obscurity.. Reads like, you
    haven't quite mastered the killfile art..

    ROTFL.. Bjay kinda "smoked you out" didn't he ?

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Yes, YOU ARE a fucking idiot, and you continue to prove it day in and
    day out.
    I'll face you you stupid ****. Get your fucking ass to Georgia and
    bring it on, you fucking idiot.
    I don't resort to foul language, there is nothing foul about my
    language, except to people with little minds like you.
    For someone who has piss poor grammer and spelling, you shouldn't speak
    about a vocabulary. Go ahead, prove what a stupid **** you are again.
    Yes, it is comical that a grown person would do stupid **** and own up
    to it an continue to do it even when others tell him it is stupid and
    annoying. Talk about immature. As long as you continue to be a
    stupid ****, I'll call you on it. If you don't like it, quit doing
    stupid shit, learn to spell, learn to write in a coherent manner, and
    learn to quote properly. It's possible, even in WebTV.

    The only way he'll see this is thru his ''rose colored glasses'', now
    ain't that pitiful for an older man.

    RCOS #7

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
    worshipped anything but himself." -- Sir Richard Francis Burton

    Reeky's unofficial homepage ...
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    rot13 to reply
    Bill Walker, Apr 30, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Iggy Guest

    Ah, the Walkers caught in another claimed to never use the kill
    file, Billy, what happened? <chuckle>

    Then you go and do stupid shit like this.
    Looks like you smoked yourself mealy mouthed, cocksucking Texan
    Iggy, Apr 30, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    jimmmr Guest

    Alot of garbage for a group that is supposed to be about something as
    awesome as enjoying motorcycles. Evidently, some need it as a forum to
    satisfy some other psychological needs.
    Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
    jimmmr, Apr 30, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    <chuckle> It's a bit deeper than all that, sir.. Goes back several years..
    and has a more sinister motive than you could imagine, unless you've been
    here.. Go right ahead and enjoy your motorcycle discussion with whoever you
    please.. Ignoring the trash that goes on here, periodically is your best
    bet.. Thanks for the input..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Apr 30, 2005
  6. And you can take the Walkers's word on that, because THEY never lie...

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, May 1, 2005
  7. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    BILL WALKER says to Odinn-----

    --ROTFL.. Bjay kinda "smoked you out" didn't he ?
    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.

    ______bjay LOL's and responds----

    Bill, I also ROTFL'ed when I read your response above to old what's his
    name, oh yeah---ODINN.

    I actually did smoke the old boy into a commentary.

    Hell, Bill, That feller gets riled up in a hurry. My god, you'd think he
    was irritated at me or something.
    I call it frustation. He's so frustrated with a simple little ole
    He showed that he's nothing but a Georgian redneck assHole.
    Those types of guys, are a dime a dozen.
    Being in the public eye,I have come a cross fellers like Mr. Odinn.
    When they are provoked in the slightest, they resort to violence.
    I imagine he really is a violent man.
    Around here, we know that one can get next to ''folks in a very''
    positive way, by staying calm.
    He ain't man enough to make me resort to acting like a fool, and resort
    to such
    stupid behavior, like he has demostrated over such a minor topic of
    BJayKana, May 1, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. If you notice, there are a handful on this newsgroup who'd indicate
    they are "violent".. You gotta understand, their violence is usenet
    limited.. <grin> Odinn has a habit of getting all out of snuff when he's
    caught in one of his "whoppers".. i.e. his 25,000 miles per year on a
    motorcycle.. and when he commenced bragging about riding the Trail of
    Tears.. hmmm.. I asked him a civil question about the ride and he
    immediately began boasting about the ride.. As it turned out, he didn't know
    where the ride ended and obviously knew very little about it, much less
    making the ride itself..

    When that much became obvious, of course the next rattle from Odinn was the
    favorite of these clowns.. he killfiled me.. Regards, Bjay..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, May 1, 2005
  9. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ----(IGGY)---- says these three Words--

    Bill walker wrote earlier---
    ROTFL.. Bjay kinda "smoked you out" didn't he ?

    ---(IGGY)---- continues---
    Looks like you smoked yourself mealy mouthed, cocksucking

    __________bjay here_________
    I get tickled when little bit, (iggy), comes in here occasionaly with
    his stupid remarks.
    He reminds me of a kid, jumping in on a fight, that he knows he is safe.
    Because the big boys are doing the real fighting.
    oh well, he tries to act tough, he might scare somebody with his
    I still say the little fellow, can't make a decent response about any
    OnGoing topic in these motoGroups.
    Just a friendly observation, that's all!
    BJayKana, May 1, 2005
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