Motorcycles (hs)

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Cam wrote-------------------------
    <>Are you the one screwing up all the subjects? If so, please stop. If
    not, sorry for accusing you.
    '89 RZ 350

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bjay here~~~~~~
    Yes I am.
    Let me see how honest you are.
    Are you just juming in on the Issue, because you read of others, doing
    Do you have an opinion about this topic of motorcycles?
    If you read any of our discussion, you'd see that we were talking about
    Harleys not being American Made and stuff and actually more than
    Could you not think of a comment to make about the ''onGoing'' thread
    here about the subject: Motorcycles??????
    <>I think you just want to participate in a fuss. <><>--b,j.kana
    BJayKana, Apr 29, 2005
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  2. How can he comment on the motorcycle subject, when you've scattered
    the fucking thread all over with your nonsensical subject line
    changes? You don't know much about this, so learn from what people
    are telling you.

    With certain newsreaders, changes to the subject line (like the ones
    you make) cause your post to appear as a stand-alone thread, with no
    connection to the thread you replied from.

    Subject line changes are to be made only when people wish to veer into
    a different subject, while noting where the discussion originally
    broke off from. Nothing more.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Apr 29, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Good grief.. can anyone imagine this of all the reeky clowns complaining
    about threads and topics and following threads.. ROTFLMAO
    You fucking moron.. you don't have the attention span to follow your
    goddamed nose, much less a subject or thread.. STFU..
    Bill Walker, Apr 30, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Road Hard Don------explains----

    -------bjaykana wrote earlier, (in part)
    ---bjay is responding to a dood named CAM)------
    Could you not think of a comment to make about the ''onGoing'' thread
    here about the subject: Motorcycles??????
    <>I think you just want to participate in a fuss.     <><>--b,j.kana

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~bjay here in the middle
    Below, RGdon, responds, saying how much trouble I caused, and how hard
    it is for some to read my WTV responses, with their fancy NG
    reader....B-U-T......Yet, below it appears that HE made sense out of my
    response to CAM, enough to
    continue his shitty attitude towards me.
    Every response he makes to me, has the word 'fucking'' in it. My My, I
    still say he has such a limited vocabulary.
    Also, I thought by noiw I'd be in his
    fancy KillFile....huhmm? Lke I give a damn--!!!!
    -----road hard don, explains------
    How can he comment on the motorcycle subject, when you've scattered the
    fucking thread all over with your nonsensical subject line changes? You
    don't know much about this, so learn from what people are telling you.
    BJayKana, May 1, 2005
  5. What a surprise!
    198 of every 200 participants here use a "fancy NG reader." BJ, you
    (and moto) are the Odd Men Out. At least with moto's non-attempt to
    quote, and to not fill his posts with rows of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, his are
    actually easier to read most of the time.

    And why do you use pairs of single quotemarks ( '' ) instead of one
    double quote mark ( " ) ?
    Sure, we can read it, but it takes half the morning to try and
    translate the mishmash you send.

    Ex: why did you change your post's subject line to "Ree:" ?
    Stop changing subject lines.
    You're workin' on getting in mine.
    Beauregard T. Shagnasty, May 1, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    Ari Rankum Guest

    It's not worth the investment in time. For an easier solution, see below.
    Help for Thunderbird (fancy newsreader) users:

    Tools->Message Filters->New->Match any of the

    Click on the "Delete the message" box.

    Name the filter "Bliss", and click on OK.

    RCOS #7
    2005 FJR1300AT
    1992 GL1500 (sold)
    1985 CB700SC
    1984 XL500R (sold)
    1979 SR500E
    1971 CL175
    1969 Schwinn Sting-Ray
    Ari Rankum, May 1, 2005
  7. Yes, thanks Ari. I do know how. Others may find your info useful, though.

    When BJ gets to the personal annoyance level that several others who
    post here already have, he will join them.
    Beauregard T. Shagnasty, May 1, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    (Beauregard T. Shagnasty)

    Sure, we can read it, but it takes half the morning to try and translate
    the mishmash you send.
    Ex: why did you change your post's subject line to "Ree:" ?
    Stop changing subject lines.

    --------bjay said earlier----
      Also, I thought by noiw I'd be in his fancy KillFile....huhmm? Lke
    I give a damn--!!!!

    ------Shagnasty warns----
    You're workin' on getting in mine.

    -----bjay back at em'-----
    ----I love drawing the--------------'s
    say Shagnasty, I've not had the pleasure to get a response from you.
    Any response is better than none.
    I sure would be sad, if ya put me in your fancy KF.
    Speaking of moto, you are right, he doesnt ever quote nobody, he just
    bores us with his oneLiners, like (iggy) does.
    ----b.j.kana of tejas---god's landscaping

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, May 1, 2005

  9. :)

    So you're saying that the chances of anyone with a WebTV having anything
    meaningful to say is slim to none, right?



    2001 Triumph Sprint RS - R.I.P. ( resting in pieces)
    "love the bike, hate the dealer"

    Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
    --Oscar Wilde

    I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
    --Douglas Adams
    Bobbie the Triple Killer, May 1, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    Ari Rankum Guest

    Chances? No, not chances. I determined this empirically. I'd rather
    state it that no one from WebTV is worth listening to than the way you
    put it. A WebTVer may have something to say, as in BJ's case, but it's
    not worth it, to me, to wade through all the ASCII graphics, poor
    snipping, strange wording, and munged subject lines to find out.

    I actually didn't have moto in my kill file before today. When I went
    to filter BJ, it occurred to me that I was willing to miss out on the
    possible reincarnation of Jack Kerouac as a WebTVer, and I plonked the
    lot of them.

    RCOS #7
    2005 FJR1300AT
    1992 GL1500 (sold)
    1985 CB700SC
    1984 XL500R (sold)
    1979 SR500E
    1971 CL175
    1969 Schwinn Sting-Ray (totalled)
    Ari Rankum, May 1, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ------------ari rankum rote:---
    I actually didn't have moto in my kill file before today. When I went to
    filter BJ, it occurred to me that I was willing to miss out on the
    possible reincarnation of Jack Kerouac as a WebTVer, and I plonked the
    lot of them.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~`bjay here~~~~~~~~~
    I know Ari,will only see this, if he should run across it looking at
    some ones that he likes.
    BUT, gotta say this: Above he says he didnt have moto in his fancy KF,
    Heck, I didnt' know moto ever said ''much'', I know he's not ever
    acknowledged me, another WTV brother.........kinda odd?
    RCOS #7
    2005 FJR1300AT
    1992 GL1500 (sold)
    1985 CB700SC
    1984 XL500R (sold)
    1979 SR500E
    1971 CL175
    1969 Schwinn Sting-Ray (totalled)
    BJayKana, May 1, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ~~~~~Bobbie, the triple killer~~~~

    So you're saying that the chances of anyone with a WebTV having anything
    meaningful to say is slim to none, right?

    bjay here-- 05.02.05
    hey triple killer, I'm not sure what you are insenuating above, but you
    got it.
    Bobbie, I know it's mostly the fact I am not using a computer with some
    of these fellers, not all, mind you.
    Actually, Bobbie, there's 5 or 6, that think I have some pretty good
    wisdom to spread.
    BJayKana, May 2, 2005
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