Motorcycles and Dogs.

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by FOAK, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. FOAK

    Henry Guest

    Wow. No wonder you fellows aren't quite grasping the "office
    fires can't cause steel framed buildings to shatter, explode,
    and melt" concept... <snort>


    Here's what happens to steel framed buildings exposed
    to raging infernos for hours on end.

    On 9-11-01, WTC7, a 47 story steel framed building, which
    had only small, random fires, dropped in perfect symmetry
    at near free fall speed as in a perfectly executed controlled
    Henry, Dec 19, 2006
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  2. FOAK

    Henry Guest

    Your obsession is worsening. Hire a lawyer to sue your
    shrink, Petie. <chuckle>

    Look at the height of WTC7: Picture1.jpg

    Then look at how it collapsed:

    Small random fires can't possibly make a steel framed building
    do that. Not even a raging inferno can cause a steel building to
    do anything even remotely close to that. Only a very well executed
    controlled demolition can cause the total, instant, and symmetric
    failure of all steel support columns that took place in WTC7.
    That was very solidly braced and virtually undamaged steel frame.
    It was dramatically over engineered to withstand hurricane force
    winds and mild earth quakes. Look at the still photos at 1 second
    intervals. The building stays perfectly straight and level all the
    way down. Every one of the 58 steel perimeter columns failed at
    exactly the same time, and they all failed totally, putting up
    essentially zero resistance. That's proven by the collapse time of
    6.6 seconds compared to 6 seconds free fall. The southwest corner
    of WTC7 was damaged by debris from the north tower, and there were
    small random fires in the building, although it's anyone's guess how
    they were ignited. But asymmetric damage and random fires don't cause
    steel framed buildings to collapse even slowly and asymmetrically.
    The near free fall speed and perfectly symmetric collapse of a
    steel framed building can only be caused by a very well executed
    synchronized demolition.

    Here's what happens to steel framed buildings exposed
    to raging infernos for hours on end.

    Perhaps you should learn more about the extreme (2000%) reserve
    strength designed into the steel frames of the towers. How was the
    2000% reserve strength of the undamaged steel frame exceeded by only
    the force of gravity, in your opinion? And how was it exceeded to such
    an extreme degree that the undamaged steel frame with a 2000% reserve
    strength capacity offered no measurable resistance with only the force
    of gravity working against it?


    "The Twin Towers and Why They Fell
    It would help to begin with an accurate description of the WTC towers
    in terms of quality of design and construction. In July of 1971, the
    American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) presented a national award
    judging the buildings to be "the engineering project that demonstrates
    the greatest engineering skills and represents the greatest
    contribution to engineering progress and mankind."3 Others noted that
    "the World Trade Center towers would have an inherent capacity to
    resist unforeseen calamities." This capacity stemmed from the use of
    special high-strength steels. In particular, the perimeter columns
    were designed with tremendous reserve strength whereby "live loads on
    these columns can be increased more than 2,000% before failure occurs."

    More on the incredible strength of the towers can be found here:

    "There is evidence that the Twin Towers were designed with an even
    greater measure of reserve strength than typical large buildings.
    According to the calculations of engineers who worked on the Towers'
    design, all the columns on one side of a Tower could be cut, as well
    as the two corners and some of the columns on each adjacent side, and
    the building would still be strong enough to withstand a
    100-mile-per-hour wind. 3"

    The massive steel frames of the towers were far too strong to
    collapse only under their own weight. That's been proven with
    physics, and that's why no other steel framed buildings have ever
    collapsed that way unless they were demolished.
    See Gordon Ross' excellent paper on momentum transfer on this

    As common sense would dictate, even if all the perimeter and
    core columns near the top of the tower were somehow destroyed
    simultaneously so that the top 20 stories or so dropped onto the
    remaining undamaged frame at free fall speed, after some bending
    and compression, the collapse would have stopped, or the upper
    block would have fallen off to the side. Gordon Ross proves that
    with physics.

    To believe that the towers could fall through themselves at virtual
    free fall speed and in perfect symmetry is comical nonsense. What you
    are saying, is that falling directly =through= the massive undamaged
    steel frames, including the 47 interconnected central core columns:

    provided little more resistance than air. This is proven by the
    fact that debris falling outside the towers hit the ground about the
    same time as the debris falling through the towers. Making your
    theory even more impossible, is the fact that the steel at the top
    of the towers was many times lighter and thinner than the undamaged
    steel in the lower section.
    Your magic fire conspiracy theory is an utterly idiotic and
    comical fantasy - and it violates the laws of physics.

    Look at the massive core column cross section in the
    bottom photo.

    Your magic fire theory says that crushing 47 of those bad boys,
    all interconnected with even more steel, =and= destroying all the
    perimeter columns, =and= "pancaking" all the floors, produced
    about the same kinetic friction as falling though air. That's some
    crazy, crazy, shit. It's amazing what some people can programmed
    to believe...


    Here's what happens to steel framed buildings exposed
    to raging infernos for hours on end.

    On 9-11-01, WTC7, a 47 story steel framed building, which
    had only small, random fires, dropped in perfect symmetry
    at near free fall speed as in a perfectly executed controlled
    Henry, Dec 19, 2006
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  3. FOAK

    BrianNZ Guest

    What are you snorting?
    BrianNZ, Dec 19, 2006
  4. FOAK

    Beav Guest

    I don't know what it is either, but I want some.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Dec 22, 2006
  5. He's under the influence of a dope, not a drug.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Dec 22, 2006
  6. FOAK

    Beav Guest

    Tried that, but it didn't make enough of a difference.
    I'm taking everything with me.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Dec 23, 2006
  7. FOAK

    Tunku Guest

    My family pet, when I still lived with my parents did this to bikes, even
    my bike. My answer was to hit the back brake, do a 180 and chase the mut
    back. A bit of spinning rubber up his arse stopped him chasing bikes.
    Tunku, Dec 26, 2006
  8. FOAK

    Timberwoof Guest

    =:eek: What'ja do‹shoot him with a rubber bullet?
    Timberwoof, Dec 26, 2006
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