Motorcycles and Dogs.

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by FOAK, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. FOAK

    Beav Guest

    Makes you wonder how on earth dogs ever plucked up the courage to attack
    bears, doesn't it?

    Obviously not a bear baiting dog then. (Which could be ANY dog, btw.)

    If a pet is just rough-housing and tries to
    Why not shove your hand down his throut and grab his bollocks, the ever so
    quickly, turn the fucker inside out? He'd get the idea he was in the shit
    pretty quickly if you did that.
    Back up, bend down, then pick up that lump of shit and throw it at the
    bastard. Don't worry either, there WILL be a lump of shit there.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Dec 14, 2006
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  2. FOAK

    Fred W Guest

    Maybe he was just excited by the prospect and wanted to go for a ride?
    Fred W, Dec 14, 2006
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  3. FOAK

    Stephen! Guest

    Some of the meanest (or scared) dogs I've come across have been
    "tamed" with this method:

    Crouch down, hold one hand out (elbow bent somewhat), fingers open
    loosely, palm down. Other hand drawn in close. Once they reach you
    allow *THEM* to initiate contact. Do not reach out to them. Remain
    still and talk to them in a soft, soothing voice. Once they sniff you
    and pass their muzzle under your fingers all is (typically) well.

    Standing with palm up or hand closed puts them on edge. Reaching out
    the last few inches when they approach is almost certainly a way to get
    Stephen!, Dec 15, 2006
  4. FOAK

    Stephen! Guest

    In a group and not really attack, only worry and harass... A dog will
    come in from one side. As the bear turns to meet it, another will nip it
    from behind and cause the bear to turn again... They keep it busy like
    this until the "sportsman" can sneak up and put a bullet in its head.

    Real sporting, eh?
    Stephen!, Dec 15, 2006
  5. FOAK

    Stephen! Guest

    wrote in

    Stephen!, Dec 15, 2006
  6. I don't think it's ever a good idea to show fear to a dog, not even
    on "his territory". It's not really "his territory" anyway, it's his
    master's and he knows this.

    Years ago, I walked into an unattended shop yard guarded by
    a real junkyard dog to cover a friends motorcycle. Because I
    was wearing full gear and a helmet I figured there wasn't a
    lot the dog could do to me, but this was never put to the test. The
    dog was taken aback and contented itself with hiding behind
    bikes and barking from a safe distance. I went about my business
    and left with no unpleasantness whatsoever.

    If it's a charging grizzly, maybe acting submissive will help.
    A dog just takes this as an invitation to attack or intimidate,
    depending on it's disposition. If it's non-rabid, stand your
    ground as assertively as possible.

    One thing you might consider though is removing your helmet.
    Dogs don't really understand helmets or even hats very well.
    If they see your normally shaped head, this can help convince
    them you're not an evil alien space critter. First time I came
    home in a full-face helmet my two dogs went ballistic and refused
    to calm down until I took it off.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Dec 15, 2006
  7. Rubbish. Current advice is (if attacked by a dog) to curl up into a
    ball on the ground. Not only does it protect your vulnerable bits but
    it puts you into the submission pose - which will reduce the dogs
    aggression level considerably.
    Rubbish. Each member of the pack is required to protect their
    Which *will* get you attacked - you show aggression to a dog on his
    territory and most times he/she will attack. Which is why they get used
    as guard dogs..

    Phil Launchbury, Dec 15, 2006
  8. Yup. Our Staffie/JR cross is far more likely to try to bite than our 2
    Rottweiler crosses. One of the rottie crosses is so laid back he is
    mostly horizontal..

    Phil Launchbury, Dec 15, 2006
  9. FOAK

    Beav Guest

    Bears and dogs went at it one to one.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Dec 15, 2006
  10. FOAK

    Tud Guest

    Tud, Dec 15, 2006
  11. FOAK

    Mike Garson Guest

    Who won?
    Mike Garson, Dec 15, 2006
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Dec 15, 2006
  13. FOAK

    Beav Guest

    The survivor.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Dec 16, 2006
    Phil Launchbury, Dec 18, 2006
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Dec 18, 2006
  16. FOAK

    Beav Guest

    Them viscious little bastards? I just kick the fuckers to Kingdom come, then
    collect them for the pot.

    You can feed a family of rotties for a week with the results, so they don't
    go on the rampage attacking blokes on bikes.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Dec 18, 2006
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Dec 18, 2006
  18. Rubish. What if there were multiple squirrels with lasers ?

    Unless you covered the entire dog with mirrors or possibly
    aluminum foil, you and your dogs would be doomed. It's
    probably better to throw yourselves on the mercy of the squirrels
    and hope for the best.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Dec 19, 2006
  19. FOAK

    Shaggy Guest

    "P.Roehling" Writ:
    Didn't he say:

    "Life is like a sewer. What you get out of depends on what you put into it."

    Just before he was hauled to the Massachusetts state home for the
    Shaggy, Dec 19, 2006
  20. FOAK

    Beav Guest

    Beav, Dec 19, 2006
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