motorcycle junkyard in Northbay?

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Steve, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. Steve

    Steve Guest

    Hi Gang,
    Does anyone know of a good motorcycle junkyard in the Northbay
    (esp Sonoma county) that has older bikes? I've called a couple of places
    but they don't have the parts I need (KZ900).

    Steve, Oct 9, 2004
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  2. Steve

    Steve Guest

    They were the first outfit I called. They practically laughed
    at me when I asked if they had parts. Looks like it'll be e-pay.

    Steve, Oct 11, 2004
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  3. Steve

    Bill Bornman Guest

    Bill Bornman, Oct 11, 2004
  4. Steve

    frankb Guest

    } They were the first outfit I called. They practically laughed
    } at me when I asked if they had parts. Looks like it'll be e-pay.

    It's not like they would even know if they had KZ900 parts. I don't
    know what your looking for, but when I needed a foot peg for my Yamaha
    they pointed to a couple of 30 gallon barrels filled with them. I just
    dumped them over and started picking thru until I found the one for my

    Things like gas tanks and fenders they would know if they had, but not
    lots of the little stuff.
    frankb, Oct 11, 2004
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