Motorcycle hire in Japan

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Peter, Aug 23, 2007.

  1. Peter

    Peter Guest

    Anyone ever done it?
    What were the prices like?
    Where from?
    Any other relevant information you can share?
    Peter, Aug 23, 2007
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  2. Peter

    tropicus Guest

    No, it would not be fun. Slow, crawling traffic, and an endless series
    of astronomically expensive tollbooths on the highways. For example,
    riding from tokyo to kyoto would cost *hundreds* of dollars in tolls
    Dunno, but they'd be bloody huge
    Don't bother. It will suck
    tropicus, Aug 23, 2007
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  3. Peter

    Linda Guest

    Wow! Even worse than Snydley?
    Linda, Aug 23, 2007
  4. Peter

    tropicus Guest

    By orders of magnitude............
    tropicus, Aug 23, 2007
  5. Yes, much worse. There's no Godzilla here...

    Tex is being a whinging former arts student in complaining about the
    dense urban Japanese traffic, though... once you've fought your way
    out of the city (which could well take hours), the population thins
    out sharpish and the roads get interesting... haven't people seen
    "Tokyo Drift"?

    That said, hiring a bike worth riding in Japan *would*, in all
    likelihood, cost an absolute fortune.
    intact.kneeslider, Aug 23, 2007
  6. Peter

    will_s Guest

    actually I would think it would cost a lot less then here
    will_s, Aug 23, 2007
  7. Peter

    Nev.. Guest

    ...hired a bike in Australia lately?

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Aug 23, 2007
  8. Sadly, Ive got to echo the sentiments of most in the group here....

    Ive been to japan 7 times, though ive never rented a bike there. Depends on
    which part of the country you are going to. If in a major city - dont
    bother. If in a rural area, it wouldnt be available. On top of that, the
    bikes there are entirely different from ours... Almost all are speed
    restricted and they have very few large capacity bikes. Some of their
    *cars* are only 500cc ;-) Japanese people in general dont like mass
    produced things, so there are many limited production bikes there. I saw a
    lot of cars and bikes that i had never seen before. Licensing is another

    If you really wanted to get around the country and are there for more than a
    few days, buy a bike and later sell it. tolls, food and accomodation are
    more expensive than australia.

    Korea is nice to ride in, though not as scenic as japan in many ways, and
    not as clean. It is however, a lot cheaper. Seoul is absolutely shocking
    for traffic, but a bike is a good way to get through it. plan on getting
    lost though, and no left turns anywhere (they drive on the right) so you
    have to do 3 right turns to go left. Cheaper costs of living though, and
    incredible roads if you get out of the city. you can ride top to bottom in
    4-5 hours, but plan on about a week to circumnavigate. You cant ride on the
    motorways, but who wants to? In a country that is something like 85%
    mountains, you'll never have to worry about wearing a flat on your tyres,
    and the roads are very good - two lane highways most of the country, very
    little traffic and lots of 150km/h+ sweepers.

    Best Regards,
    Shaun Van Poecke, Aug 23, 2007
  9. Peter

    Tex Guest

    Nope but I've seen the prices
    Tex, Aug 23, 2007
  10. Yeah great movie. Mt Akina would be fun on a nice light track bike. CBR600
    would be just the ticket.

    Fraser Johnston, Aug 24, 2007
  11. Peter

    Peter Guest

    Its not Baghdad but....

    Thanks all who have replied. Plenty to think about though now leaning
    towards a purchase of something cheap and seconhand.

    Peter, Aug 24, 2007
  12. Peter

    Nev.. Guest

    Now, _that'd_ be a blast !

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Aug 25, 2007
  13. Peter

    Yeebok Guest

    Yeebok, Aug 25, 2007
  14. Peter

    MrMoped Guest

    That's not bad riding - who says you need a shitload of fancy crap to have
    some fun?

    don't mess with the homesahibs!
    MrMoped, Aug 27, 2007
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