Motorcycle helmets should be required, feds say

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BiffB, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. BiffB

    BiffB Guest

    Just helping BJay with his ratings.

    I'll go on record as saying I wear a helmet, but I don't care if you
    don't, as long as your head injury doesn't cost me any money. Oh, and
    I'm for LESS government, and this is definitely not a case of less
    BiffB, Sep 13, 2007
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  2. BiffB

    Bill Walker Guest

    After my little "get off" last Sunday.. One of the police officers at the
    asked me if I was wearing a helmet.. Matter of fact.. it was his first

    Of course, I was not wearing a helmet and it would have done nothing to
    prevent the accident from occurring.. Pure and simple.. that take down was
    caused by a liquid spill of some kind.. i.e. anti-freeze, fuel or
    fluid.. The spill could have been at any time .. The liquid had probably
    and not visible to the naked eye, but the heavy rain had activated it to the
    point of being slick as snot on a doorknob..

    After the fact, a helmet might have provided a degree of protection, however
    in a case like this.. the rider can only do so much to protect himself and
    motorcycle against maximum damage and injury..

    It has been my choice to wear or not wear a helmet.. Normally, I don't wear
    helmet unless it is mandated by law.. I'm glad that I wasn't wearing one
    I did the acrobatics last Sunday.. Having no control over that motorcycle,
    to the conditions of the pavement and the weather, my options were limited
    to using whatever means, to go down as safely as possible.. Being encumber-
    ered by a helmet could have meant the difference between a serious injury
    accident or a minimum injury incident..

    Be that as it may, I'd made the choice.. That's the way I prefer it..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 13, 2007
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  3. BiffB

    bj_kana Guest

    I've been wearing one....for 30 years. I also was country before
    country was cool ...Barbara Mandrell...1980)
    Helmets, to me or like insurance. It's probably best to be wearing
    one and not need it, compared to ''needing it'' and not be wearing
    one... for instance; ''pavement scraping with yo' head''... God forbid
    ---if that should ever happen to any of twoBits.
    bj_kana, Sep 13, 2007
  4. BiffB

    Brian Walker Guest

    I was on the way to the airport the other day. A motorcycle was riding
    through the traffic and I looked down at the speedo to see how fast we
    were going to match his speed. Even though it was morning traffic, we
    were still going highway speeds. As I got up next to this motorcycle,
    I noticed he wasn't wearing a helmet, had long hair and wearing
    goggles. The goggles weren't over his eyes, but rather up on his
    forehead. There was no windshield on the motorcycle and this goofy
    bastard had a bunch of wind blowing in his eyes to the point his eyes
    were red and watering.

    This is the type of person who needs "mandated helmets". What do you

    I wear a helmet for comfort. I also wear an armored jacket for the
    same reason. I'm the type of rider who believes you only need all this
    safety stuff if you plan on hitting the ground. So, I wear the gear
    for comfort. In Texas, it's more comfortable to wear the gear than
    have the sun bake skin and get the "Hank Hill" tan lines. It's also
    more comfortable to wear the gear in 30 degree weather and keep the
    cold wind off.
    Brian Walker, Sep 14, 2007
  5. BiffB

    Dusty Guest

    I were my helmet when I ride, One save me a lot of pain one day while
    racing. I flipped the bike in a rut and landed head first on the ground at
    about 50 mph. I rolled 100 yards and the bike went about 100 yards past me.
    Dusty, Sep 14, 2007
  6. BiffB

    louie Guest

    Did y'all go to TP?
    I dunno. Try talking to him.
    What about, for example, take today for instance, it is cloudly, and in the
    70's where I was? Your formula above doesn't cover my circumstances today,
    in the example I've just given.

    louie, Sep 14, 2007
  7. BiffB

    louie Guest

    What the hell wear you doing racing Dusty? Stop it!

    louie, Sep 14, 2007
  8. BiffB

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'm not a mathmatics professor, but this math doesn't add up. I'm not
    sure a motorcycle will coast to a distance of 200 yards from 50 mph on
    it's wheels....let alone loosing a rider who weres a helmet and
    dumping on his head.

    Can you check with this math?

    I'm not sure, but even flipping around with a rider still riding from
    more than 50mph, a certain Road King only went about 30 yards
    Brian Walker, Sep 14, 2007
  9. BiffB

    Brian Walker Guest

    He wear racing that Huskavarner motorcycle....
    Brian Walker, Sep 14, 2007
  10. BiffB

    Brian Walker Guest

    Nah, no TP this week....just a bunch of flooding and hurricanes.
    Pretty girls, loud rock and roll music, motogp, and more pretty girls

    About what? I thought to myself "good thing you've got those
    goggles...just in case a bug or rock hits you in your forehead"....

    Well shit, Louie! It was cloudy and cool last Sunday...and I didn't
    were my helmet and jacket....
    Brian Walker, Sep 14, 2007
  11. BiffB

    Dusty Guest

    Dirt bike was less than 100 lbs I was 120 lbs , Road Kink is 800+ lbs rider
    on road king probably 200+ he was on grass I was on hard packed sand . Road
    King used the breaks ? I sure did not have time for any breaks. You do the
    math, Maybe I did not go as far as I thought but it sure seemed like it to
    me. I also was wearing my racing boots chest plate shin guards along with my
    full face helmet with eye protection and padded racing gloves when I flipped
    the bile. Oh yes I was in a race the last race I ever went on was that one I
    stopped racing after that .
    You see why you are so annoying Brian , go back to twin hills and watch your
    teen girls the will listen to you because they take your money.
    Dusty, Sep 14, 2007
  12. BiffB

    Brian Walker Guest

    I guess that them's the brakes!
    I'm sure. Must've been a bitch of a walk to get your little <100lb
    dirt bike, huh?
    I read a study not too long ago about how aerodynamic those boots and
    chest plates have become, and how easily they slide. Must've had the
    boots made by 3M and coated with Teflon, huh?
    I figured it'd be because your race team read a post where you called
    the bike a Huskavarna???
    No, I don't see it....can you show it to me again?
    Brian Walker, Sep 14, 2007
  13. BiffB

    louie Guest

    Very good description of BillC's prior 'cycle, The road Kink!

    lbs rider
    didn't that leave a bad taste?

    louie, Sep 14, 2007
  14. BiffB

    Dusty Guest

    I still ride.
    Dusty, Sep 14, 2007
  15. BiffB

    Dusty Guest

    Maybe you need to go and ride your bike and get off the computer.
    Dusty, Sep 14, 2007
  16. BiffB

    Brian Walker Guest

    Was it before or after?
    With all that, it protected him from any brakes in his bones....
    Brian Walker, Sep 14, 2007
  17. BiffB

    Brian Walker Guest

    I would, but our Cleburne trip was cancelled. That being the case, it
    leaves my calendar wide open and nothing to do.

    On top of all that, I'm fighting hurricanes, rain and tornados today.
    Maybe we'll get a brake in the weather and I can ride later. Maybe
    Brian Walker, Sep 14, 2007
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