Motorbikes + Back Pain

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Nick, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. Nick

    wessie Guest

    dwb emerged from their own little world to say
    [snip Suzuki cheaper than BMW to insure]
    Really? I just ran a quote through the Bennetts website. Only a couple of
    quid in it. Full comp on the GS: £195, Suzuki £200. That's a 42 yo, with 9+
    NCB, NP7 postcode and nil point.

    Perhaps your postcode is high risk for the GS? It is quite popular with
    thieving scum. Ask MarcD. The high purchase cost & spares prices will fuel
    wessie, Feb 7, 2005
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  2. Nick

    Preston Kemp Guest

    Lol I wouldn't let that put you off. He also recently bought a Morini
    500, & I don't think they're a typical 'old man' bike.
    I see in your other post you can flat-foot both feet, which surprised
    me. They must be pretty dinky things. I'm 5'9 with long legs for my
    body & can't flat-foot the Tiger when its at the factory settings.

    I doubt the 2cm will be an issue - you should at least be able to get
    both yer balls down as it were. It might be a problem if the seat on
    the 1000's wider though.
    I can't see it being a mistake really, unless your favourite riding is
    triple digit speeds on fast 'A' roads, & that's what you want to stick
    Preston Kemp, Feb 7, 2005
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  3. Nick

    dwb Guest

    Test ride isn't enough though Rob - it's an hour of 'must not crash'.

    The VFR I had on loan took me 150 miles before I worked out how to ride it -
    I would never have bought one just off a test ride (I still wouldn't buy one
    , but that's due to cost) as I would have thought it was shit.
    dwb, Feb 7, 2005
  4. Nick

    dwb Guest

    It surprised me too TBH. It does have a fair bit of give in the suspension
    but even then I'm not exactly pushing the scales...

    As Tog says, financially buying one would potentially be a disaster - but
    who the hell buys bikes based on financial reasons :)
    dwb, Feb 7, 2005
  5. Nick

    Steve P Guest

    I've joined this a bit late but it seems to me that you've considered a
    lot of the same bikes as I was last year. I considered an SV1000, VFR,
    GS1150 and Tiger. For some reason I didn't think of the V-Strom at all
    but I think that had more to do with not liking the looks.

    I hate to be one who plugs his own bike but have you considered a Fazer.
    To be honest in the past I wasn't that sold by the looks but it's
    growing on me a lot. It makes so much more sense for me than the Gixer
    as well. If your back is the *main* issue you should at least bear it in
    mind as the riding position is very much big trailie.

    Just my 2p.
    Steve P, Feb 7, 2005
  6. Nick

    Champ Guest

    I really don't understand this - how on earth can it take 90 mins to
    "work out how to ride" a bike?

    Please add "imo" to above post.
    GSX-R 1000, GPz 750 turbo, ZX7RR Endurance Racer x 2
    GYASB#0 BotToS#2 BOTAFO(T|F)#35 WG*#1 DFV#8
    Team UKRM Racing :
    Champ, Feb 7, 2005
  7. Nick

    porl Guest

    Images of Dan being thrown around- Cpt Ahab style- as the VFR disappears
    into the sunset....
    porl, Feb 7, 2005
  8. Nick

    dwb Guest

    It just did. You're a natural, I'm not.
    dwb, Feb 7, 2005
  9. Nick

    Champ Guest

    I'm not a natural, not at anything I've tried, so far. When I first
    got on a bike I was *useless* - I crashed within an hour, and spent
    the first 3~4 days stalling 2 out of every 3 attempts to pull away.

    What I'm asking is - what was it about the VFR that seemed so
    different from your own bike.
    Please add "imo" to above post.
    GSX-R 1000, GPz 750 turbo, ZX7RR Endurance Racer x 2
    GYASB#0 BotToS#2 BOTAFO(T|F)#35 WG*#1 DFV#8
    Team UKRM Racing :
    Champ, Feb 7, 2005
  10. Nick

    MikeH Guest

    You've never been caught out by the kill switch being "off"?
    MikeH, Feb 7, 2005
  11. Nick

    dwb Guest

    The power delivery, the responsiveness, the way it felt going round corners.
    How much effort was required to do one thing, but not another and so forth.
    dwb, Feb 7, 2005
  12. Nick

    Champ Guest

    Funnily enough, no. I do recall a time when I first got into biking -
    the Kawasakis I'd owned (er, both of them, at that point) were wired
    such that the starter motor didn't work if the kill switch was off. My
    mate's Honda 400 Four, however, would happily spin the motor over,
    with no sparks, if you weren't paying attention. He had the tank off,
    plugs out, points cover off, etc, before this was pointed out to him.
    Please add "imo" to above post.
    GSX-R 1000, GPz 750 turbo, ZX7RR Endurance Racer x 2
    GYASB#0 BotToS#2 BOTAFO(T|F)#35 WG*#1 DFV#8
    Team UKRM Racing :
    Champ, Feb 7, 2005
  13. Nick

    Bob Mc Guest

    Or the side stand immobilizing the old dear?
    Bob Mc, Feb 7, 2005
  14. Nick

    mups Guest

    MikeH says...
    A female UKRMer with whom I have a close acquaintance with once phoned
    her dad to come and collect her along with her 'broken' bike after
    spending half an hour trying to start it...
    mups, Feb 7, 2005
  15. Nick

    Champ Guest

    Would this be a ukrmer whose name begins with S?
    Please add "imo" to above post.
    GSX-R 1000, GPz 750 turbo, ZX7RR Endurance Racer x 2
    GYASB#0 BotToS#2 BOTAFO(T|F)#35 WG*#1 DFV#8
    Team UKRM Racing :
    Champ, Feb 7, 2005
  16. Nick

    mups Guest

    Champ says...
    I might be... In her defence she was blonde at the time.
    mups, Feb 7, 2005
  17. Nick

    mups Guest

    Champ says...
    It might be... In her defence she was blonde at the time.
    mups, Feb 7, 2005
  18. Nick

    dwb Guest

    It will cost me £35 to change to a DL 1000 (of which £15 is the brokers

    It's £200 to change to a GS - but that's mainly because of the list price
    being £3.5k higher!
    Would that be more popular than GSX-R's with thieving scum? :)
    dwb, Feb 7, 2005
  19. Nick

    Steph Guest

    The bike was wheeled up via a plank onto the back of a landrover and
    driven home from college. Dad got the bike off the lanny on to the
    drive, flicked the kill switch and of course it started first time
    <ooops>. In my defence, I was blonde, it was dark outside college, and
    I'd only owned the bike 4 days.
    Steph, Feb 7, 2005
  20. Nick

    Champ Guest

    <dons wig>
    You are to be commended for your frankness about the incident, and for
    not quibling. The court gives particular weight to the mitigating
    circumstance of "being blonde". Therefore, I am minded to be lenient.
    The penalty shall be 48 hours of community service, working with the,
    ahem, less advantaged members of ukrm at the BoSM.

    Court adjourned.

    <bangs gavel>
    Please add "imo" to above post.
    GSX-R 1000, GPz 750 turbo, ZX7RR Endurance Racer x 2
    GYASB#0 BotToS#2 BOTAFO(T|F)#35 WG*#1 DFV#8
    Team UKRM Racing :
    Champ, Feb 7, 2005
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