MotoGP on the BBC.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ginge, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. ginge

    ginge Guest

    I thought I'd drop them a note asking if there were any plans to
    either offer any iplayer coverage of the Official Testing that's just
    gone, or the night session in Quatar next month, or even offer a
    report on the website.

    Short answer, no.

    Longer answer:

    "Thank you for your e-mail to the BBC Sport website.

    We tend not to cover testing - whether it be MotoGP or Formula One
    -unless there is an obvious news story that has come out of it. This
    is because, as we're sure you know, it is so difficult to read
    anything definitive into the lists of times, not knowing what spec
    each of the teams is running its bike/car in at any moment.

    At the same time, please bear in mind that we are a general sports
    website, not a MotoGP specialist site, and we have to weigh
    ourpriorities at all times. Given the need to be across all the major
    stories/events in international sport, it should not surprise you that
    apre-season motorsport test session might not get on to the BBC radar
    -you would not expect to see it in a national newspaper either, for

    We are not a catch-all site for all sports around the world. We
    havedifficult decisions to make about what we can and cannot cover,
    and they are led by our need to serve the majority of our audience as
    best we canat all times. We know there are lots of ardent bike racing
    fans outthere - hopefully you will be watching our coverage of MotoGP
    thisseason. But it is not our role to cover the sport in all its
    minutiae.There are plenty of perfectly good websites out there where
    you can getthis information and we simply cannot stretch our already
    limited resources to simply duplicate that information.

    You can rest assured, though, that as one of the BBC's major
    livesports, there will be plenty of MotoGP coverage on our website
    thisyear. Kind regards, BBC Sports Interactive"

    So there you have it, not as good as Eurosport, and no aim of plugging
    the gaps. But hardly a surprise.

    FWIW, I don't blame the beeb, but Dorna, for reducing our viewing
    ginge, Feb 10, 2009
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  2. ginge

    ogden Guest

    So long as there's still the excellent, I'm happy.
    ogden, Feb 10, 2009
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  3. ginge

    ginge Guest

    I didn't know about that place. ta.
    ginge, Feb 10, 2009
  4. ginge

    Switters Guest

    Did you expect any different?

    Like you, I blame Dorna, not the Beeb, and I totally understand that
    they've a totally different remit than Eurosport.

    However, on that subject, I don't recall Eurosport covering the general
    test sessions either. Except perhaps a small clip on their motorsport
    round-up programme. The only one they did was the last test of the off-
    season at Jerez, which had the car as a prize and Toby Moody nic-named GP-

    So so far, we're no worse off.
    Switters, Feb 10, 2009
  5. ginge

    ginge Guest

    They did used to cover it, I rememebr the Quatar testing being live,
    and the pre-season testing getting a couple of hours of highlights.
    ginge, Feb 10, 2009
  6. ginge

    CT Guest

    What makes you think that the Beeb would, or even should, cover such a
    minority interest part of what is, a minority sport?
    CT, Feb 10, 2009
  7. ginge

    ginge Guest

    The fact it would cost them next to nothing to do. They've won the
    rights, Dorna already provides the footage, and Iplayer is there for
    the taking. It's hardly rocket-surgery.

    Plus this claim of minority sport, they were getting average audiences
    of 1.1 million viewers last year, when they were competing with
    Eurosport, I'd wager the numbers could be higher this year.
    ginge, Feb 10, 2009
  8. ginge

    antonye Guest

    Exactly - lord knows how we would do without four hours
    of non-stop BBC News from midnight each day!
    antonye, Feb 10, 2009
  9. ginge

    CT Guest

    Yes, I would certainly hope so too.

    But how many of those 1.1 million do you think were actually interested
    in anything other than the racing? Maybe a decent proportion for the
    race weekend practice, but pre-season testing?
    CT, Feb 10, 2009
  10. ginge

    ginge Guest

    Enough, to justify (let's assume) an hour or so of effort sticking it
    on iplayer, I'd have thought.
    ginge, Feb 10, 2009
  11. ginge

    CT Guest

    Obviously not, from the reply you got to your email!
    CT, Feb 10, 2009
  12. ginge

    ginge Guest

    <green biro>

    they should have asked.. taking our licence fees, and wasting them on
    football, and local radio, and pictures of snow, and Terry Wogan.

    </green biro>
    ginge, Feb 10, 2009
  13. ginge

    dog Guest

    if this thread goes on any longer i'd actually pay money to get it
    dog, Feb 10, 2009
  14. ginge

    ginge Guest

    How much money?
    ginge, Feb 10, 2009
  15. ginge

    Veggie Dave Guest

    Let's say only half were interested in more. Stick it on BBC3 and double
    the channel's viewing figures.

    Veggie Dave

    "To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim
    that Jesus was not born of a virgin." Cardinal Bellarmine
    Veggie Dave, Feb 10, 2009
  16. ginge

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    Wimbledon and the fucking boat race for starters.
    Andy Bonwick, Feb 10, 2009
  17. It's spelled "Qatar". And it's bloody great. You should go and watch
    it live.
    vulgarandmischevious, Feb 11, 2009
  18. ginge

    CT Guest

    13.1 million viewers
    Over 7 million.

    Also, I'm not saying they shouldn't cover MotoGP, just that I can see
    why they're not bothering with pre-season testing.
    CT, Feb 11, 2009
  19. ginge

    Switters Guest

    Well either I missed it completely in the schedules or you're mistaken.

    I know which explanation I prefer.
    Switters, Feb 11, 2009
  20. ginge

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    That's for the final, not the garbage offered up on the outside courts
    earlier in the week, the stuff that's the tennis equivalent of
    pre-season testing but they show it because it's an 'institution'.
    Lentil eating cunts.
    I can see why they're doing it but that doesn't make them any less of
    a bunch of cunts.
    Andy Bonwick, Feb 11, 2009
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