[QUOTE] Oh good, moving obstacles; sounds like much more fun that just dodging trees ;-)[/QUOTE] That's kinda my point. Too many slow things to hit. [QUOTE] That's kind of the point though. If this legislation makes it through, there won't be a place for offroading. The dear old Rambler's Assoc. can then turn their attention to the next challenge, banning mountain bikes from footpaths & bridleways, probably followed by a ban on anything with 2 wheels within a 50 mile radius of a national park.[/QUOTE] True enough. Although they've already lost in court with regard to mountain bikes. The mtb community is very very careful not to antagonise people, the maxim of "leave no trace" always applies when riding. The same, sadly, does not seem to apply to mx riders. Several of the bridleways near me have been utterly trashed by mx bikes, foot deep ruts for several miles where there used to be a good solid surface, even for horses. Personally I'd hate to see mx bikes banned from RUPP's etc but riding in places utterly unsuitable for them doesn't help the case at all.