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Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Gary Walker, Dec 14, 2005.

  1. I don't expect anyone in the retail business to know anything even remotely
    technical. I walked into RS some time ago and the sales weenie asked me
    what I wanted and I told him I wanted some electrolytic capacitors 47uf@50
    volts or more. He then asked me "Do we carry those?".

    R. Pierce Butler, Dec 24, 2005
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  2. I hate it when the person asking the questions has the wrong answer or
    fails to fully qualify the question.

    One of my favorite questions to ask when interviewing a Unix person is as
    follows: What is the IFS variable and what is it's significance?

    Another of my favorites is "How would you print the 3rd field of a pipe
    delimited record using /bin/sh and awk?"

    The answer to those two questions tells me an awful lot about the

    I actually had an applicant pull out a book and tell me he would look it
    up. I was so astounded that I was speechless. After several seconds I
    thanks everyone for attending and declared "This interview is over and the
    meeting is adjourned" I asked one of my subordinates to escort the
    candidate out and walked out of the room.

    I had another fellow interview for a job and I remembered him from an
    interview when I was looking for job. No, he didn't make it but not
    because he was an asshole. He failed the interview due to that fact that
    he didn't know what the hell he was talking about and he was an asshole.

    R. Pierce Butler, Dec 24, 2005
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  3. Whether of not you ascribe to the test is immaterial. Every candidate was
    asked the same question. The point of the test was to determine one's
    personality and ethics and knowledge. If someone explodes claiming the
    question irrelavant, they fail. If someone tries to bullshit their way
    thru it, they fail. If they admit they don't know then that is a plus. If
    they have the answer, then they really do know their stuff and it gains
    them slightly higher marks than "I don't know" but not by much.

    R. Pierce Butler, Dec 25, 2005
  4. Gary Walker

    Iggy Guest

    BILL WALKER says):''When you learn to ride the crotch rocket,
    Nurick.. You just might like to get your fat ass dusted real good by
    that "little cruiser".. Say what ? You sure do a lot of talking about
    someone's motorcycle, but in all they years I've seen you on usenet, no
    one has come forward and testified that they've been on a RIDE with
    you.. Ain't that interesting.. ??''
    ''Bill, that brings up a point I have been meaning to post
    about. I have one close riding buddy here in town. Skunk, is my main
    one. Kirby, Joe and L.B. are mainly weekend ridding buddies. My point
    here is;
    I wonder how many others on here, who I count as txmoto regulars, have
    local riding buddies. Skunk and I ride real often. Sometimes just to go
    eat, and visit someone, and that's about it. For instance, take Albert,
    he use to mention riding on errands related to his work. I have read
    where he rode some on the weekends around Houston, etc. I wonder if he,
    or even Brian,Beemer,even wakko, have a buddy that lives local, to ride
    with. I left out JC, cause he has ole Iceman, a local buddy. It
    seems, most, ride solo.
    (Note, we all know that IGGY absolutely doesn't have riding buddies. He
    doesn't appear to even have a motorcycle, atleast there is no evidence
    demonstrated by his responses on TxMoto)

    You're more of a troll than either of the Walkers combined. You asked me,
    nicely, in a previous thread (approx 2 weeks ago) what I ride and I answered
    you nicely, you shit-stain. Then you pull this cowardly bullshit? Who the
    **** are you to demand evidence of anything? Just because you post a couple
    of ride reports or tell people you ride, you think it makes you a "rider".
    Anyone can come on here and post a ride report....doesn't mean they actually
    took the trip - or even have a motorcycle. Hell, your reports are evidence
    of that! LOL

    LOL And you wonder why no one likes WebTV assholes? Because they know too
    many of you idiots that play these little two-faced/personality games on
    USENet. **** you.

    Guess what? Game on, bitch.
    Iggy, Dec 29, 2005
  5. Gary Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Bjay said : ''(Note, we all know that IGGY absolutely doesn't have
    riding buddies. He doesn't appear to even have a motorcycle, atleast
    there is no evidence demonstrated by his responses on TxMoto)
    ===================================== Then Iggy submits a high key
    ''Bjay,you're more of a troll than either of the Walkers combined.
    You asked me, nicely, in a previous thread (approx 2 weeks ago) what I
    ride and I answered you nicely, you shit-stain. Then you pull this
    cowardly bullshit? Who the **** are you to demand evidence of anything?
    Just because you post a couple of ride reports or tell people you ride,
    you think it makes you a "rider". Anyone can come on here and post a
    ride report....doesn't mean they actually took the trip - or even have a
    motorcycle. Hell, your reports are evidence of that! LOL
    LOL And you wonder why no one likes WebTV assholes? Because they know
    too many of you idiots that play these little two-faced/personality
    games on USENet. **** you.
    Guess what? Game on, bitch.’’
    Iggy, Wow. It appears your floppy disc kinda got loose on ya there
    good buddy.
    You seem to have gotten woefully agitated. Glory be.
    Heck, you don't read anybodys ''ride reports'' around here, I know it,
    you know it. So how would you know whether mine sound legit or not,
    You didn't share with us, which bike you claim to ride, didja?
    If any one is a fictional character around here, it is you, as evidenced
    by your occasional trolling in and out of here,
    calling folks names, and saying those goofy one liners.
    I better be ready eh, the game is on, you say. Well that's all you wanna
    do is play.
    I don't mind playing with ya, till I get bored.
    O yeah, I'm not twoFaced, I'm multi Faced, I could swear I told you
    Maybe not?? You are extremely narrow minded.
    So take that. (grin)
    (chuckle, bjay)!
    BJayKana, Dec 30, 2005
  6. Gary Walker

    Iggy Guest

    Bjay said : ''(Note, we all know that IGGY absolutely doesn't have
    riding buddies. He doesn't appear to even have a motorcycle, atleast
    there is no evidence demonstrated by his responses on TxMoto)
    ===================================== Then Iggy submits a high key
    ''Bjay,you're more of a troll than either of the Walkers combined.
    You asked me, nicely, in a previous thread (approx 2 weeks ago) what I
    ride and I answered you nicely, you shit-stain. Then you pull this
    cowardly bullshit? Who the **** are you to demand evidence of anything?
    Just because you post a couple of ride reports or tell people you ride,
    you think it makes you a "rider". Anyone can come on here and post a
    ride report....doesn't mean they actually took the trip - or even have a
    motorcycle. Hell, your reports are evidence of that! LOL
    LOL And you wonder why no one likes WebTV assholes? Because they know
    too many of you idiots that play these little two-faced/personality
    games on USENet. **** you.
    Guess what? Game on, bitch.''
    Iggy, Wow. It appears your floppy disc kinda got loose on ya there
    good buddy.
    You seem to have gotten woefully agitated.Glory be.
    Heck, you don't read anybodys ''ride reports'' around here, I know it,
    you know it. So how would you know whether mine sound legit or not,

    You don't "know" shit, little man. I do read the ride reports. BTW, if you
    were too dim to realize, I just baited you into admitting that you were full
    of shit in another thread where you said you could tell who were real riders
    by their lack of on-topic postings. Good job!
    You didn't share with us, which bike you claim to ride, didja?

    Yes, actually, I have....many times. You may want to use google.
    If any one is a fictional character around here, it is you, as evidenced
    by your occasional trolling in and out of here,

    Occasional? Hell, it's constant....ask me if I give a **** what you think?
    calling folks names, and saying those goofy one liners.

    Calling you a stump-dumb hick, or calling the Walkers liars and cowards, is
    not's a statement of fact, little buddy! LOL
    Iggy, Dec 30, 2005
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