More Privacy Invaded

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Gary Walker, Dec 14, 2005.

  1. Gary Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    BRIAN Walker wrote earlier):
    ‘‘I'd just like to speak with one of those people at those
    companies....and I can't seem to get their address to go see who's
    looking out for my best interst by asking for my zip code at a gas

    ‘‘Brian,I can give you their addresses. I'll need to know your
    zip code first, please.’’


    ‘‘Wakko, that is one of your best and funniest oneLiners
    above. But, don't you think it is a mite sensitive saying that to your
    good buddys son. I can't help it, it's just dern funny.’’ BJAY)!
    BJayKana, Dec 15, 2005
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  2. Gary Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    BILL WALKER wrote):
    ‘‘Even my gas cards have a PIN number for access.. because they
    all have a limited cash reserve should I ever need it.. The Diamond
    Shamrock in my area hasn't rquired anything from me other than that
    information that is being scanned.’’ Bill walker)!

    ‘‘Bill, have you purchased fuel at the same Shamrock Station
    in question? It could be the one in question, the one Brian used,
    might very well be the only one demanding additional information, zip
    code in this case. Also, I personally am curious if any other poster
    involved in this 4 day ongoing discussion, has used any fuel credit
    card, and experienced what Brian described, as far as being ask to
    provide their zip code. I have used my Exxon CC twice in the last few
    days, and there wasnt any new changes in the routine use of my card.
    ’’ BJAY)!
    BJayKana, Dec 15, 2005
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  3. Gary Walker

    Vic Guest


    I don't think the criticism your son has recieved in this thread has
    anything to do with his not wanting to give out his Zip Code. Heck, early on
    there were plenty of people that suggested he just pay cash, if he did not
    want to divulge it. I know in my case, I found it odd that some one who
    prides themselves with being as bright as your son does, did not understand
    why the credit card company was doing it. Brian apparently relied on , in
    his words, some pimply faced kid working at a gas station to explain it to
    him when it was obvious to everyone here that the kid didn't know what he
    was talking about. Is Brian really that gullible?

    Where Brian ran into trouble was when he said some thing to the order
    that 'they would have to explain what the Zip Code was going to be used
    for.' He got his explanation from several posters, and then commenced to
    try and morph that explanation into having some thing to do with 'identity
    theft'. The one has very little to do with the other, Bill. He appeared to
    be hanging on every word that pimply faced kid, who according to Brian,
    represented the oil company. Are you beginning to see something wrong with
    this picture?

    It wasn't until earlier today that Brian finally conceded that perhaps
    the Zip Code was some sort of ID verification, Bill. Is he that slow, or is
    he just stuborn? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume the
    latter, lol. Having made that assumption, I've got to wonder what his
    motives were in his holding out so long before all of a sudden he
    understood, lol. The best I can figure out is that the poor kid hates to be
    wrong a lot worse then he hates appearing stupid, lol.

    As far as not being able to contact his Credit Card people. Let them over
    bill his account by $100.00 next month, and I bet he'd be on the phone with
    someone within the hour. I don't blame you for trying to defend him Bill,
    he's your son. But, this is usenet, and when some one commences to make a
    fool of himself, there won't be a shortage of people that will point it out,


    Vic, Dec 15, 2005
  4. Gary Walker

    Iggy Guest

    Yes, it is your son's bank....he even said so in an earlier post. Please do
    try to keep up.

    The bank isn't at issue, the computer
    It's not the computer at the gas-station, you buffoon. That's already been
    explained, as well. And the only reason you have a PIN # available for your
    credit cards is to obtain cash advances at ATM's....unless all your cards
    are actually debit cards that deduct the money straight out of your bank
    account upon use.
    Exactly, the PIN is only if you use it at an ATM for access to the cash
    advance (reserve) feature.

    The Diamond Shamrock in my area
    You, sir, are an idiot. You have even less knowledge on how credit/debit
    cards work than your idiot of a that would put you in the
    That should read, "....someone who doesn't really know how it works, and
    shows his ass on USENet over it!"
    Iggy, Dec 16, 2005
  5. Gary Walker

    Calgary Guest

    Watching Brian in this kind of thread is like watching a dog chase his
    tail. He doesn't realize he will never get it and can't fathom why
    others don't see it as important as he does.

    Round and Round he goes.

    RCOS# 7
    No Riding Today

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millenium Edition
    Calgary, Dec 16, 2005
  6. Gary Walker

    Iggy Guest

    Good, then give them the zip it's not Diamond Shamrock that is
    asking for it, it's the Visa clearing house that they use to process your
    card. Dumbass.
    They only make absolutely no sense if you don't have at least a rudimentary
    knowledge of how credit cards are processed. Dumbass.
    Actually, it's bullet-proof glass and it has nothing to do with credit card
    fraud....but, of course, you're a Walker. You'll try and twist anything
    you've said (once you've had your ass handed to you) to make it appear that
    you're right....sad that.

    Then you must not gas up at any type of convenience store-type gas
    stations....better start carrying gas cans with you. Dumbass.

    <snip the rest of your uninformed rantings> Oh, and wipe the drool from
    your chin, retard.
    Iggy, Dec 16, 2005
  7. Gary Walker

    Vic Guest

    Yup, I agree. It's like I mentioned in one of my other posts, given the
    choice, I think he'd rather appear stupid, then admit he might be wrong. If
    it weren't for the fact we all know how Brian would jump on anyone else in
    his position, it would be easy to feel sorry for the kid, lol.

    Vic, Dec 16, 2005
  8. Gary Walker

    Iggy Guest

    OMG, I had no idea any but Brian still existed!! My bad....I owe them an
    Iggy, Dec 16, 2005
  9. Gary Walker

    Iggy Guest

    ^^^^^^^^ <------------- and there you have it. Finally, you admit it's the
    clearing house (or "merchant") not Diamond Shamrock asking for the
    verification information. Funny how you tried to sneak that in there...but
    no one here is surprised. Typical disingenuous Walker bullshit.
    Iggy, Dec 16, 2005
  10. Gary Walker

    Iggy Guest

    Troglodyte #1: "I'll have the roast duck with mango salsa."
    Iggy, Dec 16, 2005
  11. Gary Walker

    Calgary Guest

  12. Gary Walker

    Jesse88 Guest

    I'm sorry. I forgot to thank you for the valuable public service you
    provided by pointing out how stupid people are for providing their zip
    code without question when using a credit card.


    I'm sure you can appreciate that your timely and well-founded concern
    could lead to folks who, wakened from a stupor in which thay took their
    privacy for granted, would take the next logical steps to protect

    Not that I'm speaking for myself, of course, but wearing a wig and
    other disguising clothes and make-up, using false names and throw-away
    accounts on the internet (a well known haven for scammers and con
    artists) and delisting phone numbers and using cash for all purchases
    where doing so is possible, all seem relatively small prices to pay to
    maintain ones privacy in an increasingly hostile and intrusive world.


    John P.
    Jesse88, Dec 16, 2005
  13. Gary Walker

    Vic Guest

    As far as I can see Brian, all us 'dumb shits' were simple responding to
    your original post where you said, "Until they explain to me what they plan
    on using that information for, they don't need it. They don't need it to
    verify the card being valid. They don't need it to be paid on the purchase.
    As far as I can see....they don't need it." You were furnished with the
    explaination you were looking for many times, some even had examples to help
    you understand it a little better. You started the running in circles when
    you completely ignored the explanations, and commenced with all the
    'yea-buts'. If it appears that we're running in circles Brian, it's just
    because we're following you, lol. So if 'you' stop running in circles over
    this topic, maybe the rest of can too, ok?

    That's because everyone is poking at you Brian. You're not trying to tell
    us that you're taking them as serious as you did that 'pimply faced kid' at
    the gas station when he tried to explain Identity Theft, are you? lol. If
    you are, you are one very gulible charactor, lol. You've become the
    butt-end of your own Joke, and you don't even realize it.
    The only knee jerking going on here is coming from you Brian. Who was it
    that took the gas station attendents explanation so literaly? Who was it
    that assumed there had to be some 'funny business' going on just because
    there was an added level of security to his credit card? Who was it that
    took all the 'tin hat' talk as fact? The list goes on and on, Brian. Some
    one once told me I needed to get out into the real world a little more
    often, lol. I'd like to pass that suggestion on to you, my friend.


    Vic, Dec 16, 2005
  14. Gary Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. He sure can ride a motorcycle.. Actually, he can change the oil and
    service his motorcycle, without pinging some dude on a newsgroup for
    instructions.. hmmm.. Matter of fact, that "little cruiser" he rides is one
    Bill Walker, Dec 19, 2005
  15. Gary Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    This newsgroup has already made the determination about YOUR intimidation..
    Bill Walker, Dec 19, 2005
  16. Gary Walker

    Jesse88 Guest

    ROTFLMAO. You speak for the entire newsgroup?
    Jesse88, Dec 19, 2005
  17. Gary Walker

    Jesse88 Guest

    Well, my apologies to Bill, then. I guess I oughta keep my trap shut,
    since I wasn't here a year ago! I thought this was just another
    unmoderated newsgroup.
    Jesse88, Dec 19, 2005
  18. Gary Walker

    Solaratov Guest

    LOL, you just proved Albert's point.

    I'm curious about Brian's "one of a kind own design". What did he do,
    peel the Honda stickers off, add ape-hanger handlebars and lots of
    chrome conchos and tassles?
    Solaratov, Dec 20, 2005
  19. Gary Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    <chuckle> Better not let all that curiosity get the best of you.. You can
    always ask the ones who have seen that "little cruiser" up close.. or you
    can come look it over, yourself.. lol
    Bill Walker, Dec 20, 2005
  20. Gary Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO... Well. I can almost accept that explanation, if I didn't know
    better.. <grin> Beemer nearly got it right.. As I recall, after all the
    votes were counted, the complete title and honors bestowed on me, at the
    time was "Illustrious Grand Wizardly Moderator" or something like that..
    Pretty impressive title, don't you think ? Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 20, 2005
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