More Moore Lies

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bownse, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. Bownse

    fullstate Guest

    Jeeze - just hunt the web for anything related to the Moore film.
    It's not hard to find.
    How does it not have credibility? It makes many efforts to cite facts
    and events in the order in which they happened. Unlike the film which
    takes pieces of information and constructs them together without any
    regards to the time frame or actual events in an effort to disillusion
    the viewer.

    How does that have nothing to do with the movie? Are you high? The
    movie explicitly implies that Bush "stole" the election and wasn't
    really voted in as President. Now, I realize that there is a large
    debate about this, and I don't wish to go into it ....but the movie
    fails to show the events as they happened and the impact that they
    might have had.

    Moore even went so far as to print and show headlines for papers that
    never existed, with dates that are completely inaccurate.

    Again, large debate, but the independent committees that counted the
    ballots pretty much agree that Bush would have won had the "hanging
    chads" been allowed to count. I'm not going to argue whether or
    whether not the repubs and demos do sneaky things to sway the vote -
    they all do it.

    LOL - yeah, right.
    Hehe....that one is a bit of technicality - as is Moore's initial
    deception. The reality is that of those days, just because he was not
    in the Whitehouse does not mean he wasn't working.

    On an on and on and on....


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jul 19, 2004
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  2. Bownse

    fullstate Guest

    Yes, he presents his information and let's the viewer decide. Doesn't
    everyone? Again, from an artistic perspective - it's brilliant. But
    the accurate information is way off base.
    I tend to agree with that paragraph with the exception of the stuff
    about the GOP. I find socialism a frightening thing and democrats
    traditionally support socialism. The US was not founded on socialism
    so I could say the same thing about them.

    I chose to be independent.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jul 19, 2004
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  3. Bownse

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yeah... and you drive an old Ford pickup..too.. Alright.. finally found us a
    place that will gracefully serve glass of water with a slice of lemon.. We
    don't even have to order it.. They just put that sucker on the table, when
    you sit down.. Best damn steak I have ever eaten.. Whew.. more than any one
    normal man should eat..

    Course.. it is one helluva "day run" .. but .. well worth the ride.. Get ol'
    Jim rounded up and we'll get over there and have us a bite.. Mesilla Park,
    NM.. isn't to far, is it ?? See ya' later, pard..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 19, 2004
  4. Bownse

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO... You just told off on yourself, Trash...
    Bill Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  5. Bownse

    Brian Walker Guest

    Wagon's East.
    Brian Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  6. Bownse

    Brian Walker Guest

    This statement strongly reminds me of another person I know. He makes
    very "anti-democrat" statements and stands very
    "pro-republican/conservative". He makes statements about how democrats
    (or democRATS as he likes to call them) are a strain on the system and
    likes to cheat the system to get things like welfare and such. He
    steady talks about how they are destroying the economy because they're
    just lazy and do nothing but suck up the social services. He also goes
    into details about how he doesn't like people (mostly mexican) using
    those services to live.

    I found out that he has a girlfriend who's pregnant. He's in a low
    paying job and has been for many years. He has no insurance although
    his job provides insurance at a cost. He is on food and housing
    assistance. His girlfriend is using public assistance for the

    Now, on the other side of the coin, I've had low paying jobs and have
    never used public assistance through two children and a wife.

    My point being, be careful about saying things against
    "socialism" might very well find yourself using it when you need
    it. I also disagree about your statement about this country not being
    founded on this. One holiday in particular that I can think of is
    Thanksgiving. Had it not been for the generosity of the native
    americans, the settlers at the time would've starved. That very
    holiday (among others we celebrate) is to remind and teach us of
    helping others when they need it instead of turning away.
    Brian Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  7. Bownse

    Brian Walker Guest

    And funny thing is, you have never answered how Townshend's version is
    anymore accurate of the events.
    Brian Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  8. Bownse

    Brian Walker Guest

    This is why the movie "Uncovered" would be such a wise choice to
    follow F9/11. When you see the many interviews of the "credible right
    wingers" answering to the many statements of how Iraq was tied to so
    much doom and gloom, it's powerful and stunning. There's another movie
    which is good called "Hidden Wars". This has 'Stormin Norman'
    interviewed talking about how the first Gulf War was manipulated by
    the United States. This movie only gives an insight of the first war
    and doesn't really address the current events...even though the two
    are tied.

    There are also several good books out that also validate the

    I agree that one might point accurate information down a path of their
    choosing, but there's too many which have the same information taking
    different paths. It's up to us to decide if all the information is
    false or real. I just can't buy into the idea that all this
    information is false...especially since I saw most of it as it
    happened. I watched the SOTU address in it's entirety. I saw the many
    interviews. I read the many paper articles. Notice, no one is
    disputing the validity of the information, only the manner which it's

    If you have dogshit on a platter, is there a good way to serve it for

    In the end, you still have dogshit.
    Brian Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  9. Bownse

    fullstate Guest

    What I said was more to make a point that we could say that either one
    of the parties is anti-american or a threat to american culture. I'm
    not saying that I completely believe that 100%.
    This is true....but it's something we have to be very careful about.
    Socialism typically fails in the long run.
    A gift or a handout is not socialism. So an event like Thanksgiving
    is not based upon socialism.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jul 20, 2004
  10. Bownse

    fullstate Guest

    LOL - reminds me of a line from a Stephen King movie

    "you can't polish a turd."


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jul 20, 2004
  11. Bownse

    Brian Walker Guest

    He died on the set of Wagon's East. I guess if you're looking at what
    the last movie released was, you'd be right. If you're looking at the
    last movie he was working on, I guess you can't get anymore "last"
    than dying on the set.
    Brian Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  12. Bownse

    Brian Walker Guest

    THAT'S IT!!!

    I'm suing Stephen King!!! He stole my line, changed it around and made money off it!

    Brian Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  13. Bownse

    Brian Walker Guest

    You and I agree here.

    People would say "Clinton didn't care about terrorism and did nothing
    about it" after September 11th. I would then respond (as I still do)
    "think about where our own priorities have been. We have been more
    concerned about whether a President or Congressman has been getting
    their dick sucked regularly and whether she spit or swallowed". About
    this time, they draw up trying to think of something else to say in
    rebuttal when I say "look at what the headlines of September 10th
    were...whether Levy sucked Condit's dick and whether he killed her
    because he wanted to hide her baby that she was carrying...of course
    she wasn't pregnant and he didn't have anything to do with her
    murder...but it made for great headlines to all the people who's
    priorities were screwed up". This is generally where the conversation
    ends and the people tend to go find someone else to talk to about how
    Clinton wasn't a good terrorist fighter.
    Brian Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  14. Bownse

    Brian Walker Guest

    okay, at this point we have some sort of miscommunication going here.
    I'm understanding that the "socialism" that you're talking about
    democrats supporting is the programs of helping people within society
    and not turning an eye away from social areas such as homeless and
    sick. This very principle is the foundation of what we celebrate with
    Thanksgiving and/or Christmas.

    If there's something else that democrats support for "socialism",
    please point it out because I may not be understanding your statement

    Also note, Thanksgiving isn't about "gifts or handouts". What we are
    taught is that the native americans didn't "give" anything. They
    helped people who they didn't know or trust to survive through some
    hard times. For that, we are taught to give thanks to those who help
    others without condition and to follow their examples.

    After all, we're clumped here together on this dinky we've
    got to take care of it and each other.
    Brian Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  15. Bownse

    Brian Walker Guest

    I hear people constantly complaining about the "news" and their
    reporting. They say the "news" doesn't report anything favorable about

    I ask them to mention something he's done since being in the White
    House which was favorable for them and which helped them out in their
    day to day life. The most recent one was a long pause with the
    person's mouth hung open then..."well, he got the gay marriage thing
    brought up". Hmm. Gay marriage in the Constitution? Wow! I rebut "even
    the republicans voting on the issue said it was nothing more than a
    political stigma to nail on Kerry and the Constitution has no place
    for imposing on State rights". I then ask if the person is gay and
    planning on being married soon to a gay person. I then go on to ask
    how this met the criteria of my question. The conversation is over at
    this point.
    Brian Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  16. Bownse

    fullstate Guest

    Well, I am trying very hard to not just lump all the democrats
    together and call them socialists..... there are some independent and
    republican socialists, too.

    But.... since you asked:

    *** BEGIN PASTE HERE ***

    so·cial·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ssh-lzm)
    Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the
    means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by
    a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
    The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism
    and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the
    dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully

    [Download or Buy Now]
    Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,
    Fourth Edition
    Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
    Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


    \Socialism\, n.

    Socialism of the chair [G. katheder socialismus], a term applied about
    1872, at first in ridicule, to a group of German political economists
    who advocated state aid for the betterment of the working classes.
    Sock \Sock\, v. t. [Perh. shortened fr. sockdolager.] To hurl, drive,
    or strike violently; -- often with it as an object. [Prov. or Vulgar]

    [Try Merriam-Webster Unabridged.]
    Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA,


    \So"cial*ism\, n. [Cf. F. socialisme.] A theory or system of social
    reform which contemplates a complete reconstruction of society, with a
    more just and equitable distribution of property and labor. In popular
    usage, the term is often employed to indicate any lawless,
    revolutionary social scheme. See Communism, Fourierism,
    Saint-Simonianism, forms of socialism.

    [Socialism] was first applied in England to Owen's theory of social
    reconstruction, and in France to those also of St. Simon and Fourier .
    .. . The word, however, is used with a great variety of meaning, . . .
    even by economists and learned critics. The general tendency is to
    regard as socialistic any interference undertaken by society on behalf
    of the poor, . . . radical social reform which disturbs the present
    system of private property . . . The tendency of the present socialism
    is more and more to ally itself with the most advanced democracy.
    --Encyc. Brit.

    We certainly want a true history of socialism, meaning by that a
    history of every systematic attempt to provide a new social existence
    for the mass of the workers. --F. Harrison.

    [Try Merriam-Webster Unabridged.]
    Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA,

    *** END PASTE HERE ***

    As you can see above there is no definition of socialism in which any
    holiday, act of kindness, or voluntary gift is considered socialism.

    I realize that TG is not about gifts and handouts, but it's not about
    socialism. It is not socialism because I invite my homies over to
    have dinner with me and not ask them to chip in. ;-)
    Unfortunately, as much as I agree with what you are saying your
    statement is far to reaching. I do not feel that I should bear the
    burden of those who are not willing to help themselves or work towards
    the better good of society.

    I don't believe the govt. should be directly involved with private
    enterprise or the economic welfare of the people with the exception of
    regulations to provide safety to those people (i.e. mandatory approval
    process of drugs).

    It's interesting to me that you are very much opposed to govt.
    intervention, yet you appear to be arguing for socialism which, by
    definition, requires govt. intervention.


    SEe what you have done? You have corrupted me and here I am talking
    about politics....grrrr....

    I'll get you for this!!!


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jul 20, 2004
  17. Bownse

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO... Politics.. my ass.. Face it, Fullstate.. you are a born
    politician.. You should be ashamed of yourself.. <sigh> See what too much
    time in California does to you.??

    Better get your butt out of that place and back in Texas.. At least you can
    go to the next TMRA II meeting with me.. LOL

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  18. Bownse

    fullstate Guest

    When is the next one? And where?
    I'm TX, this week....but gone the next!


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jul 20, 2004
  19. Bownse

    Bill Walker Guest

    Let me get back to you on this.. I am thinking that Mike Alvey will hold his
    meeting this Wednesday, but I'm not sure.. I have been gone for the past
    several days, myself.. If it is this Wednesday, can I count on you to go
    with me ?

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 20, 2004
  20. Bownse

    Bownse Guest

    Seems we agree on this a bunch.

    The definitions are enlightening to those who have sought to couch their
    desires in other terms.

    The positional statement on governmental intervention is pretty close to
    what I've posted here before.
    Bownse, Jul 20, 2004
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