Now, I don't mind people overtaking me when I'm riding but... What really gets my goat is when a sportsbike catches up with my at warp speed in a 30 limit and pisses past and then doesn't piss off when the GLF sign appears. Coming out of Ciren tonight something big with twin lights comes past me like I was standing still. Fair enough I think, and when I get to the national limit sign I open the Beemer's tap in the traditional manner. 14 or so miles later when we hit the 30 limit at Cheltenham he's a massive 100 yards or so ahead, even with me going onto reserve and having to fumble with the taps for a few seconds. I wouldn't have minded following him all the way if he'd not been so insistent on barging past in the first place. I'd have been a heck of a lot happier if he'd stayed behind so I could have used Mr BMW's splendid illumination system (which Champ laughed at earlier this evening) and we could both have made better progress rather than suffering both his inadequate full beam and my dip. Rant over.