More good publicity... NOT.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Simon Atkinson, May 9, 2004.

  1. Simon Atkinson

    Martian Guest

    I agree!

    I have been phoning around for insurance quotes for the following 2000
    model, 3000ukp machines:

    TL1000S (grp 14-16?)

    KTM LC4 640 (grp 9-10?)

    I have been getting nothing but silly quotes of 450 - 2400 ukp with 300-
    600ukp excesses for TPFT, both bikes are generating similar levels of
    insane quoting. The TL is occasionally getting a no-quote as well.
    Last year I got a quote of 245ukp comp on my bindit.

    I've been licenced since '96, have 4yrs NCB, 4 points and am 28 y.o.

    I was expecting some high quotes for the TL1000S but this is silly, I
    figured there must have been a spate of newbies, born agains and power
    rangers killing themselves/binning their bikes and a whole host of
    thievery going on as well. Bastards the lot of them, so I figure I will
    wait a couple of months until the fuckwits have had their bikes stolen
    or killed themselves and the market has calmed down a bit before doing
    Martian, May 9, 2004
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  2. Simon Atkinson

    deadmail Guest

    As SD says down there maybe it's the intention behind the micro-plates
    that pisses 'em off.
    Bit like the "you're the **** with the radar gun" line really. You
    know, when I got stopped for speeding I would have been *so* tempted by
    that response in the impulsive way I want to say "yes" to the "were you
    involved in Nazi war crimes during 1939..." on the US visa form thing.
    deadmail, May 9, 2004
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  3. But not necessarily that they are underskilled and undertrained. That would
    make them suicidal fuckwits.
    Kevin Lambert, May 9, 2004
  4. Simon Atkinson

    ogden Guest

    I'd have put it differently. You like to draw attention to yourself,
    not have a loud pipe do it for you.
    ogden, May 9, 2004
  5. Simon Atkinson

    Porl Guest

    Porl, May 9, 2004
  6. Simon Atkinson

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, May 9, 2004
  7. Simon Atkinson

    Lozzo Guest

    Dave Swindell says...
    But you don't ride a proper bike, you drive a tricycle.
    Lozzo, May 9, 2004
  8. Only for the past ten years squire. So what were the fuzz doing when I
    was young and irresponsible? But still aware ;-)

    Dave Remove my gerbil for email replies.

    Bike's are bosh, PC's are pointless, and the 1990's are nuts!
    Bikes are great, PCs are super, and the 1990s are the time to be!
    Save the apostrophe! Get 'em right! If in doubt, leave 'em out!!
    Dave Swindell, May 9, 2004
  9. PS. When my Diversion was new and tight I did Glasgow to Alt-Berg in
    Richmond at an average of just over 90 mph, with a sidecar on %-)) A
    notorious bit of road for the jocks in blue, saw a couple of police cars
    and moderated my driving till out of sight, but still not stopped.

    Dave Remove my gerbil for email replies.

    Bike's are bosh, PC's are pointless, and the 1990's are nuts!
    Bikes are great, PCs are super, and the 1990s are the time to be!
    Save the apostrophe! Get 'em right! If in doubt, leave 'em out!!
    Dave Swindell, May 9, 2004
  10. Kevin Lambert wrote
    No, those are the ones who have got a mate who knows a bloke who has
    done an IAM course.
    steve auvache, May 9, 2004
  11. steve auvache said:

    And half (or more) of the cunts that have done the IAM exam. Pass a
    simple fucking observed ride that they should be able to do the day
    after their CBT and they think they are Rossi and every fucking road is
    Le Mans - only at 49.9mph.
    Simon Atkinson, May 9, 2004
  12. 49.9, you lucky bastard. We don't have roads with straights long enough
    round here for them to go that fast.
    steve auvache, May 9, 2004
  13. Whinging Courier, May 12, 2004
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