No doubt you will all have noticed that the flame war between Gerry, myself, and others, has suddenly ended. This is simply down to Gerry ignoring our posts in this group. This is a good move on his part, I just knew "he could end it all" if he wanted to. I certainly did not want to prolong the 'bun fight', and the Flight Sim group has been running along quite happily for the past few days, from the same time that peace returned here. This is good news, PEACE in both groups. Therefore there is no need for my presence to remain in this group, I'm out of here for good, never to return....ever. Dallas and Bob-Copter Six, who are both legit motorcycle enthusiasts, will I'm sure, remain to discuss bikes and other general chat. Lets all hope that this peace continues in both groups and there are no more bun fights. That will be entirely up to Gerry. YOU see, mate, you CAN bring peace, or chaos to a Newsgroup. Let the good times roll.