More fun with BT

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Hog, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. Hog

    Hog Guest

    So, I had a Featureline service with 3 lines. Nothing wrong with it, nice
    handsets. When I took the service in 07 business sales and support were
    handled by a 3rd party company in Leeds and everything was fine.

    Now, of course, the service is handled in India/Wales and is utterly
    attrocious. 30 minute waits. Nobody can ever help. Pass the parcel.

    So after considerable trouble I managed to pass an instruction to cancel the
    Featureline services, downgrading to individual PSTN which I can then churn
    to a different provider.

    Last night something changed, once again I had to dial 9 for a line. This
    morning a Welcome Pack arrived from BT.
    "Welcome to your new FEATURE LINE SERVICE"

    Fortunately I had some soft toys to hand to lob at the walls. It then took
    5 phone calls just to get to someone who had any fucking idea. One of the
    fob offs was to a Special NHS Helpline who could assist me. It was a
    fucking fax machine.

    Mark Cornell at BT was ever an ineffectual **** but today I'd like to lower
    him, slowly, heels first, into an industrial meat grinding machine.

    <and breathe>
    Hog, Feb 23, 2011
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  2. Hog

    Nige Guest

    Sky get me in that lather....
    Nige, Feb 23, 2011
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  3. Hog

    ogden Guest

    Conversely, I'm setting up an N3 connection for a client at the moment
    and despite my initial palpitations when I saw my name, NHS and BT on
    the same email, BT have been remarkably helpful and responsive. Trebles
    all round!
    ogden, Feb 23, 2011
  4. Hog

    Hog Guest

    I expect for very large clients it is still ok.
    Our support for Bytel was ok, acting for Citigroup in NI was same and in DX
    days with a 150 node Frame Relay network they were spotty dog.

    As an SME I suggest another provider.

    N3, now there is a process to reckon with :eek:)
    Hog, Feb 23, 2011
  5. Hog

    Krusty Guest

    They were with us during setup - it's when things go wrong down the
    road that you find out how utterly useless they are.
    Krusty, Feb 23, 2011
  6. Hog

    ogden Guest

    I was tickled to see most of the Qs on the N3 FAQ were "why have you
    blocked gambling sites", "which sites have been blocked", "how can I get
    a site unblocked" and "will you be reporting people who try to access
    blocked sites".

    People work hard in the NHS, eh?
    ogden, Feb 23, 2011
  7. Hog

    TOG@Toil Guest

    I suppose because the accents are pretty much interchangeable.
    TOG@Toil, Feb 23, 2011
  8. Hog

    Hog Guest

    <Bear baiting mode>
    Well, once we move to the Govmint being a Univeral Insurer and all regional
    and local healthcare being privately provisioned it won't matter.
    Hog, Feb 23, 2011
  9. Hog

    Hog Guest

    Clueless cunts all
    Hog, Feb 23, 2011
  10. Hog

    DozynSleepy Guest

    BT managed to break our PSTN line this week too, completely dead at the
    exchange. I didn't even need to speak to a human, all diagnosed and
    reported online. I hasten to add on our backup broadband connection from
    another provider.

    Surprisingly they managed to fix it within a couple of hours too. Just
    as I'd finished plugging our rather wonderful Trixbox/Asterisk PBX [1]
    into the backup broadband. Quite impressed with the Gradwell VoIP
    offering, only difficulty I had was wondering why it didn't work until I
    realised I had to do some slight tweaking of the PBX settings to match
    the backup broadband IP address.

    [1] Only because I created it for much cheapness out of some old
    discarded Cisco kit which meant BT didn't manage to sell us their
    overpriced and feature poor kit.
    DozynSleepy, Feb 23, 2011
  11. Hog

    Hog Guest

    You almost make it sound like you do a proper job. WTF are you doing on UKRM
    Hog, Feb 23, 2011
  12. Hog

    davethedave Guest

    Did you do a nice sales monkey "hold in hell" script to go with it?
    davethedave, Feb 23, 2011
  13. Hog

    zymurgy Guest

    heh. I avoid that issue by not having a TV.

    Can't say i've missed it much .. :)

    zymurgy, Feb 23, 2011
  14. Hog

    DozynSleepy Guest

    I find that I post more to ukrm when bikeless, helps keep me sane. Or
    maybe it makes me feel relatively sane when compared to most of the
    regulars on here ;-)

    I've been pretty lucky most of my working life in finding paid work that
    has been both interesting and fun to me. Although I have noticed
    recently that it's been getting harder to keep the ratio of boring stuff
    down to a reasonable level.
    DozynSleepy, Feb 24, 2011
  15. Hog

    DozynSleepy Guest

    I prefer to forward those kind of calls to the person in our own company
    who has been most irritating that week.
    DozynSleepy, Feb 24, 2011
  16. Hog

    Ace Guest

    Better yet - like the Swiss, make private health cover mandatory for
    everyone, but keep a strict control over how they're allowed to work.

    Ins Cos are much better at Insurance than a govt. dept could ever be.
    Ace, Feb 24, 2011
  17. Hog

    Krusty Guest

    Forming a nationalised non-profit manufacturing company to make medical
    equipment would help matters. Not so much high-tech electronic stuff
    but things like beds & stretchers. They're so stupidly spastically
    obscenely over priced you could probably knock 90% off the NHS
    purchasing budget.
    Krusty, Feb 24, 2011
  18. Hog

    Hog Guest

    That is only because the NHS doesn't know how to do supplies and
    UKAEA was exactly the same.

    Do you think these things can't be sourced from China at sensible costs or
    that hospitals in the Philippines pay that sort of money?

    The whole concept of the NHS is completely bankrupt. NHS should *mean*
    taxation/state funded personal healthcare insurance policies. Effectively
    American healthcare without the insurance industry. Funded by companies and
    individuals through NI payments. With NI as a separate tax fund, like wot
    VED should be. With local private healthcare providors competing for
    services. But with delivery, costs and quality managed at a central level by
    said NHS.

    You can disagree as much as you like but develop a serious condition, a
    cancer for instance, and if you can afford it you will go to the US for
    treatment, not the UK.
    Hog, Feb 24, 2011
  19. Hog

    ogden Guest

    With detailed five-year production targets for make benefit glorious
    ogden, Feb 24, 2011
  20. Hog

    Adrian Guest

    But if you _can't_ afford it...

    And, let's be honest, it's not just <say> the bottom 5% who can't afford
    above-NHS cancer treatment in the US.

    It's probably only the top 10-20% who _can_. The rest will quickly hit
    the caps on their health insurance. If they've got any.

    The whole idea of the NHS isn't to provide best-possible healthcare, but
    to provide a good solid level of healthcare. Which, on the whole, it does
    very well. If you want best-possible, and are happy to pay for it,
    there's already a private healthcare industry here who'll be happy to
    give you that top-up. For a price.

    Meanwhile, nobody dies like a dog in the gutter. Here.
    Adrian, Feb 24, 2011
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