More economical driving and riding

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by TOG@Toil, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. TOG@Toil

    Krusty Guest

    GO **** YOURSELF!
    Krusty, Mar 9, 2011
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  2. TOG@Toil

    ogden Guest

    Dropping by the day.

    ogden, Mar 9, 2011
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  3. TOG@Toil

    Scraggy Guest

    Indeed, I saw Facebook.
    Scraggy, Mar 9, 2011

  4. Made in a factory in NI funded by some dubiously acquired government money
    granted to a bankrupt coke dealer and never achieving sufficient market
    penetration to repay the development costs?
    steve auvache, Mar 9, 2011
  5. <Cue London **** cyclists diversion>

    I watched some twat sail through a red light in Stockwell, on my way
    home this evening.

    Family was crossing the road. Little kid, must have been all of three,
    was running ahead of his parents, as they do. Twat cyclist missed him by
    this --> <-- much. Kid reacted in time, reeled back, and fell sprawling.
    Twat cyclist just fucked off.

    There's another ****, on my commuting route, on a red and white
    Specialized, who wears a white cycle helmet, who seems to specialise in
    this, as well. I'm going to ram the **** one day.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 9, 2011
  6. TOG@Toil

    Ben Guest

    I'd go with the part-painted. It gives a very traditional look
    steel-frame look, to an ultra-modern bike. It's great.
    Ben, Mar 9, 2011
  7. For a combination of traditional and modern looks then Hammerite Carbon
    Finish has got to be the answer, Shirley. Brushed, not sprayed, of
    steve auvache, Mar 9, 2011
  8. TOG@Toil

    Dan L Guest

    My car driving habits have changed identically to yours since fuel
    pricing became exorbitant. I also now make a conscious effort to do the
    major fill ups at Tesco to get some clubcard points.

    As for the bike, no comment, it's been on the shed since September.
    Dan L, Mar 9, 2011
  9. TOG@Toil

    wessie Guest


    that'll teach you to lend it to Dougie Lampkin
    wessie, Mar 9, 2011
  10. TOG@Toil

    Vass Guest

    it appears to work for both
    Vass, Mar 9, 2011
  11. TOG@Toil

    Vass Guest

    costs me about £ 120 month in tax, but as my coummute is 100 miles a day
    (considered private mileage), I'd be out of pocket if I opted not to have
    the card.
    Vass, Mar 9, 2011
  12. TOG@Toil

    ginge Guest

    I frequently stick the cruise control at 77, and get 53 MPG on a long
    enough run.

    Also have been known to get about 40MPG round town, those VW diesels
    are amazing.

    Take that, suckers!
    ginge, Mar 9, 2011
  13. TOG@Toil

    ginge Guest

    Christ I miss having a fuel card.
    ginge, Mar 9, 2011
  14. TOG@Toil

    Higgins Guest

    Would this be a bad time to point towards my tax-free petrol card?
    Higgins, Mar 9, 2011
  15. TOG@Toil

    Gyp Guest

    I'm trying to keep the average on the Octavia above 50mpg, which is
    taking some doing, but then I've always tried to eek the mpg out of the car
    I'm not sure it's changed the way I ride, but it's certainly made me
    aware of the consumption, and I'll probably choose the car over the bike
    if I just need transport due to the consumption.

    The Grand Tour planned for the summer is proving interesting as it looks
    like taking the bike will cost 1/2 as much again in fuel as taking the
    car, which seems mental. I wouldn't take the car, but even so.
    Gyp, Mar 9, 2011
  16. TOG@Toil

    ogden Guest

    That must be great comfort to you while you sit at home, gazing at the
    bike out of the window, wishing you weren't paying for three properties
    and could go and ride it with free petrol.
    ogden, Mar 9, 2011
  17. TOG@Toil

    ogden Guest

    Pah. My car uses some fuel to do some miles.

    I fear the fuel bill from the drive to Rimini though - that's going to
    be a shocker.
    ogden, Mar 9, 2011
  18. TOG@Toil

    boots Guest

    I punched one rather hard for nearly taking out my eldest in a similar
    incident when she was around 3.
    boots, Mar 9, 2011
  19. TOG@Toil

    crn Guest

    I can recommend a walking stick - in the spokes.
    crn, Mar 9, 2011
  20. TOG@Toil

    Lozzo Guest

    Jesus wept - all this talk of wogs, it's like listening to my old man
    and his brothers chatting.

    Versys 650 Inter-Continental Hyperbolistic Missile , CBR600F-W racebike
    in the making, TS250C, RD400F (somewhere)
    BMW E46 318iSE (it's a car, not one of those 2-wheeled pieces of shite
    they churn out)
    Lozzo, Mar 9, 2011
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