Adding my appreciation to Lozzo for the organisation and Mike and Mu for the fantastic meals and good spread of beers. It was, as always, good to see faces new and old but special mentions this year for Tallbloke, DNC and Jackie. It was bloody cold and the tent/stove were much appreciated Rog. Might be an idea to get my Khyam 8 man and living room palace over for next meeting! DNC you know why you are in there, bloody good show, my new found abstinence is only due to diabetes, it don't mix mate. Jackie, your amazing breasts made a perfect headrest and I apologise to all the other Trogs in the Rognest for my subsequent snoring! Well at least you didn't strip me and leave me in the middle of the road. I appear to have had a complete and utter fucking brainstorm this weekend but a handshake is a handshake and some reluctant sig changes will be due soon. Fucking mafia cunts. 'Hog '89 R100RS '02 GSXR1000