More bike problems..

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Kiva, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. Kiva

    Kiva Guest

    Ok so put new batt in the 600f4i and its running again.. YAY!

    Last problem it seems to have is the RHS indicators (both front and rear) do not work. It is def not the globes as I connected the
    LHS front cable to the RHS front indicator and it worked ok - I even did something weird (not exactly sure) and made the rear RHS
    indicator work but can not do this again.

    When I click the indicator switch for the RHS, nothing happens - not the clicking noise and the indicator symbol on the dash does
    not turn on either.

    Any clues on what the problem is/how to rectify or find a solution are much appreciated!
    Kiva, Apr 30, 2006
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  2. In on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 06:12:26 GMT
    Indicator problems are almost always either bad connection or bad
    flasher can.

    As the left side works, the flasher is OK.

    As you managed to get the rear working for a moment or two, it's
    probably not the switchgear, it's probably a bad connection near the
    flasher can, or a bad earth.

    It may also be a bad connection to the front, which is messing up the
    whole system.

    So go over the circuit, cleaning and tightening all flasher-related
    connections, especially any earths.

    If no go, try removing things from the equation. For example, get one
    of those 12v continuity tester doovers from supercheap - they are a
    light with an alligator clip wire, and a probe. Clip the wire to a
    good earth, and test the working side to make sure the earth is good.
    Then test the unworking side, starting from the bulb connection in the
    flasher and going back until you reach the switchgear. When the probe
    starts working, you know where your problem is.

    You may have a bad connection, you may have a broken wire.

    I find switchgear tends to be the problem, as they tend to rely on
    handlebar earth and sliding contacts. you get a bit of oxidation or
    the earthwhatsit moves and doesn't make good connection as the indicator
    slide moves, and you get intermittent failures. So taking it apart and
    giving the contacts a go with wet and dry or emery cloth, and a squirt
    of degreaser might be a good idea.

    Zebee Johnstone, Apr 30, 2006
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  3. Kiva

    G-S Guest

    Could be a dodgy flasher unit, could be a dodgy blinker switch, could be
    a couple of other things too.

    Check the blinker switch and the flasher unit first though...

    G-S, Apr 30, 2006
  4. Buy a multi-meter. They're more fun!
    Pisshead Pete, Apr 30, 2006
  5. Kiva

    Howie Guest

    Long before the magic of indicators, the norm was the good old arm.


    1. When needing to turn left remove left hand from handle bar and raise arm
    to left at shoulder height.
    2. If needing to make a right turn remove right hand from handlebar and raise
    arm to right at shoulder height
    3. Ride bike to Motorcycle repair shop.
    Howie, Apr 30, 2006
  6. Kiva

    BT Humble Guest

    Yeah, but they can give you problems too. Because they're
    high-impedance meters (ie. they use very little current) if you have
    poor connections in your wiring the multimeter will say it's OK and has
    12V, but if you try to hook a light bulb up to it it'll either not
    light at all, or work very dimly.

    In other news, I made myself some LED indicators for the CT90 last
    night[1]. They're nice and bright, heaps better than the usual 6V kit.
    I'll make the flasher unit tonight[2].

    [1] Well, I converted some bought ones to use four 10mm/100,000mcd
    [2] I made it up on the breadboard last night, and it works nicely. I
    just need to make it small enough to fit inside an old headlight relay
    BT Humble, Apr 30, 2006
  7. Kiva

    JL Guest

    Except that it has been a legal requirement to have working electric
    indicators on motor vehicles* since before the original poster was born.
    Failure to fix his indicators will see the OP booked.

    *provided they were manufactured sometime after moses got out of short
    JL, May 1, 2006
  8. In on Mon, 01 May 2006 14:56:32 +1000
    State dependent.

    For example, in SA, if fitted they must work... But when I last
    checked in 1992 or so, they were not required on any bike.

    in NSW, they are required on bikes made after 1982.

    - owner of bikes without indicators fitted.
    Zebee Johnstone, May 1, 2006
  9. Kiva

    J5 Guest

    Hmm will remember that

    I bet the blueslip guy has NFI about that though
    J5, May 1, 2006
  10. In on Mon, 1 May 2006 15:47:17 +1000
    Haven't had problems with the Yam with blueslips or pinkslips.

    Zebee Johnstone, May 1, 2006
  11. Kiva

    JL Guest

    Errm I think you'll find that should be "if fitted when new" in all
    states except Tas (which didn't want to play in the new national regs
    came in, umm 04 ?), I could be wrong as I've not checked it though going
    off my increasingly unreliable memory.

    JL, May 1, 2006
  12. In on Mon, 01 May 2006 17:51:13 +1000
    When I got the Yam blueslipped I asked about the instruments and
    indicators specifically.

    I didn't have to have either.

    Zebee Johnstone, May 1, 2006
  13. Kiva

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "BT Humble" wrote
    But most people have no idea on how to use them.

    I spent $20 on a dick Smith one when I couldn't find my Fluke 78 for
    six months (it was in the bike trailer). A bit worrying as I paid $400
    for it 15 years ago.
    Agreed. On auto circuits, a globe on a couple of leads is much easier.

    Theo Bekkers, May 2, 2006
  14. Kiva

    JL Guest

    Yeah but isn't it classified as modified ? Anyways, until I can be arsed
    digging out the regs I'll have to shut up on the grounds I'm
    unneccessarily inconveniencing electrons and adding no value (1) :)

    (1)(yeah yeah so what else is news)
    JL, May 2, 2006
  15. In on Tue, 02 May 2006 19:29:11 +1000
    Only in Qld :) I said it was a Yam XT and they never asked me for any
    engineer's certificate or anything.

    but more to the point, the RTA bod on the phone didn't even know what
    model of bike, I just asked if I needed a speedo and blinkers and she
    said not if it was made before 82.

    Zebee Johnstone, May 2, 2006
  16. Kiva

    Kiva Guest

    ...well thanks for all the tips - funnily enough, the indicators actually do work - its the button that's a bit problematic - instead
    of pushing to the right, it needs to be pushed to the right and pushed in a tiny bit.
    Kiva, May 4, 2006
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