
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, May 29, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Much attention is being directed to the massive and awesome monument for the
    WWII veterans, in Washington, DC.. There are 4,000 gold stars displayed in
    the monument, each star representing 100 of our finest, who paid the
    ultimate price for our freedoms.. The entire memorial monument is
    inspiring.. covering almost all the aspects of that horrific war against
    tyranny. My thoughts today, consist of reflections of the greatness
    represented by the ones we honor on this Memorial Day weekend..During this
    weekend we must consider the courage of the ones who we lost on those
    distant and foreign battlefields.. The ones who did not pay the ultimate
    cost of those battles, are now being lost at something over 1000 each day..
    Many of those remaining, live amongst us and are still contributing to the
    quality of life which we all enjoy.. Washington will be filled with those
    old heroes and warriors during this weekend.. They will walk the paths of
    that impressive and awesome monument.. They will remember and reflect on the
    friends they left behind, on those battlefields.. They should also know that
    they, themselves, are monuments, as well.. I know.. their hearts will be
    full and sorrowful, as the memories flood through their minds.. This Nation
    must honor and pay respect to these fallen heroes of our past.. This Nation
    must never forget to honor these that remain amongst us.. They are the
    Living Monuments.. The greatness and magnificence of their heroism and
    courage should be reminders that our Nation has prospered and become a
    leader of the World because of this calibre of men and women.. Parades and
    celebrations will dominate this Memorial Day weekend.. Barbecues and picnics
    will be enjoyed .. While we participate and celebrate this holiday of
    reflection, let us all take a moment to appreciate and honor all those who
    have made our lives possible.. There must be not limits to the Honor,
    Respect and Love that we bestow on these men and women.. One holiday weekend
    each year isn't nearly sufficient .. The Honor, Respect and Love should not
    be confined and restricted to one place in our Nation.. It should be firmly
    implanted in our hearts and memories, to carry with us in our daily lives..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, May 29, 2004
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