Minnesota rider gets a ticket at 205 mph

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Ingram_and_Friends, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. Ingram_and_Friends

    Wakko Guest

    Sure...if she's a redhead.
    Wakko, Sep 28, 2004
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  2. Ingram_and_Friends

    The Family Guest

    Granted, I don't know exactly how to read the horizontal items
    represented in the bike section of that URL. But, I would think
    that a 250cc Triumph would run a little harder than 88.323mph.

    I'm not real sure about this, but wouldn't an old Honda Hawk,
    from the mid 60's run that fast.

    The entry, to which I am referring, is for Jack Bergman.

    Additionally, Falkner, Livingston seems to have set a record in
    the 125cc class of 71.195mph. Apparently, prior to this run,
    no record had been posted in this class. My "almost" first motor-
    cycle was a early sixties Honda S90(first year available). Again,
    I'm not real sure, but I think it would run 72, almost.

    I think it would be fun to attend this/these events, just to watch.

    Anyone know anything about spectator/observer attendance. I
    mean it's not like it's being held secretly in a high security race-

    Thanks - Gary
    The Family, Sep 28, 2004
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  3. Ingram_and_Friends

    Andrew Guest

    If I recall correctly it is based on consecutive back to back runs through a
    speed trap.
    I think you get a mile to get up to speed, the speed trap is a mile long,
    and then you get one mile cool down.
    Think about holding that little S90 WFO for 2 miles and do it on consecutive
    runs, which are then averaged.
    It might not hold 72 mph for a mile through the trap.

    I was thinking of taking my Daytona out there next year for the helluva it,
    since there is no record for a 955i Triumph.
    Andrew, Sep 28, 2004
  4. Ingram_and_Friends

    Brian Walker Guest

    You can say that all you want. My Shadow wasn't built to ride from
    restaurant to niteclub. My Shadow was the original VTwin "muscle bike"
    built by Honda. The '85 model wasn't enough "muscle" for Honda, so in
    '86 they put a larger carb on it. For some odd reason, possibly "lack
    of interest", Honda dropped the model before it ever really had a
    chance and they took a different design to continue the 1100 Shadow.
    Even though the engines look the same through the years of the 1100
    Shadows, Honda continued to tweek them to get different effects.
    Anyone who has ever ridden an '86 (or '85 for that matter) will tell
    you that to go and try a newer Shadow before or after is like night
    and day. The newer Shadows are slugs compared to the '85 and '86

    You're not the first to "doubt"...

    For what it's worth though, you're creating your own "fishing story".
    I didn't say anything about above or at speeds up to 150. I said that
    when I looked down just before I shut off the run, I was looking at
    the speedometer touching between 135 and 140mph.

    As far as the "134mph" earlier in the post, that was a indicated speed
    which was shown on a read of highest speed made which the bike had a
    "tell tale" on it.

    A really amusing story that goes into this line. On the way to the ROT
    rally this past summer, we were riding the highway and made a gas
    stop. As usual, there were a bunch of bikes pulling in and out of the
    stations all through the route. This bunch of Harleys pulled in at one
    point and basically were snotty and demanding to others. There was
    this one jerk-off that caught my attention right off just because of
    his actions around japanese bikes. I got a good look at his bike, and
    it was nothing more than a hopped up Harley motor on a stripped down
    Sportster frame. Well, we pulled out just before they did and went on
    our "merry way". A few miles down the road, I noticed these same cats
    in the mirror coming up on us. As suspected, the one on the Sportster
    wanted to make a big splash by sending us a message of how "superior"
    his Harley was. I caught site of him as he came blasting up and by us.
    I figured "why not". I jumped my Shadow up on him and hit his speed
    (which wasn't much as it turned out) so quickly that I never left his
    blind spot. That dude simply looked like a "monkey fuckin' a football"
    on that bike. I could tell as hard as he was giving it, he had it spun
    as wide as it would go. He thought he did something! Finally, I had
    enough of it and I pulled (quickly) along side him and he caught site
    of something next to him and turned to see what it was. Now, I had my
    eyes glued on this dude and as he turned to see what caught his eye,
    he found it was me and I was relaxed and unphased by his efforts. He
    was spun so tight, I thought he was going to jump clear off that
    Sportster. He cleared a good 6" off that seat when he jumped out of
    shock. I bumped my throttle and pulled ahead of him about a 1/4 mile
    before shutting off. When it was over, I had a long wait of riding
    45mph to let everyone catch up. This guy went by and looked like I
    kicked him between the ass.
    Brian Walker, Sep 28, 2004
  5. Ingram_and_Friends

    Andrew Guest

    There are! Anyone got a Peugeot moped?
    Andrew, Sep 28, 2004
  6. BW says (in part)~~~~~~~~~Well.. now.. tell you what you might wanna do,
    ol' buddy.. think about it.. Brian is riding a one of a kind 1986 Shadow
    1100.. Bags, windshield, jetted carbs, raised handlebars, 1".. Custom
    exhaust and a few other goodies that no one can match..
    OKay, I didnt know that a 86 wood be that much more powerful than a lets
    say, a
    03 shadow 1100. But I imagine the jetted carbs give it maybe more
    horsePower. I ride with two 03 Shadows....yes they'll "hook-em"......But
    the part of Brians
    tale that reminded me of a "Fishing tale" was at 140mph or so, he still
    "trottle"......I don't know why folks always say they still had some
    trottle left....no matter how much over 100-110, they're speedng
    along....they always say: "And I Still Had Alotta Trottle Left"....I
    just think it's amusing....9-28-04..@525pm

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 28, 2004
  7. Brian--in part-).....I pulled (quickly) along side him and he caught
    site of something next to him and turned to see what it was. Now, I had
    my eyes glued on this dude and as he turned to see what caught his eye,
    he found it was me and I was relaxed and unphased by his efforts. He was
    spun so tight, I thought he was going to jump clear off that Sportster.
    He cleared a good 6" off that seat when he jumped out of shock. I bumped
    my throttle and pulled ahead of him about a 1/4 mile before shutting
    off. When it was over, I had a long wait of riding 45mph to let everyone
    catch up. This guy went by and looked like I kicked him between the ass.
    I like those kinda stories......We let a couple of Harleys ride with
    one's, my SonNLaw...he can't help it...it's just one-a those Status
    Symbol things...cause he has an 03 Shadow 1100 , Of which will be for
    sell soon....but anyway. He just Had to get him a $20,000 HD.
    ~~~~~~My son, Bubba Fred, rides a
    Honda 98 750 Magna, 4 cyclinder....
    He And Keith, riding that 1100 VT, have raced every which away but
    loose....and that 750 Mag beats him. The 1100 will probably get the Mag
    on top end...but they always shut em down around 95-100. The 750 Magna,
    has more horsePower, develops much more RPM, much quicker.....Old
    sonNlaw, Keith, just couldn't believe it.....NOW, he won't even
    "trottle" that Harley around Bubba Fred. He knows, tha Harley
    R-E-A-L-L-Y doesnt stand a chance, bottom or top end...tha Harley's
    about a 1400cc.....probably..
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~Yeah, those Harely guys,
    thinks every one wants to look at theirs,
    and usually those Harley guys, wouldnt dare brag on a goodlooking Honda
    or Yamaha...........smile...bj

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 28, 2004
  8. brian)(in part)
    but I ended up looking down just before letting off and the speedometer
    was touching between 135mph and 140mph. That was also fully packed for a
    week's ride (so figure about an added 100lbs). Even with that, I didn't
    have the bike wide open and very much quite possibly would've went
    faster had I stayed on it.   Bryan Walker.......
    BJAY: Now this part I am gonna have to
    think with   doubt ..hate to say it.... when you say.....above....at
    speeds up to 150 and the trottle was not even wide open.......kinda like
    a "fishing story to me" sorry...bjay.9-2704@555pm
    Above, you're right...you didn't say you were going 150, you did say
    but the part about your 86 1100 still having trottle at those speeds,
    was what I referred to as a "fishing Tale". you didnt say trottle, you
    said it It wasn't wide open, of which I took it as, you still had some
    Trottle to twist..... and could quite possibly g0 fas†er than
    140mph......that's where I found doubt in my old mind....smile <:)

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 29, 2004
  9. Ingram_and_Friends

    The Family Guest

    "This bunch of Harleys pulled in at one point and basically were snotty and
    demanding to others."

    Now that would be hard to believe. <g>

    The Family, Sep 29, 2004
  10. Ingram_and_Friends

    Wakko Guest

    I hope his ass *still* hurts.
    Wakko, Sep 29, 2004
  11. Ingram_and_Friends

    Tim Kreitz Guest

    Tell it to the Italians, Germans, and Spanish. They all have areas
    where the speed limit is in excess of 95 mph or have no speed
    restriction at all, yet their roads are significantly safer than ours.

    Strange reasoning, yours. Technically 50 mph is "unnecessary," too.
    Maybe we should just make the maximum U.S. speed limit 25 mph and
    allow the cops to pilfer us for all the taxes they can collect.


    Tim Kreitz
    2003 ZX7R
    2000 ZX6R
    DoD #2184
    Tim Kreitz, Sep 30, 2004
  12. Ingram_and_Friends

    Bill Walker Guest

    Certain areas and highways in Mexico have the same conditions as in Europe,
    Tim.. The speeds you are suggesting are on certain highways, as well..
    Unfortunately, we don't have specific highways that are designated to
    accomodate those speeds..

    I'm not in that much of a hurry to go anywhere.. (one of the benefits of
    being retired).. When I travel, I will be crowding or just a little over the
    specified speed limit.. That seems to suit me, alright..

    Contributing to the revenue of any area, by paying traffic fines isn't my
    idea of a good trip.. I've paid my share.. If you'd care to put something on
    paper, in the way of the speed limit that you suggest, I'd sure take hold of
    it and see if we can make it fly... Thanks for you input.. Tim..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 30, 2004
  13. Ingram_and_Friends

    Bownse Guest

    The motor of the v65 Shadow was snootin' stout. What made it shine was
    when they took out out of a cruiser frame and put it into the Sabre
    where it could actually use the power effectively.
    Bownse, Oct 2, 2004
  14. Ingram_and_Friends

    Brian Walker Guest

    The Shadow has always been a VT1100 motor, which the motor has only
    been used in the Shadow. The V65 was a V-4 and was used in the Magna
    and the Sabre. The VT1100 has undergone many changes through the
    years, but never put in any other model.
    Brian Walker, Oct 2, 2004
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