mini-review: offerings from Mr Suzuki and Mr Yamaha

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ben Blaney, Apr 3, 2004.

  1. Ben Blaney

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Comfy. The throttle took a bit of getting used to, as did the
    gearbox. Quite a lazy torque-y engine. Didn't want to rev and rev.
    Did shit wheelies unless I stood up, put my foot on the luggage rack
    and pulled the bars really hard. Didn't try to stoppie it. Handled
    strangely. The biggest problem was getting the sand out of my
    trainers afterwards.

    Bit of a wild ride, this. I thought I was going to lob it a couple of
    times. It just wants you to give it more throttle. It wants you to
    go faster. Turns on a six-pence. Marvellous fun. There's always a
    downside though, isn't there? In this case: jellyfish.

    I had a *great* weekend!
    Ben Blaney, Apr 3, 2004
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  2. Ben Blaney

    Christofire Guest

    Ben Blaney posted:

    I've never really understood jellyfish - what's the point? Float about,
    sting, float about a bit more. Where do they fit in on the food chain?
    Christofire, Apr 3, 2004
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  3. Ben Blaney

    dwb Guest

    You could sit on a jetski on land.
    You can't sit on your bike in the sea.
    dwb, Apr 3, 2004
  4. Ben Blaney

    Ben Blaney Guest

    It's like a big fast motorbike that doesn't handle very well. It's
    great, though - because it's quite hard to crash (it *wants* to float,
    you see; whereas a motorbike, with only two points of contact to the
    floor *wants* to fall over). And hell - even if you do crash, all
    you've got to do is hop back on before the jellyfish get you. Off you
    go again!

    TOP stuff.
    Ben Blaney, Apr 3, 2004
  5. Ben Blaney

    Christofire Guest

    dwb posted:
    Balls. You can sit on your bike in the sea. It'll go about as fast as
    the jetski on land. However, when you put the bike back on land it
    might not work as well as the jetski when that's put back in the water.
    Christofire, Apr 3, 2004
  6. Ben Blaney

    mups Guest

    Trentham Gardens which is just up the road from me has a jetski[1]
    place. Great fun, bit awkward at first and you fall off a lot but who

    [1] Proper jetskis not those things with seats.
    mups, Apr 3, 2004
  7. ^^^^^^^

    AKA "The Romford Navy"
    Boots Blakeley, Apr 5, 2004
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