This is one seriously tall bike with quite a wide seat so being just 5 '4" it was always going to be a tad difficult. I arrived at my dealers and I must admit to being a little nervous, not because of riding the bike but actually paddling it around the forecourt. The salesman said "Hi Molly I'll get the bike out for you". As I was getting my helmet on he started the bike up. It sounded wonderful and I swear I could feel the pulsed vibrations as I walked up to it. A brief familiarisation of the controls then it was time to swing my leg over. I couldn't touch the ground whilst sitting on the seat, not even a tip toe. I had to swing my bum right over so my thigh was resting on the seat. Side stand up, select first gear and away we went. I pulled the customary wheelie as I passed the showroom. The plan was to take things easy until I got used to the power deliver and the sheer bulk of the beast. So I headed out to my favourite country lanes. It took about a mile before I got intoxicated with the sound from those big twin exhausts and the rev limiter and I became well acquainted. A little red light comes on when you're about to hit the rev limiter. The power delivery is simply amazing, completely different to my Gixxer. Somehow it feels more brutal but that may be down to the symphony of the exhausts going on behind me. By now I was wheelying off the throttle in first, second and also third with the help of the little crests in the road. The power was just great and by now the bike had shrunk and felt like a small race bike. I was "maxing" the throttle in all gear changing up and down just for the hell of it. It was now time to explore the handling. The first roundabout approached and I thought I would just feel my way around it. I approached it fairly rapidly and just flicked it into the roundabout and before I knew I was scraping my knee along the tarmac. So much for my carefully laid plan. This bike flicks from side to side so easily I can see why it's lap times in reviews are so good. By now I was in the country lanes and started pushing the bike harder and harder, the power delivery is so good I was wheelying out of the bends. It felt absolutely planted unlike my Gixxer which can feel a little flighty at times (perhaps it's time to change the steering damper). I was starting to lift the front while my knee was still on the deck. An absolutely awesome and addictive experience. I was really giving it some through the twisties and using them just like a race track. It just flew. A word about the brakes. AWESOME. When I got back to the dealers there were a group of blokes standing around their pristine ZX 6R's and R6's one came up to me and said "can you ride that" The silly arse I had just got off it hadn't I. He then pointed to the rubber nodules on the tyres and said did you do that. His mate chirped up and said look at her kneesliders. I swear I could see their penises and egos shrinking. Would I buy one? Well actually I might. Is it better than my Gixxer, no, it's just different but fabulously different. I loved it but it's probably not practical for me. I'd love to own one though but I couldn 't really justify it at the moment. Could I?