Well, why the hell not. I have been presented with a mobile 'phone at work. Same model as my last works mobile, ostensibly. Utterly different menu structures, and utterly inexplicable behaviour. I doubt not that the fault lies entirely with me, but the behaviour of the 'phone is both odd and at odds with what I would class as a good human interface. Firstly, it is possesseth of miniscule buttons. Fine, except I do not posess the requisite midget-fingers. Secondly, it has a 'screensaver'. WHY!, its a bloody LCD screen ferfux. Thirdly, and this to me is utterly beyond logic, when the 'screensaver'[1] kicks in, and I press a key, ie, to -answer- a support call,all I get is the following. "!Phone locked Please turn off" Well, bloody marvellous that is. The phone is locked, I can no longer take a call on it. I do not want to make a call as I hate mobile phones[2] but sometimes I am needed to log in to the office and donk about with stuff[3]. If they ring me, and my 'phone is locked, and pressing the 'answer the call lardass' fails, I get to lose a call. Fine, no problem really, the 'phone is unuseable. Ah, yes, now then. Errm. Aha. Oh. How do I turn it off when it refuses[4] to acknowledge the 'off' button? Remove the battery! I hate mobile 'phones. Utterly. Beyond reason. With a passion. Give me my radio pager back please. Mini-Rant over. [1] Its a picture of an analogue clock face that displays, wait for this, the current time. Woo. The 'phone -already- displays the current time quite adequately thank you. [2]They are fiddly, faffy, tinny little things. Not waterproof and not loud enough. Being hearing impaired doesn't really help my case here. [3]I built the systems, guess I ought to maintain them. I don't get many support calls, but when I do, I -must- react quickly. [4]Anthropomorphism. Sorry.