Mileage Allowance?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Dan White, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. Dan White

    Dan White Guest


    My boss wants to pay me a mileage allowance for when I'm doing field work.

    Anyone have any idea what the Inland Revenue/C&E figures would be?

    CBR1100 by the way.

    Dan White, Jun 14, 2004
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  2. Dan White

    Eddie Guest

    Well, I'm just guessing, but I suspect the IR might...

    .... oh, yes, what a surprise:

    This is, of course, the maximum you can claim before you get taxed on it.
    Doesn't matter to the IR.

    You might be better off claiming an amount based on the actual running
    costs. Have a look at the calculator here:

    .... and also the "Archive" section which contains some specific
    motorbike-related information.
    Eddie, Jun 14, 2004
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  3. The IR will not tax you if you get 24p per mile or less. You cannot run a
    CBR 1100 for that though - sorry mate!
    Gavin Edwards, Jun 14, 2004
  4. Dan White

    dwb Guest

    Lucky - I'd get the IR rate of 24p a mile (or whatever it is).
    dwb, Jun 14, 2004
  5. Dan White

    Ginge Guest

    I get 12p/mile. But they provide the car, pay servicing, etc.
    Ginge, Jun 14, 2004
  6. Dan White

    dwb Guest

    And you still get 12p a mile?

    Don't you end up paying a whack of tax on that though?

    Still, 7.2p per mile extra for just driving around isn't bad...

    I've 'officially' been told that the use of a motorcycle for company
    purposes is frowned upon :)
    dwb, Jun 14, 2004
  7. Dan White

    ogden Guest

    Same here. Only costs me about 8p/mile in fuel though, and I disregard
    all other running costs...(which reminds me, tyres a bit bald!)
    ogden, Jun 14, 2004
  8. Dan White

    Ginge Guest

    To cover the petrol for business miles, yes. That's just the IR
    recommended figure. I don't get paid anything for private mileage.
    (i.e. I pay my own to and from work costs, etc. but can reclaim travel
    to visit customers.)
    I lose about £3k/ yr off my tax allowance for having a company car, but
    @40% tax that's £1200 ish, so cheaper than running my own car.
    Not here it isn't, plenty of people do so. We use the IR rates as
    normal for it.
    Ginge, Jun 14, 2004
  9. Dan White

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I'm not sure you've done the numbers right.
    Ben Blaney, Jun 14, 2004
  10. Dan White

    Ginge Guest

    For the direct tax I pay I have, there's also the matter of the car
    allowance I could take by opting out, but it'd be taxed as normal
    salary, and it's fairly pitiful really.

    I've not done the sums as to whether I opt out next year, but it's nice
    having a car I never have to worry about.
    Ginge, Jun 14, 2004
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