Middle East Oil Dependency and Peace and Riding...

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Larry xlax Lovisone, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. Being a native Californian means you refuse to breathe air you can not
    see... and all I want to do is punish my clutch at every stop by pulling a
    Jackrabbit start... in the name of Middle East peace mind you...
    You mean the majority of the environment worth protecting is concentrated at
    the US border???

    You too eh???

    Larry L
    94 RC45 #2
    Have a wheelie NICE day...
    Lean & Mean it in every corner of your life...
    If it wasn't for us the fast lane would rust...
    V4'S are music to the seat of my pants...
    1952 De Havilland Chipmunk...
    Yank and bank your brains loose...
    Larry xlax Lovisone, Dec 5, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  2. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Hank Guest

    I've only classified the bu$h regime's lies, mass murder, death,
    destruction, terrorism, war crimes, torture, and obscene tax payer
    theft that way, because it's an accurate description of his failed,
    illegal, immoral, and disastrous Iraq invasion.


    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, a usenet kook and blatant liar, on the rape,
    torture and murder at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really don't
    care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    -- George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.


    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...

    "Personally, I don't think all the Iraqis on earth are
    worth even a single American life." - Tim Kreitz
    Hank, Dec 7, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Hank Guest

    "Not at all." was the answer. Then I explained why.
    Did you find that confusing?


    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, on the rape, torture and murder at bu$h's Abu
    Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really don't
    care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    -- George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.


    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...

    "Personally, I don't think all the Iraqis on earth are
    worth even a single American life." - A usenet rabid
    right wing extremist terrorist.
    Hank, Dec 7, 2004
  4. Again, spoken like someone more interesting in characterizing something they
    don't like rather than talking about it with someone who disagrees. Not a
    surprise I suppose, can't expect the modern democrat to do else nowadays...
    Troy the Troll, Dec 7, 2004
  5. Not answering the question is hardly confusing, assuming the speaker is a
    peace-nik. Its expected from people who have no desire to see their self
    delusion "facts" dispatched with aplomb.
    Troy the Troll, Dec 7, 2004
  6. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Hank Guest

    I'd be happy to talk about it. Is there something
    I wrote above that doesn't apply to bu$h's Iraq
    disaster, in your opinion? If so, what and why?


    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really
    don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    -- George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.


    "After all, it is the leaders of the country who determine
    the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the
    people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
    dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the
    bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to
    do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the
    peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
    to danger. It works the same in any country."
    -- Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and
    Luftwaffe Commander in Chief

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...

    "Personally, I don't think all the Iraqis on earth are
    worth even a single American life." - Tim Kreitz
    Hank, Dec 7, 2004
  7. Okay, I can live with those terms.

    Lets start with the connotations..."the bush regime". Would you refer to
    Clintons presidency as the "Clinton regime"? If so, that would be
    consistent. If not, then you are simply using the word "regime" as some sort
    of leftover reminder that Bush won election #1 closely, and fairly, and he
    won election #2 by a HUGE margin plus a majority of the cast vote, and it
    would seem to me that a "regime" implies something less than democratic, and
    that the person using it is unhappy with the current setup. So...why the
    word "regime"?

    "Mass murder", while technically correct when a 2000 pound bomb lands on,
    say, a house full of children or a house full of insurgents, probably isn't
    the correct term to use when anywhere near a warzone. Its okay with me to
    use it that way, as long as you are willing to admit that its been going on
    since Washington crossed the river and cleaned the clock of all those German
    mercenaries a long, long time ago. So, are you using mass murder as simply a
    way to characterize something you don't like, or are you referring to the
    honorable tradition in America of joining the military, and learning to
    "mass murder" better than the other guy?

    "death"...sure..someone died while George was president, just like every
    presidency before him, so I won't quibble with that one.

    destruction? Of course...better them than us, so the more "destruction" we
    visit apon whoever we don't like convinces the new round of rogues that they
    rather wouldn't.

    "terrorism, war crimes and torture" is EXTREMELY provocative if you think
    its george doing all of this, last I looked, yes, terrorists attacked us,
    while committing war crimes, and tortured innocents in the commitment of
    these acts? But you weren't blaming the terrorists were you, you were saying
    that GEORGE is somehow doing all of these things? Is he? Why do you think
    so? If he was doing these things, wouldn't a court somewhere in this country
    be putting out a warrant for his arrest, or at least his deposition? They
    did it to Clinton over covering up sex, you imply that george is ALOT worse
    and yet...not a single subpoena delivered to him so far related to these
    things? This is obviously just making things up of course...except for some
    rogue jailers, I don't see any of this applying or even really mattering,
    its just as silly to say that wars have rules and george has somehow broken

    "Taxpayer theft"? Last I looked Congress has the power of the purse, so
    theft has nothing to do with anything when Congress gives him permission and
    writes the check, and "obscene" is just an adjective you use to stir the
    pot. War is cheaper than Social Security by my count, now THATS obscene.

    And you call Iraq a disaster? Doesn't look that way to me...seems like a
    years worth of drunk driver damage in California has about the same death
    toll, do you refer to MADD as "mass murderers", "obscene", torturers" just
    because you don't like the body count.
    Troy the Troll, Dec 7, 2004
  8. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Hank Guest

    The term "regime" fits the bu$h regime much better. Primarily
    because of its dramatically increased government secrecy,
    reduced citizens' rights and freedoms, and the fact that bu$h
    was appointed to the presidency by family friends on the Supreme
    Court, rather than elected by The People.
    Wrong on both counts. There was massive voter disenfranchisement
    in both elections as well as fraud. There are just two corporations
    responsible for electronic vote tallying, and they have close ties
    to the bu$h regime.
    No war has been declared in Iraq, the attack was illegal, and tens of
    thousands of innocent people have been murdered. That's mass murder by
    anyone's definition. Have you read about the cluster bombs that were
    dropped on children? A truly hideous example of terrorism. All for
    greed and lies....
    That was a war. Native Americans were mass murdered, though.
    bu$h has murdered thousands of innocent people in violation of
    international law, and for no valid reason. That's not standard
    U.S. govt. policy.
    I'm referring to bu$h's illegal and immoral terror attack on the
    innocent people of Iraq, and the torture and war crimes that took
    place at his ABu Ghraib prison. His attack on Iraq, of course,
    not only has =nothing= to do with the fight against terrorism,
    but is actually diverting money and resources away from it. Those
    words may be provocative, but they're also dead nuts accurate.
    Indeed. The 9-11 terrorists have no connection to bu$h's terror
    campaign in Iraq, other than both are examples of terrorism.
    He, unfortunately, is the commander in chief. Iraq is his
    doing. He was desperately searching for an excuse to invade
    Iraq even before 9-11.
    The ruling elite are mostly behind bu$h's policies, and they
    control the media, which brainwashes the masses. There won't be
    any war crimes or treason trial for bu$h unless there's an
    unprecedented movement by the People. As bu$h's Iraq disaster
    gets worse (see recent CIA report), and dissent among the Iraqi
    People grows, that may change. For the sake of humanity, let's
    hope so.
    Shows how screwed up the priorities of the ruling elite have
    become, eh? Sex between consenting adults is worthy of a 5 year
    50 million dollar witch hunt, but the unprecedented intelligence
    and national security failures leading up to 9-11 and bu$h's
    subsequent terrorism and war crimes are basically ignored by the
    corporate owned and censored media.
    Read up on Cheney's Haliburton, its subsidiaries, and their
    obscene war profiteering. (hint - their obscene profits are
    paid by working tax payers)
    As would anyone who is well informed and honest about


    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, a usenet kook and blatant liar, on the rape,
    torture and murder at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really don't
    care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    -- George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.


    "After all, it is the leaders of the country who determine
    the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the
    people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
    dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the
    bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to
    do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the
    peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
    to danger. It works the same in any country."
    -- Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and
    Luftwaffe Commander in Chief

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)
    Hank, Dec 8, 2004
  9. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Hank Guest

    I answered it. Clearly. Seems you just don't like the answer.


    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, a usenet kook and blatant liar, on the rape,
    torture and murder at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really don't
    care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    -- George W. Bush, March 13, 2002


    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw


    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...

    "Personally, I don't think all the Iraqis on earth are
    worth even a single American life." - A usenet rabid
    right wing extremist terrorist.
    Hank, Dec 8, 2004
  10. Incorrect, unless you are simply one of those wild conspiracy nuts who
    inhabit the web ( we've got a regular in AMS, but he usually goes off the
    deep end over retirement benefits and this is a third world country and we
    just haven't noticed ).

    For starters, George was elected fair and square the first time, first in a
    settlement of the election by the Supreme Court ( last I looked, none of
    them go fishing with George Senior in Maine so they don't qualify as "family
    friends" ), and secondly by a recount done by newspapers after the fact who
    were interested in REALLY finding out who won, regardless of what the
    Supreme's said. Election #2 was a clean sweep majority win.

    In neither case, because you don't like the result, do you get to call
    Georges Presidency a "regime" any more than Clintons, or Reagans, or
    Carters, or Nixons, or Johnsons, or Kennedys, or.....you get the point? Or
    are you one of those conspiracy nutcases?

    Freedoms and the rest of it? Does this cause you personal problems? Do you
    even live in this country? Are you concerned that the FBI will mistake you
    for a terrorist, interrogate you, and then release you a week later with
    apologies, like happened to that guy in Washington? Gee...all those
    liberties George has taken away...but he still was released the instant
    someone recognized a boo-boo.

    There is ALWAYS massive voter disenfranchisement because senior citizens in
    Florida keep forgetting you can't vote for both major party candidates, and
    get their ballots pitched as a result. So you can't say the last 2 elections
    were any different, and if you try, its only because you haven't paid much
    attention to the realitys of voting in America over the last quarter

    Please enumerate for us the exact conspiracy which you believe threw the
    election georges way? Moreso than in elections past.

    No war has been declared in half a century because the United States can now
    crush other countries with an armored division and some marines, hardly
    necessary for us to call "WAR" to give warning, so it appears the technical
    meaning of war has changed since granddaddy went off to fight. I realize
    that purists might not like that, again, reality is different now and trying
    to use rules from long ago is as ridiculous as renouncing the M1A1 because
    it wasn't used in the last "war" and therefore isn't "fair".

    Attacks are not illegal because they aren't in this country, and when you
    take over a foreign country and write the new rules, you give yourself
    immunity. Childs play...and it stands up in the international community
    nearly every time, particular when the US does it. Foeign policy is
    entrusted to the commander in chief, and with foreign policy goes the
    ability to nuke people. Don't like it? Get an amendment to require the
    president to get congressional approval first.

    As far as the death toll...too bad. I don't see you whining for pedestrians
    killed by drunk drivers, innocent children starving in Africa, or political
    prisoners in Cuba, but bitching about some special CLASS of innocents
    because you don't like George taking a stand and invading...too
    bad....either all innocents matter or you just have a beef with
    George...which is it? And if you say all innocents matter the next question
    out of my mouth is going to be "well why aren't we invading to save them as
    well", because of course, we save people by taking Saddam out, yup, some
    chinaware gets broken, just like in our own revolution, but thats the way
    the game has been played since...oh...Alexander? The Romans? Ghengis Khan?

    Again...please show me where American pilots are quoted by some news
    organization as stating the following...

    "Yee betcha Johnny...did you see that column? Man alive, all those children
    were getting out of school, and I gots me the clearance from the fire
    control and BLAMMO I dropped those cluster bombs all over'em....what a good
    day we had!"

    Please provide reference to which pilots and where decided to bomb children
    just because he didn't want to carry the ordinance home and wanted to be a
    real hero?

    You betcha. And so were North Vietnamese, and Germans, and Italians, and
    Spanish people ( remember the Maine! ) and nearly everyone we ever fought
    against since the dawn of this country.....distinctions between war and
    murder is just semantics....don't like wars...tell it to your congressman.
    He doesn't agree with you? Vote for a peacenik president. He won't stop?
    Move to another country where they have "wars" without murdering people...I
    dare you....
    Sure it is. Its been that way since forever...myself...I think the nukes in
    Japan were a little over the top and DEFINITELY against international law
    and who gives a good damn? They ended the war, saved lives, and the use of
    them is still government policy, depending on circumstances. And I'm damn
    glad george has the button and not some lilly livered photo op specialist
    like Clinton...
    Well, people are being prosecuted for the crimes that took place in that
    Iraqi prison, and good riddance. And last I looked, the way you are talking
    Saddam fits right in there with your "innocents"...you like Saddam? Think
    its unfair he is in prison do you? Better he should be threatening his
    neighbors, saber rattling, paying terrorists to kill Israeli's? Oh...I
    forgot...you don't like Israeli's so its okay for displaced Egyptians and
    Jordanians to kill them, right?

    No they are not. Zarqwari is an affirmed Al Quida guy, and he's in Iraq. He
    might have come along after the fact, but I don't care. He provides the
    reason to stay. Why don't you go tell him how you sympathize with him, and
    ask him politely to leave, see where it gets you? That way the innocents
    will stop being beheaded, poor policemen will stop getting blown up, etc
    Zarqwai. Enough of a terrorist for me, although if you think he's such a
    nice guy and all perhaps you have something to refute the reason the
    government thinks he's a bad guy? Is he misunderstood ya think? Just another
    innocent who got caught up in the moment?

    He sure might have been. And the CIA gave it to him. And when it turned out
    to be bogus he fired tenet.

    Next speculation that you want talk about which has already been solved and
    is ancient history? You do read papers don't you? This was front page all
    over the place a few months ago...did you miss it?
    You aren't an anti-Semite are you? This "ruling elite" and "brainwashing the
    masses" sure sounds like propaganda from the skinheads except you aren't
    actually assigning these descriptions to an actual class of people...just

    Yeah..its called "profit"...you got a problem with it, especially
    considering that he wasn't around when they got those contracts?
    Troy the Troll, Dec 8, 2004
  11. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Hank Guest

    That's your fantasy, not mine. I said cluster bombs were
    deliberately dropped in densely populated civilians areas
    where children are present. That's another war crime.

    All decent human beings. Terrorists don't give a damn, though.
    The fact that you butcher the spelling of those names indicates that
    you've done little reading. Do you get your "facts" from Faux news,
    CNN, or other right wing corporate propaganda outlets.

    One person, about whom you seem to know very little, shouldn't
    be enough to justify murdering tens of thousand of innocent people,
    violating international law, committing war crimes, sacrificing our
    global respect and credibility, alienating our allies, and wasting
    hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars. That's thinking like a
    severely brainwashed and gullible sheep. Maybe you should read more.
    I hope you're not trying to deny that the ruling elite own
    and censor the mainstream media.
    I have a problem with obscene profit when it's reached through
    lies, tax payer theft, and violent, criminal behavior. You should
    too. It's your money. Cheney, unfortunately, is still around, BTW.


    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, a usenet kook and blatant liar, on the rape,
    torture and murder at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really don't
    care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    -- George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.


    "After all, it is the leaders of the country who determine
    the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the
    people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
    dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the
    bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to
    do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the
    peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
    to danger. It works the same in any country."
    -- Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and
    Luftwaffe Commander in Chief

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...

    "Personally, I don't think all the Iraqis on earth are
    worth even a single American life." - A usenet rabid
    right wing extremist terrorist.
    Hank, Dec 10, 2004
  12. http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1106-30.htm
    Do you really believe this crackpot stuff? You will forgive me for checking
    your references, then heading off to the main page on them just for fun to
    see what other crackpot conspiracys these places have....did you know that
    9-11 was a setup by the CIA involving remote control airplanes? Did you know
    that the tinfoil you obviously use to keep aliens from reading your mind was
    made by Haliburton and the Vice President gets a kickback for every sheet of
    the aluminized wonder material?

    Did you know we never landed on the moon? Did you know that we actually lost
    WW II but no one told the mainstream media?

    Phil the Scientology nut has a wonderful website he quotes for everything as
    well, in from the wilderness or some such, take 2% truth, 98% speculation

    So Hank, while it is amusing that you have provided just more proof that the
    www is indeed full of people who post crap regardless of its truthfulness,
    you will forgive me for paying more attention to more "accurate" media
    reports which never saw the children being carpet bombed by B-52's, who
    don't believe the CIA is hiding Osama in a "therein unnamed resort near
    Orlando Florida", and who find it difficult to accept that the great
    unwashed masses were brainwashed and allowed the ballot boxes to be stuffed
    by the 49% of the country who knew who the right guy to vote for was but
    golly, just couldn't get enough fake ballots in to swing things their way.

    I was beginning to wonder just how wacked you were...you were leaning awful
    far out there...nearly Phils-Ville....I have to admit...you and him should
    perhaps be bunkies at the county lockup, him for thinking that getting
    caught for doing 20 over isn't a crime when you are a Depends wearing senior
    citizen and you who thinks the US military cluster bombs kids just because
    they can't think of anything else to do.

    You will forgive me for not going over your crackpot theories point by
    point, refuting speculation labelled as fact by crackpots is neither amusing
    nor a good use of my time.

    Pueblo Motorsports Park on Saturday and I've got to get the frame sliders on
    by then...so adiou and farewell....you do have Phils email right? The two of
    you would get along grand...he's an engineer who wires up outhouses for a
    living because he's such a good engineer and you? Let me
    guess....uummmm....no, I don't want to guess, I'll strain myself.
    Troy the Troll, Dec 10, 2004
  13. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Hank Guest

    Can you be more specific? I have no idea what you're
    complaining about. You're =simply= spewing a silly,
    incoherent rant. I prefer to deal with specific facts
    and events.
    An example of crackpot stuff is the wild claim that Hussein
    was about to hit the U.S. with a nuclear weapon, so we had to
    invade Iraq. That sort of paranoid idiocy and lies comes from
    your camp, though.
    Are you known to be somewhat mentally unstable? We're
    not discussing scientology, and I don't know your friend
    It was predicted and expected that you would avoid
    addressing specific facts, and instead would resort
    to extreme and irrelevant "straw man" rants.
    You brainwashed and gullible bu$h apologists really
    have no choice but to avoid the facts, because they
    tend to expose your ignorance and misconceptions.
    Nothing new there at all. <g>


    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really
    don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    -- George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, a usenet kook, on the rape, torture and murder
    at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.


    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...

    "Personally, I don't think all the Iraqis on earth are
    worth even a single American life." - Tim Kreitz
    Hank, Dec 10, 2004
  14. Then find a website which doesn't have a rational beyond reporting the news.
    You want facts and then you quote the standard left-leaning all war is bad
    george cheated garbage.

    Let me give you an example.

    One of the articles on your website speculated the following...that exit
    polls are always right, ergo the election was rigged. Quite a stretch
    considering its been debunked by every pollster I'm familiar with since the
    election. But your site has the inside scoop eh? And who do we have spinning
    this "we was robbed" philosophy? Why, Clinton confidante Dick Morris, who
    when he isn't chasing hookers ( him and the boss both swing the same way
    apparently ) has apparently decided that when democrats lose, its a
    conspiracy. Would this be the same conspiracy that Hillary sited in relation
    to Monica Lewinsky ya think? Them pesky republicans caused her husband to
    spew nasties all over someones dress and then...OOPS.....maybe it was just
    typical democrat "blame anyone else" routine when they get caught?

    Chris Dodd in this website accuses Rumsfeld of being "cavalier" in his
    explanations to the troops the other day. I saw that interview...Rumsfield
    was no such thing, so why would a reputable non left leaning weasel website
    follw only that particular viewpoint? Because they aren't objective any more
    than they are in their presentation of peak oil, they simply accept as fact
    any speculation that goes left of new england wacko's and keep heading left
    from there.

    Got any objective websites or you want me to go find more examples of left
    leaning bias on this particular one?
    Troy the Troll, Dec 10, 2004
  15. Doesn't have a "rational". What's that supposed to mean?
    Unlike the right wing mainstream corporate owned and
    censored media, most of these sources aren't influenced
    by advertiser money, shareholders' politics, or personal
    financial interests. They are highly respected in the field
    of journalism, and do an awesome job of reporting the facts.
    Can you be specific, and use actual quotes form an article?
    You right wing extremists are predictable, but I can't read
    your mind word for word.
    That's not a quote. That's your straw man "argument". Try
    to be accurate, specific, and honest. That's the only way
    to find the Truth.
    Sure. That's all I use. If you find something on
    one of those sites that's inaccurate or misleading,
    please bring it to my attention. And remember, be
    specific, and use actual quotes. Vague, silly rants
    don't count.



    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really
    don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    -- George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, a usenet kook, on the rape, torture and murder
    at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...

    "Personally, I don't think all the Iraqis on earth are
    worth even a single American life." - Tim Kreitz
    Henry Hansteen, Dec 10, 2004
  16. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    Hey Hank the sky is falling.

    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Dec 10, 2004
  17. I didn't see any rebuttal on the website to Howard Dean, Dick Morris and
    Senator Bryd of West Virginia. Is there any reason why they don't believe in
    balanced reporting? I didn't see any work from Michael Lynch as rebuttal to
    the peak oilers, whats the matter, quoting him as a honest dissenting
    opinion too much for a left leaning propaganda tool trying to act like a
    news outlet?

    So where was the dissenting opinion? Peter McCabe and Michael Lynch have
    Colin Campbell beat all to hell and I didn't even see a reference to their
    work? Why not?

    I've provided 2 authors, one of whom goes back over the peak oilers
    arguements spanning nearly 20 years...not a mention. Pete McCabe paper came
    out in 98...no mention of that either...wonder why? Why would Dick Morris
    and Howard Dean be the primary sources for how the election was stolen? Why
    wasn't there information from the Secretaries of State contradicting or at
    least agreeing with Dick Morris's assessment that somehow " we was robbed!"?

    Here is a reasonable, mainstream media story on the same thing as your
    "election was stolen!" article.


    Notice how the very title lets you know who is mostly interested in doing
    the probing...Democrats...and how the wise and honorable Jesse
    Jackson...beloved by all executive assisstants everywhere...are wondering
    how things can be made better, knowing they aren't perfect. A much more even
    slant than the source you quoted which stuck to Democrats whining about "we
    wuss robbed" and how suspicious it all is...this article breaks down some of
    the basics, including the idea that disenfrancisement has been happening for
    quite some time and will continue...but the system does need to be made
    better. It does not imply that the entire election was a wash because...well
    gee...exit polls didn't agree with how people voted...therefore it must be
    fraud! Quite a leap, that, but not unexpected from a left leaning crackpot
    news source....yours.

    No problem. I tell you what, find one of those articles at your left leaning
    site which actually presents both sides accurate and lets the reader decide,
    rather than taking a slant and trying to convince you that "we was robbed!"
    Troy the Troll, Dec 11, 2004
  18. You must be one of those chickehawks.


    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really
    don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    -- George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

    BTW, if you can't post about motorcycles, please post about
    something other than your overwhelming, all consuming
    obsession with me. It only makes you look like an obsessed
    usenet kook.
    Post about something of great importance to all of us, such
    as the lies, tax payer theft, mass murder, death, destruction,
    terrorism, and treason of the criminal bu$h regime.
    Thank you!

    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, a usenet kook, on the rape, torture and murder
    at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.


    Dick Cheney: "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam
    Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction." August 26, 2002.

    Ari Fleischer: "We know for a fact that there are weapons there."
    January 9, 2003.

    Colin Powell: "We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep
    his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more."
    February 5, 2003.

    Donald Rumsfeld: "We know where they are," about these weapons.
    "They are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad." March 30, 2003.

    George W. Bush: "We have sources that tell us that Saddam
    Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical
    weapons." February 8, 2003.

    George W. Bush: "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments
    leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal
    some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." March 17, 2003.

    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.


    "After all, it is the leaders of the country who determine
    the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the
    people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
    dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the
    bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to
    do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the
    peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
    to danger. It works the same in any country."
    -- Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and
    Luftwaffe Commander in Chief

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...

    "Personally, I don't think all the Iraqis on earth are
    worth even a single American life." - Tim Kreitz
    Henry Hansteen, Dec 11, 2004
  19. Great. I'm interested to see what you'll come up


    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really
    don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    -- George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, a usenet kook, on the rape, torture and murder
    at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.


    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...

    "Personally, I don't think all the Iraqis on earth are
    worth even a single American life." - Tim Kreitz
    Henry Hansteen, Dec 11, 2004
  20. Did someone cross post this over into some silly cager group somewhere?
    Troy the Troll, Dec 12, 2004
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