Mid-Wales Stupidity

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by SteveH, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. SteveH

    SteveH Guest

    Some old woman being interviewed on the news, because her water supply
    is frozen or something.

    She said that her son had gone to try to find some bottled water....

    What the hell does she think all the white shit on the ground is, then?
    SteveH, Jan 8, 2010
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  2. SteveH

    wessie Guest

    (SteveH) wrote in :
    Since when has Roath & Penylan been in Mid Wales?

    I wouldn't fancy melting any of the snow around there for drinking
    wessie, Jan 8, 2010
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  3. SteveH

    SteveH Guest

    This wasn't someone from Roath, or indeed Penylan.

    It was definitely somewhere out in the sticks.

    Still seems a bit ridiculous given the amount of frozen water on the
    ground - you'd only need to boil it if you were in any doubt.
    SteveH, Jan 8, 2010
  4. SteveH

    Switters Guest

    It's not bottled, innit.
    Switters, Jan 8, 2010
  5. SteveH

    wessie Guest

    (SteveH) wrote in
    Roath Park is out in the sticks. I saw the TV broadcast too. The interview
    was part of a report about the Roath water situation. There were some other
    shots of Roath streets in the report too.
    Snow from the side of a mountain maybe. Snow that's been sitting in an
    urban environment for a few days is less appetising. Boiling might kill the
    bugs but it won't remove the lumpy bits.
    wessie, Jan 8, 2010
  6. SteveH

    SteveH Guest

    Ahhh, OK. Was only half watching it and though 'you stupid woman'.

    (It's a WFH day today)

    They did make a meal of going out for bottled water - which is probably
    why I assumed they were a lot more rural than they actually are.
    SteveH, Jan 8, 2010
  7. SteveH

    wessie Guest

    (SteveH) wrote in :

    you've never met stupid people in middle class suburbia?
    wessie, Jan 8, 2010
  8. SteveH

    SteveH Guest

    Good point.

    Once again, the stupidity levels are up - people complaining that their
    grocery delivery can't get to them, and that 'I ordered online because
    my car is stuck'.
    SteveH, Jan 8, 2010
  9. SteveH

    wessie Guest

    (SteveH) wrote in
    our 20 year old washing machine decided to croak on Tuesday. I ordered a
    new one from a local outfit, expecting them to have a better chance of
    getting here. Their shop is only 1.5 miles away, on the well gritted A40
    and I'm on a main road too. The fuckers phoned yesterday, having got their
    van stuck out in the sticks somewhere.
    wessie, Jan 8, 2010
  10. SteveH

    Beav Guest

    Looks like lemonade round here.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Jan 8, 2010
  11. SteveH

    YTC#1 Guest

    Dogs that eat too much chalk ?
    YTC#1, Jan 9, 2010
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