Mexico...Spring 2007!

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    After much discussion, the dates to leave to Mexico are shaping up.

    March 26th or March 28th.

    Since I'm starting to plan for March, I'll be the first to step up and
    say we need to determine the dates. For those heading down there on
    motorcycle, you'll not need a passport to return. For those riding
    airplanes, you will need a passport. I for one will be taking a
    passport just in case. As we've seen in the past with things like TSA
    regulations and even the Texas helmet law, even people working in the
    business don't know the legal status of various laws. To avoid any
    issues, my passport will be packed with me.

    So, how does this work for everyone else planning the trip?
    Brian Walker, Jan 28, 2007
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  2. Brian Walker

    redshad Guest

    I will turn in my request today for vacation. We will have to wait to
    see the results.

    redshad, Jan 29, 2007
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  3. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Let me know as quick as possible. I've had to book up the first two
    weeks of March just today. I'm trying to hold off the dates I listed,
    but unless it gets booked on the calendar, I'll have to book them up
    on work.
    Brian Walker, Jan 29, 2007
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