Mena Pictures

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by louie, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. louie

    louie Guest

    We had 158 pictures. Some didn't turn out so good, some were repetitive. I
    uploaded about 85 to the link below. You can view individually or as a
    slideshow. If you see one that you would like a larger image of, email me
    and I will send it to you as a stand alone. They are not chronologically
    correct but those that were there know where and when. I'm tired of messing
    with them. The beauty of the area is much more impressive than the pictures
    indicate, thanks to RedShad for prompting us to go for a look-see.

    I guess the combination of participants in this group worked out better than
    one would expect. What a great time we had! I really enjoyed listening to
    the group at night as they gathered in front of my room for the until
    midnight tell-astory-thon. They made sure all of us had an equal amount of
    sleep for the next day.

    My compliments to all for the way that conducted themselves in all phases of
    this experience. Extra to Walker, Ed, and RedShad who really did a good job
    of watching out for us rookies.

    Dayton (the back of my hands are red) Hart did an excellent job of taking
    that young and upcoming buck out of system. I saw that deer jump amongst the
    group I thought ut-oh. The young man did not flinch one bit and caught the
    deer in the left shoulder sending the deer spinning end around to the ditch,
    thus clearing the road for the rest of us. No blood, no damage to his
    bike.....I'd say he can expect an award from Sunny or some of the other
    previous Dslayers for the unkind act.

    Walker was kinda apologizing for wanting to stop on the way back in for a
    rest and cool off. I went out this morning and inventoried 72yr olds and
    didn't find a one that was up to that 'hot top' ride back with air temps
    around 103. It was about 430pm when we split off from Walker and came on to
    Ft Worth. I'm way younger than Walker and I just barely made it to my
    driveway, didn't even put the bike up.

    One of the funny things - coming back there were 6 bikes and we stopped in
    Broken Bow for fuel. After fueling we proceded on down the road, Walker
    leading the way for our scenic trip home. After a bit we passed a sign
    "Broken Bow 11 miles". Ed pulled over and I stopped along side. He says
    something ain't right, we just left Broken Bow a few miles back and in 11
    miles we'll be in Broken Bow. Don't worry Ed, lets just keep following
    Walker. Well up ahead Walker had stopped, wondering why we stopped. We
    talked and Walker said he was going by the sun, he been coast to coast,
    blah, etc. and ain't never been lost. Walker, I told him, the sun is
    straight up. Acorn even told him, hell it's 1138am, there is that little
    window around midday that using the sun can caused circles. None of us
    really cared how or when we got home so we turned around and took a
    different route. At that point I'm not sure if we were going to Broken Bow
    or leaving Broken Bow, we turned off before doing whatever we would have

    Thanks to all

    pics at

    louie, Aug 6, 2006
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  2. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    Great job, Louis.. I really appreciate the effort to post this link.. You
    and the bride did a great job of documenting this ride and sharing it with
    everyone on the newsgroup who were not fortunate enough to actually go..

    My hat is off to you both and there is no doubt that ya'll are an asset to
    any ride.. Regards..

    Bill Walker
    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker, Aug 6, 2006
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  3. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    Louie posts Pics:
    ‘‘At that point I'm not sure if we were going to Broken Bow or
    leaving Broken Bow, we turned off before doing whatever we would have
    Thanks to all! Louie.
    pics at


    158 photos, Wow. And you uploaded and posted along with captions, 81 of
    them.~~ That photographer of yours was good.~~~~~Yes Siree, Red-Shad is
    a great ''Bike Trip Planner''.~~ I knew one of the best parts of riding
    with ya''ll on the entire trip, would most definately had been the
    ''bullshitting session in the evening''. I felt my ears getting red,<g>.
    ~~Dayton hitting that Deer, lordy mercy, that had to have been an
    alarming situation. What good luck, that he clipped it just enough to
    knock it out of the way, and not get into some serious stuff. And to
    think he wadn't in the lead. He seemed to have held his cool. You know
    many times, it is the jerking the Bike around, that can cause a bad
    situation.What a close one.
    ~~~That was funny you saying'' When Ya' got home, and after riding the
    Valk hard, you put her up wet'' (paraphrasing, of course) because of the
    ride home being so dern Hot~~~~About Walker leading ya'll a back and
    forth thru Broken Bow, that is what can happen when ya get over heated,
    that Sun can be hot, when it's straight up<g> I been in that area, and
    it can get a little confusing, I remember. There's this truck route, and
    it seems to go one way,and then it seems to go the other way. I might be
    thinking about Idabel area, though. Or something like that?~~~~Louie,
    you are hilarious. It took me a ''ReRead'' to realize =who you were
    referring to, when you said, ''that even _Acorn_ said that the straight
    up sun, can cause =circle riding= if ya ain't careful''. funny<g>~~~~~~
    LOUIE about the Pics. Man, you did a sure nuff good job, getting that
    many Pics posted on here. I reckon, you are on cable, because when we
    upLoad pics on Honeys PC,and to yahoo, it takes a looooooong time, I
    suoppose it is because we're on Dial up,out here in the farm area. That
    does make a dif, doesn't it?~~
    Louie, I enjoyed your ''captions'' . They all were so cute and humorous.
    <g> I got to see, what Morgan looks like. And Honey got to see what Bill
    Walker looks like, wished you'd had a pic of Acorn, to see what he looks
    like. <g>
    ~~~My Gal, really laffed at the one about me. where you say: ''I'm
    grinning, because I be riding with city Folks''. a Good'un, louie.~~~
    You say, if I want a particular one, that you can send it to me? I'll
    let ya know which one. I know I want one with Red-shad, Ed, Louie, and
    me, with the man himself, Walker.~~~~~No doubt.
    heh'heh'heh' thanks for your relatively hard task. (chuckle)
    BJayKana, Aug 6, 2006
  4. louie

    louie Guest

    ))alarming situation. What good luck, that he clipped it just enough to
    )knock it out of the way, and not get into some serious stuff. And to
    )think he wadn't in the lead. He seemed to have held his cool. You know
    )many times, it is the jerking the Bike around, that can cause a bad
    )situation.What a close one.

    Mr. Bjay, I wouldn't call it 'clipped'.... He hit it dead on just left of
    center, right at the shoulder as it came across. He contacted it with the
    front tire..... it was a bull's eye, die wrecked hit....

    couple pics coming ur way on the email system ...louie
    louie, Aug 6, 2006
  5. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    For a kid on his first road trip with a group.. on his first motorcycle,
    etc. etc. Dayton showed good presence by riding through without losing it..
    Another rider with more experience couldn't have got it done any better..
    The kid will turn into a top notch hand, if he continues .. Way to go,
    Dayton.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 6, 2006
  6. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    Mr. Bjay, I wouldn't call it 'clipped'.... He hit it dead on just left
    of center, right at the shoulder as it came across. He contacted it with
    the front tire..... it was a bull's eye, die wrecked hit....
    couple pics coming ur way on the email system ...louie

    I certainly misUderstood. I guess I pretty much assumed he clipped the
    deer, like hit it with the front side of the bike someway, somehow. I
    have never heard of any rider being able to run straight into, a deer
    with the front tire and knock it away, or even a dog, for that matter,
    and keep going straight. I am really impressed now. I had a friend clip
    a fair size dog, but he hit it with the front crash bar, and his foot,
    and the dog went flying into the ditch. He managed to stay straight
    enough to stop.

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Aug 6, 2006
  7. louie

    eahart Guest

    Thanks Louie for all the work on the pics.Thanks Sheriff for taking
    them and keeping you in line.I am sure if she wasn't there you would of
    gotten a whole lot routier.Ha Ha

    Ed Hart
    eahart, Aug 7, 2006
  8. louie

    Mick Guest

    RE Louie's post concerning the Mena ride deer strike:center, right at the shoulder as it came across. He contacted it with the
    front tire..... it was a bull's eye, die wrecked hit.... <<

    Glad to hear this one had a good outcome (deer sent to Bambi Heaven and no
    injury to the rider). As you know, they don't always work out that way.

    For a good read (and funny as hell), go to the link below and read of this
    guy's deer strike. Be sure and click on the link to pictures at the bottom:

    Mick McHam Houston, TX
    '01 ST1100 ABS, STOC# 1134
    '00 VFR800FI
    Mick, Aug 7, 2006
  9. louie

    RL Guest

    <snipped great report for brevity>

    Good thing Dayton and his bike are ok and I'm glad y'all had such a good
    ride and great time.
    Great report and pics too. And the commentary as always, is fun to read.

    Sunny Williams
    sunny will at tx vets period org
    IRPK, ISRA #7123, Deerslayers
    Director/Webmaster for
    Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3
    "... if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place
    shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor

    ~Teddy Roosevelt
    RL, Aug 8, 2006
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