Melb -> Adelaide Suggestions? [again]

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Jules, Nov 13, 2003.

  1. Jules

    Jules Guest

    Ok the trip is on and it's happening in < 3 weeks.

    I've got Melb -> Pt Campbell sorted (that was a tough bit of trip planning
    ;-) so where from there?

    Y'all came through with the goods when I solicited Melb -> Byron, so I'm
    sure I can expect the same this time ;-)

    I've got a good 3-4 days in which to cover it, and a _very_ comfortable

    Once I get to Adeliade, I'm also after suggestions for surrounding areas in
    which to ride / see stuff / do stuff.

    Jules, Nov 13, 2003
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  2. Jules

    Dale Porter Guest

    I hear Johno has a loverley driveway to trundle up and down. Just don't get too close to his
    letterbox. He's a tad possesive. ;-)
    Dale Porter, Nov 13, 2003
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  3. Jules

    Nev.. Guest

    hmmmm deja vu...
    The Adelaide Hills. Not far from the CBD. Just point your bike towards them
    and you won't be disappointed.

    '03 ZX12R
    '02 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Nov 13, 2003
  4. Jules

    vinyl Guest

    If it's not windy, the areas south of Adelaide and in towards Strathalbyn
    are excellent riding. Flerieu (sp) Peninsula.

    vinyl, Nov 13, 2003
  5. Jules

    Fred Kroft Guest

    the north summit roads are gooood.

    Fred Kroft, Nov 13, 2003
  6. Jules

    Goaty Guest

    Check Tower Hill just west of Warrnambool.

    Go down to Portland, take C192 to Mt Gambier - fast, few cars/cops.

    Take B191 Millicent->Beachport->Robe->Kingston SE

    Take B45 at Wellington, through Langhorne Creek, McLaren Vale.[1]

    1. If you have to ask why ...
    Goaty, Nov 13, 2003
  7. Jules

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I'm no expert but if you turn right at the Handorf turn-off you can spend a
    luvverly day scootling through the hills.
    Visit the wineries, chocolate factories and, of course, the Birdswood
    I just followed my nose and did a big jelly-bean loop from SE of Adelaide
    to NE and back.
    Knobdoodle, Nov 13, 2003
  8. Jules

    glitch1 Guest


    Or use the free of charge ferries to keep going south from Langhorn Creek to
    Milang, then a bit of dirt to Finniss, south again to Goolwa and Victor
    Don't know if you can still get onto Hindmarsh Island, if yes, worth the
    visit. leave the bike at the carpark right at the end and walk out to the
    tip, you can see the mouth of the Murray, waterbirds putting on a show.
    Around the tip of Fleurieu Peninsula to McLaren Vale.
    Adelaide: mail Stef for deatils, he's "pegged" around Adelaide for some
    time, knows some good stuff.
    Hahndorf, Loebethal, Adelaide Hills...

    glitch1, Nov 13, 2003
  9. Jules

    barry taylor Guest

    : > Check Tower Hill just west of Warrnambool.
    : >
    : > Go down to Portland, take C192 to Mt Gambier - fast, few cars/cops.
    : >
    : > Take B191 Millicent->Beachport->Robe->Kingston SE
    : ****************************
    : >
    : > Take B45 at Wellington, through Langhorne Creek, McLaren Vale.[1]
    : ****************************
    : Or use the free of charge ferries to keep going south from Langhorn Creek
    : Milang, then a bit of dirt to Finniss, south again to Goolwa and Victor
    : Harbour.
    : Don't know if you can still get onto Hindmarsh Island, if yes, worth the
    : visit. leave the bike at the carpark right at the end and walk out to the
    : tip, you can see the mouth of the Murray, waterbirds putting on a show.

    you're getting confused with Granite Island - which is at Victor Harbor

    Hindmarsh Island is now accessed by a bridge across the Murray at Goolwa -
    but still worth a visit, especially if you wander out to the barrages

    a friendly growl from the bear on the old V Twin

    [glasses on; gloves on; pick up helmet; gloves off, glasses off;
    helmet on; glasses on; gloves on, remember to do up helmet;
    gloves off; do up helmet; gloves on; key; key?; gloves off;
    find key; gloves on; insert key in ignition; fugginhell !
    bike is still in Stawell.......... gloves off; glasses off;
    helmet off; glasses on; throw gloves in corner of shed; FARKKKKK!]
    __ __ __ _ __
    /__/ / /__/ /_ /_\ /_ /
    /_ / _ / /__/ /__ / \ / \ ....CX500EC

    barry j taylor < >
    ICQ# 21309897: Ulysses #25871: netrider #549
    Yahoo: taylorbj2000
    AIM: ursus australis
    barry taylor, Nov 13, 2003
  10. Jules

    glitch1 Guest

    that's the one, tks
    glitch1, Nov 13, 2003
  11. Jules

    Stef Guest

    There's not much in the way of twisties between there and Adelaide.
    However, the general route along the Limestone Coast is scenic and
    generally sweepy. If really keen, lower your tyre pressure and try
    your sand riding skills on Long Beach - just near Robe.

    As for the Adelaide Hills- where to start?!? Norton Summit, Marble
    Hill, all around Lobethal. MUST DO is The Gorge. The list goes on,
    just ride!! Down the peninsula - head out down the Fwy, exit at
    Stirling and follow the signs to Strathalbyn, then down towards Cape
    Jervis. For a fast run, try the road from Delamere. Non-stop left,
    right 90km/h corners... the old CBR1000 sat well on 180km/h around

    Have fun,
    Stef, Nov 14, 2003
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